Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Pacific Justice Institute is trying to Force Jerry Brown and Gov. Schwarzenegger to defend Prop 8

These legal group are silly. The Pacific Justice Institute believe that Jerry Brown and Gov. Schwarzenegger should defend Prop 8.
In fact, these doorknobs are suing them to do so.
The Pacific Justice Institute petitioned the 3rd District Court of Appeal in Sacramento on Monday for an emergency order that would require the two officials to appeal a ruling that overturned Proposition 8.Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker struck down the voter-approved measure as unconstitutional last month.
Its sponsors have appealed. But doubts have been raised about whether they have authority to do so because as ordinary citizens they are not responsible for enforcing marriage laws.
The state has until Sept. 11 to challenge Walker's ruling in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Both Brown and Schwarzenegger, who also refused to support Proposition 8 in Walker's court, have said they do not plan to.
The institute is arguing that as the state's chief law enforcement officer, Brown does not have discretion to defend only laws with which he personally agrees.
These haters won't quit. Also on a side note, these are fools who tried to go after Halloween and Harry Potter... It's a shame, really.
Fidel Castro takes responsibility for the persecution of Gays in Cuba in the 1960

Fidel Castro has admitted that he is to blame for the persecution of Gays in Cuba in the 1960s, calling it "a great injustice."
- Who, then, was directly or indirectly responsible for not putting a stop to what was happening in Cuban society? The Party? Because the Communist Party of Cuba still does not 'explicitly' ban discrimination based on sexual orientation.
- No - says Fidel - If someone is responsible, it's me...
"It is true that at the time I could not take care of that issue... I found myself immersed, primarily, in the October Crisis [as the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 is known in the island], in war, on political matters..."
- But this became a serious and grave political problem, Comandante.
- Understood, understood ... We didn't know how to give it value ... systematic sabotages, armed attacks were happening all the time; we had so many problems, some terrible, problems of life or death - you know? - at we did not give it enough attention.
Please check out Andrés's blog for more info
New Pics: Wonder Woman from the "DC Universe Online"

The first project out of Sony Online's Austin studio, this action-based MMO explores the various worlds of DC Comics' superheroes and villains. Key collaborators include comic veterans Jim Lee (who serves as the game's Executive Creative Director), Ale Garza, Carlos D'Anda, and Scott Iwahashi, in addition to EverQuest developers, Chris Cao and Shawn Lord.source
A massively-multiplayer experience, DC Universe Online brings high-energy action to the forefront with a combat system designed to deliver a fast-paced action experience with the extraordinary powers of your personally created heroes and villains at your disposal. Battle with or against their favorite DC Super Heroes and Villains including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and The Joker. For the very first time, players and fans will be able to enter this fabled world as an active force for good or evil.
Ghostbusters 3 News

I found some Ghostbusters info for y'all.
It appears that the little baby from GB 2 will be a Ghost buster.
Bloody Disgusting has the story:
Much like Steven Spielberg did with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (where Mutt Williams is Indy and Marion's love-child), Ivan Reitman is looking to kick-start a new franchise with a ghost bustin' love-child of their own.Interesting... I keep y'all posted.
Early word from an insider is that the (hinted at) love affair between Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) and Dana Barrett (Sigourney Weaver) has a much bigger impact on the franchise than just an angry Vigo (Wilhelm von Homburg).
From what we're told, it will be revealed that Dana's son Oscar is in fact Peter's child as well. Furthermore, Oscar is now 21-ish and ready to take the reigns of his father's ghost busting business!
It's an important plot point as it gives a lot of weight to the actual story, and takes it from being "just another sequel" to having a real purpose (so long as they don't pull an Indiana Jones IV).
In addition to the four Ghost Busters, Rick Moranis (who will be coming out of retirement for this) and Sigourney Weaver are expected to return as well. Still no word on how close the film is to actually going into production, but word has it things are actually progressing nicely (contrary to what Murray is saying).
Newsweek Poll shows that Most of the GOP are Idiots

