Thursday, April 30, 2015
Cyndi Lauper goes to Capitol Hill for LGBT Homeless Youth
Instead of showing her crotch or kissing the hot new thing on stage, Cyndi Lauper has been putting her stardom to good use. For many years now, Cyndi has been a fierce advocate for LGBT homeless youth.
Yesterday, Cyndi went to Capitol Hill to talk about homeless youth. She also talked with Senator Susan Collins about LGBT youth being turned away from shelters, especially the Trans youth.
Here's more
Ms. Collins said that could be fixed by requiring shelters that received federal aid to adhere to a nondiscrimination policy, which was a provision in a bill to reauthorize the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act, which expired in 2013. It fell four votes short of the 60-vote threshold for passage as an amendment to a contentious human-trafficking bill.
The problem, Ms. Collins said, was “confusion” over parts of the amendment, including a measure misinterpreted as a restriction on faith-based organizations’ ability to show preference in hiring those of their own faith. Ms. Collins pointed out that the Justice Department already provided that protection. She said she hoped to clarify that when and take another crack at passing the measure she originally introduced.
“Well, when will that be, do you think?” Ms. Lauper asked.
“I don’t know exactly,” Ms. Collins said.
“Then what should we do?” Ms. Lauper said.
Keep pushing, Ms. Collins responded. But she has yet to discuss another effort to reauthorize the legislation, either as a stand-alone bill or an amendment, with Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky.
“Who is that guy?” Ms. Lauper asked.
“He is the majority leader,” Ms. Collins said. “He decides what comes to the floor.”
I applaud Cyndi for doing this. Our youth need a champion and I think she is that person.
Interesting Quote: Justice Ginsburg
[Same-sex couples] wouldn’t be asking for this relief if the law of marriage was what it was a millennium ago. I mean, it wasn’t possible. Same-sex unions would not have opted into the pattern of marriage, which was a relationship, a dominant and a subordinate relationship. Yes, it was marriage between a man and a woman, but the man decided where the couple would be domiciled; it was her obligation to follow him. There was a change in the institution of marriage to make it egalitarian when it wasn’t egalitarian. And same-sex unions wouldn’t — wouldn’t fit into what marriage was once.
Justice Ginsburg goes in on the case against gay marriage.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Rand Paul's Son Arrested
A week ago, Rand Paul's 22-year-old son was charged with DUI after crashing his truck in a parking lot.
William Paul was being a good ole boy, revving his engine and then, CRASH! Luckily, no one was seriously injured.
This is William's third time, BTW.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch's statement regarding Same-Sex Marriage
“I am committed – as is this department – to ensuring equal dignity and equal treatment for all members of society, regardless of sexual orientation. As we argued today before the Supreme Court, same-sex couples deserve that treatment now. ”
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Interesting Quote: Jonathan Groff
For me, the ongoing discussion about representation and if the show is doing a good or bad job of that was further reason to keep the show going. Obviously these were issues people felt passionate about and stirred up a lot of conversation, and that was really exciting to me, and it further proved the point that having a show like this on the air is really important.
It also taught me something I didn’t know about the gay community: We’ve reached a point now where the gay community is so broad, in its ages, its feelings and its stories. It’s now a teenage boy bringing his boyfriend to the prom, as much as it is a 55-year-old man. Literally, a 55-year-old man came up to me at the stage door three weeks ago to tell me that Looking is saving his life and he’s thinking now about coming out of the closet. There’s such a broad range of experiences, and the gay community is in such an interesting place, where we’re so multifaceted and multidimensional.
To me, the response to the show demonstrated that there’s so little gay programming and so many gay stories, so a lot of people wanted it to be their story. Hopefully one thing that’ll come from the show is that more people will feel inspired to share their stories.”
Jonathan Groff, on how he handled the gay community’s criticism of ‘Looking’
Monday, April 27, 2015
Steven Hotze: Marriage Equality Would 'Criminalize Christianity'
Texas own, Steven Hotze speaks at Janet Porter's "Restrain the Judges" press conference in front of the Supreme Court today. They are trying to scare folks about gay marriage, which should be the law of the land tomorrow.
Chris Evans gets Ready to film Captain America 3
Dear beard
We had a good run, but this is where I leave you. Thank you for braving the Boston winter with me. I miss you already #Cap3Begins
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) April 27, 2015
Happy Birthday to Coretta Scott King
She was a mother, a leader, the heart and soul of the Civil Rights movement.
Let's take a moment to cherish her work, especially her strong support for LGBT rights.
Let's take a moment to cherish her work, especially her strong support for LGBT rights.
Gay Hoteliers who Hosted a Ted Cruz Fundraiser, didn't know he was Anti-Gay
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Ian and Mati |
Hoteliers Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass are pieces of work.
These rich fools held a fundraiser for Ted Cruz last week. Yes, they did. These gay men had a fundraiser for Ted ASS Cruz! Well, you know the community were highly pissed about it. Several groups, like the New York Gay Men's Choir and Broadway Cares has pulled out or cancelled fundraisers in their facilities because of this.
But the funny thing about all of this foolishness is their responses.
Mati claims they were trying to have a dialogue with Cruz, and Ian... Lord, this fool claims he knew nothing about Ted Cruz anti-gay drama.
On his Facebook post, Ian wrote:
I am shaken to my bones by the e-mails, texts, postings and phone calls of the past few days. I made a terrible mistake....
Posted by Ian Reisner on Sunday, April 26, 2015
Girl... Girl... Bye!
Laverne Cox on Bruce Jenner
"I spoke to Bruce today, and they were really pleased with the way things went last night. I think a lot of people tuned in expecting to see a spectacle, and they tuned in and saw a profoundly nuanced, complicated, beautiful human being. I thought ABC handled it really beautifully... I had spoken to Bruce several months back, and the same person I had spoken to on the phone, who really just loves their children so much and wants their family to be happy, was the person I saw on television last night."
See for yourself
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
First Look at Jared Leto as The Joker
In the next DC Comics film, Suicide Squad, a new Joker has ben crowned.
Jared Leto is the next actor to be the Batman villain. In this pic, he's taking a different approach to the character.
Very creepy
Jared Leto is the next actor to be the Batman villain. In this pic, he's taking a different approach to the character.
Very creepy
Friday, April 24, 2015
Check Out Mattel's Special Edition Ava DuVernay Barbie Doll
How cool is this?
Selma director Ava DuVernay was just elected as one of six “Sheroes” by Mattel. But what does that mean? Well, she gets a Barbie doll version of herself!
I love it.
My 1 Cent on The Prancing Elites Project
So, I was watching the new auction oxygen to show, The Prancing Elites Project and I have to say I was a little concerned at first, because it could go in so many directions.
Now, if you don't know about the series just watched a clip here
I watched the first episode and I was a bit shaky about it. They faced the worst of the worst down in Alabama. And they are products of that deep south life. I cringed when they wasn't aware of certain things that most folks are aware of. I get that everyone isn't college educated or cultured, but I was bothered by their 'unawareness' of stuff.
However, in all, I really applaud their bravery. I applaud them for being real and being themselves. But I wonder if this show will portray them in a positive light. Reality shows have a tendency of going in opposite and negative places. If mishandled, it could play on stereotypes about Black gay and trans men. Again, there's so many things that worries me about the show, but I will kept watching. I want to support them and I hope this series truly tell they stories.
Watch Daredevil, folks!
Have you watched Daredevil on Netflix?
OMG, I love the series. It's dark, rough and sexy. And speaking of sexy, Charlie Cox... Oh man, he is so cute! I haven't really seen him in much, but now I am like watching everything with him in it.
The rest of the cast is so good, as well. It's really amazing what they have accomplished in this series. I wish Arrow would bring it like DD, but I'll just leave that alone for now. I'm telling you to check out the series, the great cast and the great story. I think you will enjoy it.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
U.S. Senate Confirms Loretta Lynch for Attorney General
The U.S. Senate votes to confirm Loretta Lynch as the first African-American woman U.S. Attorney General.
It took 5 months for this, but thank goodness they moved forward.
61% of Americans support Marriage Equality
The Washington Post's new poll shows new growth and support for marriage equality.
It's a slight change from the last time, but it's steady moving up!