These poor people are uber-ridic. The majority of the GOP believe that President Barack Obama "sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic law around the world."
See a piece right here:
A full 14 percent of Republicans said that it was "definitely true" that Obama sympathized with the fundamentalists and wanted to impose Islamic law across the globe. An additional 38 percent said that it was probably true -- bringing the total percentage of believers to 52 percent. Only 33 percent of Republicans said that the "allegation" (as Newsweek put it) was "probably not true." Seven percent said it was "definitely not true." The rest (eight percent) either didn't know the answer or didn't read the question.And
Fifty-nine percent of Republicans, for instance, said they believed the president favored "the interests of Muslims over other groups of Americans," while only 34 percent of said he had been "generally even handed" in his approach. In contrast, nine percent of Democrats said Obama favored "the interests of Muslims over other groups of Americans" while 82 percent of Democrats said he had been even-handed.
Who are these people? I feel like these people are not real. How can anyone be so lost? Goddess, what happened to our education system? Or better yet, what happened to common sense?
Anti-Gay and All Around Fool, Pastor Bill Keller wants a "9-11 Christian Center" at Ground Zero

The fools are on tap about this Mosque issue.
Super Bigot, Pastor Bill Keller wants a Christian Center at Ground Zero.
This is what he had to say from his site:
How do you battle the darkness? With the LIGHT! I watched in disbelief aHis site is full mess and he is determined to push this forward. If you want, just take a look at his crap. He is disgusting.
few weeks ago as they announced the Muslims would be building a $110 million
mosque just a few blocks from where their Muslim brothers perpetrated the
greatest act of terror on US soil in history, deliberately flying planes
into the World Trade Center towers, knocking them down and killing 3,000
innocent souls in the process. The gall, the arrogance, the audacity of
this false relgion of violence, hate, and death to build their temple to
satan just blocks from that hallowed ground.
Islam is a 1400-year-old lie from hell, dreamed up by Mohammed after being
visited by angels of satan in his sleep. "Allah" is an imaginary god that is
actually a black rock and is NOT the God of the Bible! Islam has advanced
this false relgion for 1400 years through violence, hatred, and death. The
greatest difference between Christianity and Islam is that you are born into
Islam, or threatened with death to become a Muslim. You become a Christian
by making the free-will choice to accept Jesus Christ by faith!
After I got over being angry, I got on my knees in prayer. I knew God was
calling me to do something, but what? After many hours, I realized it would
not be another "big event," that just hours after it was over people would
be back to their lives and nothing would have been accomplished. We have
all been to and seen "big events," and nothing ever changes. No, this had
to be more than an event, but an ongoing mission to combat this new evil
being constructed near ground zero which would bring people the Truth of
God's Word and the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
I am excited to announce today the birth of the "9-11 Christian Center at
Ground Zero" on Sunday, September 5th. The mission is simple. Have a place
at ground zero where people can come to hear the real uncompromised Truth
right from God's Word, and find the only true hope there is, faith in Jesus
Christ!!! We will combat the lies of this world and Islam with the TRUTH.
We will combat the hatred of this world and Islam with LOVE. We will combat
the violence of this world and Islam with PEACE. Finally, we will combat
eternal death this world and Islam brings with LIFE EVERLASTING!!!
Interesting Quote: Gov. Rick Perry

"There is still a land of opportunity, friends — it's called Texas. We're creating more jobs than any other state in the nation. ... Would you rather live in a state like this, or in a state where a man can marry a man?"
Monday, August 30, 2010
Diva (Emmys) Moment.... Temple Grandin

The real winner of the Emmys was Temple Grandin.
Her story is purely wonderful and the movie was superb. Seeing this film and the actors get their Emmys was really refreshing.
Claire did such a great job as Temple; and it was good to see the real Temple at the Emmys.
Fight Back NY comes for Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr.

Fight Back NY is in attack mode and they're coming for Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr.
This man is fierce hater on gay rights and has led many battles against the New York LGBT community. Now, Fight Back NY has their weapons ready; starting with a top 10 list of Ruben's ugly past and dealings.
"10 Truths About Ruben"
- Ruben Diaz was investigated by the FBI
- He was arrested for possession of heroin and marijuana
- Ruben Diaz was only member of the New York Senate to vote against the ethics reform bill
- He was the only Democrat in the New York Senate to vote to shut down the state government
- Ruben Diaz refused to meet with his own constituents
- He compared the use of stem cells for medical research to the Nazis using “the ashes of the Jews to make bars of soap.”
- Ruben Diaz appropriated monies totaling $250,000 to an organization he founded, the Christian Community Benevolent Association
- He also appropriated monies totaling $1,120,000 to the Hispanic Federation, of which the Christian Community Benevolent Association is a part (see #7)
- Ruben Diaz defended former Sen. Hiram Monserrate, who was expelled from the Senate due to a conviction for misdemeanor assault against his girlfriend
- Ruben Diaz and three other Democrats refused to support the Majority Leader, only to change their minds after he "offered them perks and committee chairmanships."
Florida Gov. Charlie Crist Double Dutch on Federal Marriage Amendment
Hours later from that interview, he said this:
“In an interview that aired today, I was not discussing an amendment to the U.S.Constitution banning same-sex marriage, which I do not support, but rather reaffirming my position regarding Florida’s constitutional ban that I articulated while running for Governor. In fact, the interviewer’s question reflected just that. I am fully supportive of civil unions and will continue to be as a United States Senator, but believe marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman.”I guess his sideline ho "text" him to clarify that statement.
My Top 5 Haunted House Movies
Lucky for us, we never found one. But these flicks kept inspiring me to find a house of ghouls... You know, I probably needed therapy as a child.
But anywho, here are my top 5 inspiring haunted house movies
Burnt Offerings - love the voice of the announcer
The Amityville Horror - I actually went to the house
The Shining
The Hearse - so creepy
The New Season of Doctor Who will be Split in Two Parts
Listen here
A future site of a Mosque was set on fire in Tennessee