READ Bobby Jindal's Op Ed: I’m Holding Firm Against Gay Marriage
From the NYT
THE debate over religious liberty in America presents conservatives and business leaders with a crucial choice.
In Indiana and Arkansas, large corporations recently joined left-wing activists to bully elected officials into backing away from strong protections for religious liberty. It was disappointing to see conservative leaders so hastily retreat on legislation that would simply allow for an individual or business to claim a right to free exercise of religion in a court of law.
Our country was founded on the principle of religious liberty, enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Why shouldn’t an individual or business have the right to cite, in a court proceeding, religious liberty as a reason for not participating in a same-sex marriage ceremony that violates a sincerely held religious belief?
That is what Indiana and Arkansas sought to do. That political leaders in both states quickly cowered amid the shrieks of big business and the radical left should alarm us all.
As the fight for religious liberty moves to Louisiana, I have a clear message for any corporation that contemplates bullying our state: Save your breath.
Read the rest after the jump
Oprah interviews Transgender writer and TV host Janet Mock
Pinches self! This is the interview I've been dreaming of... Oprah Winfrey interviewed me about Redefining Realness on...
Posted by Janet Mock on Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Amy Schumer pulls a Red Carpet Stunt on Kanye West and Kim Kardashian
Amy Schumer gave Kanye West and Kim Kardashian the attention they deserved. Last night, on the red carpet of Time's 100 most influential gala, Amy pulled a funny stunt on the most overrated couple.
TMZ reports
Amy went for a quick laugh Tuesday night as Kimye cruised into the event -- faking a fall right in front of them as they posed for pics. Now, every comic knows a good pratfall gets a laugh every time ... UNLESS you're playing to an audience of 2 who ain't having it one bit.I love it and I think it's perfect! Go Amy!
Yeezy and KK's faces said it all ... 100% pure unimpressed shade.
Dieseltec Owner Brian Klawiter claims his shop was Vandalized
Poor Brian Klawiter...
Since his plan to raise money from declaring his hate for gays fell apart, Brian is trying something new... vandalism.
Now, he claims that gays are vandalizing his shop. As you can see, someone spray-painted his place with a few things.
Response to posts below along with the pics: Well, folks, as we predicted, it didn't take long for the ugly face of...
Posted by Dieseltec on Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Girl, bye.
Confession... I have a crush on Andy Cohen
Andy is the head honcho over at BRAVO. He can be messy, but I find him to be sexy.
Am I alone on this?
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Trans Man leads the Men's Health Cover Contest
Aydian Dowling is in the lead to be the 2015 Men Health's cover model! Not too long ago, he was inching up to the top ten, now he's 30,000 votes ahead of the rest.
If he wins the contest, he will be the first trans guy to cover a major men's magazine. Let's hope Aydian moves forward.
Iceman comes out in All New X-Men #40
In All New X-Men #40, coming out this Wednesday, we learn that Iceman is gay!
See here
If you don't read the comic, the original X-Men travel back from time to the 21st century. Some of them are alive to see their future selves. Bobby/Iceman has met his future self, but had no idea this was coming... or did he?
See here
If you don't read the comic, the original X-Men travel back from time to the 21st century. Some of them are alive to see their future selves. Bobby/Iceman has met his future self, but had no idea this was coming... or did he?
Koch Brothers chooses Scott Walker as their GOP Fave
Well, the Koch Brothers have found their golden child. While they are not fully endorsing anyone, they have noted that this guy is their favorite.
That guy is Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Surprised? Yes and no.
I thought they would have found someone we haven't talked about recently. Someone who's CLEAN, free from scandal and silly statements. Also, I thought they would be daring and go for Marco Rubio or someone of color. You know, completely shake it up and taunt their 'Kingmaker' cred, but nope, they picked Dummy Smurf as their GOP Master of the Universe.
During last night's fund-raising event for the New York State Republican Party, David Koch teased about Scott getting the nomination and how he should be the one. Scott was reportedly modest about the praise, but it must've felt good to have the Kings of White Privilege crown you.
But please keep in mind that none of Koch's favorites make it to the top.
Monday, April 20, 2015
In Pennsylvania: High School Students creates “Anti-Gay Day”
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via Buzzfeed |
So... Teens...
Last Friday, these boys from McGuffey High School got together and created “Anti-Gay Day”. They wore flannel shirts and wrote Anti-Gay on their hands. These delinquents also harassed and targeted gay students throughout the day.
Some students believe these boys created this day in response to the Day of Silence. The students who were involved in this mess are being investigated for this foolishness and parents are not happy about their homophobic actions.
What bothers me is how these boys thought it would be cool and acceptable to do this. They planned this, they sat down and planned this. Somebody should be looking at their reasons for doing this and why they felt comfortable being harassers and somewhat dangerous. I feel like these boys are harboring some dark feelings to show up at school with the intention to spread hate and discord. There's seriously something wrong here.
Interesting Quote: Giorgio Armani
"A homosexual man is a man 100%. He does not need to dress homosexual. When homosexuality is exhibited to the extreme - to say, 'Ah, you know I'm homosexual,' - that has nothing to do with me. A man has to be a man. I don't like muscle boy. Not too much gym. I like somebody healthy, somebody solid, who looks after his body but doesn't use his muscles too much."
100 Scholars submit Anti-Gay Marriage Brief to SCOTUS
For awhile now, crackheads are filing briefs to SCOTUS , hoping to stop the gay marriage ruling. A lot of these briefs are garbage and ashes, just like this one here.
100 Scholars filed the latest brief. This document of mess cites Mark Regnerus, who's been discredited several times and the writer is from the Heritage Foundation. Then, if you look into the 'Scholars', most of them come from religious schools and have no real educational accreditation to save their lives. Basically, these scholars are nobodies in the academic world, so why would SCOTUS pay them any attention?
Plus, the info they're using is pointless and holds no legal weight at all. In fact, why even submit this garbage in the first place. Chile, if you're trying fight in a war, you're not going to win with paper guns and jello bullets. It's so ridic they're using this mess to justify their position. How dumb do they think we are?
Read the brief here
100 Scholars filed the latest brief. This document of mess cites Mark Regnerus, who's been discredited several times and the writer is from the Heritage Foundation. Then, if you look into the 'Scholars', most of them come from religious schools and have no real educational accreditation to save their lives. Basically, these scholars are nobodies in the academic world, so why would SCOTUS pay them any attention?
Plus, the info they're using is pointless and holds no legal weight at all. In fact, why even submit this garbage in the first place. Chile, if you're trying fight in a war, you're not going to win with paper guns and jello bullets. It's so ridic they're using this mess to justify their position. How dumb do they think we are?
Read the brief here
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
The Bill to make The Bible the Official Book of Tennessee Fails
So, I told y'all about the lawmakers who wanted the Bible to be the official book in my home state of Tennessee. The House voted yes, but THANK GOD, the Senate said no.
The Senate voted 22-9 on the dumb measure, pretty much killing the bill a mere 24 hours after the crackheads in the House sent it to them.
Gov. Bill Haslam and Attorney General Herbert Slatery basically said, "This bill is crazy" and completely opposed it. AG Slatery believes the bill violates the state and federal constitutions.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Anti-Gay Owner of DieselTec doesn't have a Business License
Brian Klawiter is full of crap!
I just learned that his anti-gay business owner, DieselTec, doesn't have a business license! No license to function! Brian told the City Council of Grandville that requiring a license violates his constitutional rights because it gives city inspectors the ability to enter his property without a warrant.
Lord, this man's a joke. Here's more:
"This is a blatant and intentioned violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution," Klawiter told the council on Jan. 26. "I dispute your lawful ability to do what you claim. I will not sign the application. I cannot and will not give up my civil rights, especially when requested by a government entity for which the Constitution was designed to limit the power of.
"Would you sign something giving me the right to search your home as I pleased?"
It came to the city's attention last year that Dieseltec lacks a city business license, City Clerk Mary Meines said. Grandville requires businesses to pay a $100 licensing fee, with no cost for annual renewals.
The licensing process requires applicants to share contact information and details about the business premises, such as alarm system information. A city licensing ordinance states that inspectors have the right to enter a licensed building without a warrant.
Grandville notified Dieseltec that it needs to get licensed, prompting Klawiter to attend the meeting at which he objected to the licensing.
"We don't usually run into this," Meines said. "Usually they're cooperative and do it.
"We've sent him all the paperwork and all the forms. It's really in his court to come in and take it out. We'll have to decide what way to go if he doesn't."
Check out this awesome Video that explains Cultural Appropriation
16-year-old actress Amandla Stenberg (Rue from The Hunger Games) created this powerful video about Cultural Appropriation. It's so refreshing to see the young folk so aware of the world.
The Truth about DieselTec
Yesterday, Brian Klawier went on Facebook to shout across the land that he will not service gays. Then, he later claimed he was threatened and ridiculed from pro-gay folks. Suddenly, his business had a GoFundMe page, that was later removed by GoFundMe.
It's so amazing to see how these faux Christians cry wolf at a drop of a hat for the all mighty dollar. I mean, it was very clear what he was doing. This DieselTec is in the middle of nowhere. What compelled him to speak out like that?
I can tell you... Greed. Yes, folks, greed was the main reason why he needed to confess his love for Jesus and shit on us. Funny, how the conservatives thought they were helping some hillbilly pizza place only to create more corrupt 'Christians'. It's almost sad in a way. Seeing the power of greed, the sinful power of greed. It's so sleek by design, that these folks would pimp out their religion for profit.
No wonder why greed is one of the seven deadly sins.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Car Shop Owner will Deny service to Gays, I smell a GoFundMe Campaign
So, the Memories Pizza tactic has starting trend. Since they made money for their backward thinking, Brian Klawiter, the owner of Dieseltec on Ottawa Avenue in Grandville, may be doing the same thing.
This fool posted this on Facebook
Listen up folks, If you have an opposing view to mine that IS OK, what is NOT OK is threats to kill me, my family, and...
Posted by Dieseltec on Thursday, April 16, 2015
Here's a news piece about it as well.
But, here's the thing Brian, we see you. You're doing this to stir up some business. Talking about being white and God is just a way for you to appeal to the hearts (and pockets) of bigots and organizations like NOM and FRC.
You're not making a stand, you're trying to make some money. Why would you even put yourself out there like that?
Brian, you ain't slick. We know this. This isn't about God or your rights, it's about greed, one of the 7 deadly sins.
In Tennessee: House votes Bible as Official State Book
Tennessee, ready?
The Tennessee House of Representatives voted the Bible to be the official book of the state. Yep, these fools think it's important to make the Bible legit, even though it may be unconstitutional.
Here's more of this mess:
Despite questions of constitutionality, lawmakers beat back an attempt to make Andrew Jackson's Bible the official book and voted 55-38 in favor of Rep. Jerry Sexton's original bill.Hopefully, the governor will veto this crap.
"History's going to tell us where we stand on this. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to have the side that I'm on," said Sexton, R-Bean Station, after the vote.
"It may be kind to me in the future and it may not be kind, and that's OK. I made a decision for today and I feel good about it."
Although a GOP-led effort, House Speaker Beth Harwell, R-Nashville, was one of 20 Republicans to vote against the measure. House Minority Leader Craig Fitzhugh, D-Ripley, and four Republicans abstained. Only six Democrats voted in favor of the bill.
Rep. John Ragan, R-Oak Ridge, suggested making Jackson's Bible the official state book. He thought the move would have shifted the bill into safer legal waters, noting Attorney General Herbert Slatery's opinion that making the Bible the official state book would violate the state and federal constitutions. Reps. Matthew and Timothy Hill, brothers and Republicans, questioned why Ragan chose Jackson's Bible. Matthew Hill asked why not Elvis' Bible; Timothy Hill asked why not consider Davy Crockett's Bible.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Help Get this Sexy TransMan on the Cover of Men's Health Magazine!
I have written about Aydian Dowling awhile back when he copied Adam Levine's sexy pic.
Now, he has a chance to be the Men's Health Cover Model! He has climbed the charts and Aydian's so close to being in the top ten!
I think this is so cool and exciting. Check out his video for more details about Aydian.
Now, he has a chance to be the Men's Health Cover Model! He has climbed the charts and Aydian's so close to being in the top ten!
I think this is so cool and exciting. Check out his video for more details about Aydian.
Hillary Clinton wants SCOTUS to Rule in Favor for Marriage Equality
Hillary Clinton has voiced her support for the Supreme Court to rule in favor marriage equality. Campaign spokesperson, Adrienne Elrod, said that Hillary believes same-sex couples should have the constitutional right to marry in this country.
Adrienne said this to Washington Blade
“Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right.”Well alright, she's putting the cards on the table. Go Hill-Hill.
Really? Bottom For Hillary?
From their site:
We are small but powerful group that encourages Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016. We recognize the unbelievable force that is Hillary Clinton. So much so, that we admit that we would willingly bottom for her. It does not matter if you usually bottom, or if you usually top but can't resist the Clinton. She is a bad ass bitch. She is the head bitch in charge. She is the Ma'damnnnnn President. Ideally we would be bottoming for her as we were voting for her. We will display our love for Hillary but informing the world of our desire to bottom for her. Buy a shirt, have no shame, and vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016.So is this what we are doing now for attention?
I'm sorry, maybe I'm old, but I find this to be so tacky and 10th grade realness. This is not the gay vote to promote or even talk about. Hell, why am I talking about this? This 'campaign' is not helpful or encouraging, it's completely silly.
Hopefully, it will sashay away soon.
Interesting Quote: Marco Rubio
Well, to be fair, I haven't read the change in detail to give you an opinion on it specifically, but I'll tell you where I stand. I don't believe you can discriminate against people. So I don't believe it's right for a florist to say, I'm not going to provide you flowers because you're gay. I think there's a difference between not providing services to a person because of their identity, who they are or who they love, and saying, I'm not going to participate in an event, a same-sex wedding, because that violates my religious beliefs. There's a distinction between those two things. So, certainly, you can't not — it's immoral and wrong to say, I'm not going to allow someone who's gay or lesbian to use my restaurant, stay in my hotel, or provide photography service to them because they're gay. The difference here is, we're not talking about discriminating against a person because of who they are, we're talking about someone who's saying — what I'm talking about, anyway, is someone who's saying, I just don't want to participate as a vendor for an event, a specific event that violates the tenets of my faith.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Interesting Quote: Chris Christie
"I wasn’t ready. And in the end, remember something: Everything that everybody said back in 2011 about me running in 2012 was all theoretical. It was all based on the inherent assumption of ‘He’ll do well if he performs well.’ Well, that second part of the sentence is really important. The only way you’re going to perform well is if you believe in your heart that you’re ready to be president. And I didn’t. And so there was no way I would have won in 2012. I wouldn’t have, because I wasn’t ready.”
WATCH New Jersey Senator Cory Booker's powerful speech for Marriage Equality
It's long, but worth it
Hillary, Make Cory Booker your Running Mate!
Hillary, if you want to win, win... Get Cory Booker on your team! In fact, make him your VP candidate!
New Poll shows Folks in Indiana are not Happy about RFRA
After all of the drama and foolishness, the people of Indiana have spoken... They're not here for RFRA.
Buzzfeed sheds the light of this poll:
A poll released Monday by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research found that 85% of Hoosiers say business owners should not be allowed to turn away a customer based on sexual orientation or gender identity, even if an owner says homosexuality violates their religious beliefs. Just 12% said a business should be allowed to turn away customers due to religion — 3% did not know or refused to answer.
Gov. Mike Pence had signed a religious freedom law amid furor on April 2.
“Pence and his supporters in the legislature may have imagined this issue energizing their base without any real collateral impact outside of a minority of LGBT activists,” says a polling memo issued by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. “They could not have been more wrong.”
At issue was a Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which LGBT advocates said could be used by businesses to turn away clients. After an outcry and a plea from Pence to “fix” the bill, legislators approved an amendment that said the law could not be raised as a defense in discrimination cases.
Even despite those revisions, the pollsters found 53% of voters have an unfavorable view of Pence for signing it into law, compared with 38% who had a favorable impression of him approving the law. Meanwhile, 75% of voters said the law and the controversy around it was bad for business.
Overall, the poll also found Pence had a 39% favorability rating to 38% unfavorability rating.
The poll was conducted from April 7–9.
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.