Why are they clowning in my home state?
In Murfreesboro, Tennessee, someone set the Mosque's site ground on fire.
This is a mess. I hope they find the fools who did this."The evidence is being analyzed to see what the origin of the fire was," Keith Moses, an assistant special agent with the FBI in Nashville, told CNN Sunday. "We have to follow the facts."
The fire, which struck early Saturday morning at the future site of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, is under investigation by the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office.
The fire consumed an earth mover and damaged three other vehicles, according to Camie Ayash, a spokesperson for the mosque. Ayash said that the Mufreesboro Fire Department told her that the vehicles had been doused with an accelerant.
Accelerants are substances that help start or spread fires.
A call to the Mufreesboro Fire Department on Sunday evening was not answered.
"It really put fear into the community," Ayash said.
"Our children are heartbroken," she said. "When we broke ground a few weeks ago, they could see the new Islamic center as something that was tangible, something that was going to happen."
"Now someone had so much hatred to rip the joy out of their hearts," she said.
Interesting Quote: James Cameron

You've got to remember: I worked on Piranha 2 for a few days and got fired off of it; I don't put it on my official filmography. So there's no sort of fond connection for me whatsoever. In fact, I would go even farther and say that... I tend almost never to throw other films under the bus, but that is exactly an example of what we should not be doing in 3-D. Because it just cheapens the medium and reminds you of the bad 3-D horror films from the 70s and 80s, like Friday the 13th 3-D. When movies got to the bottom of the barrel of their creativity and at the last gasp of their financial lifespan, they did a 3-D version to get the last few drops of blood out of the turnip. And that's not what's happening now with 3-D. It is a renaissance-right now the biggest and the best films are being made in 3-D. Martin Scorsese is making a film in 3-D. Disney's biggest film of the year-Tron: Legacy-is coming out in 3-D. So it's a whole new ballgame.
It's interesting to hear him hate on Piranha 3D. Avatar is the biggest gimmick there is.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Florida Gov. Charlie Crist Will Support a Federal Marriage Amendment

What a fool. Today on CNN, Charlie Crist said he will support a Federal Marriage Amendment.
Here's the stuff:
Crist has been more consistent on the issue of same-sex marriage. The Senate candidate supports a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, but said he is tolerant of gay and lesbian couples.
"When it comes to marriage, I think it is a sacred institution, I believe it is between a man and a woman," Crist said, "but partners living together, you know, I don't have a problem with it."
"It's just how I feel," he added.
Sorry, Charlie, wrong answer. You need to remember you are on your own. If you would have played your cards right, you could have gain the LGBT vote. But I guess your not ready to come out yet.
Interesting Quote: Roy Ashburn

“I'm pleased for him, because knowing what I've been through in trying to keep a secret for so many years and in trying to hide my secret, doing things that were hurtful to gay people, coming to the realization that you can actually admit who you truly are, and to stop the hiding and the actions around that which are hurtful … I mean that's a big breakthrough and I'm happy for him.”
Roy speaking about Ken Mehlman. Two peas in a pod, eh.
Hey Kids, You can be Lady Gaga for Halloween
Now, girls and boys can look like their pre-icon, Lady Gaga.

We will Finally see 'I Love You Philip Morris'
But now, the release date has been... Released.
Look forward to Jim Carrey bang a guy on December 3rd. And if you already forgot about it, here's the trailer.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Rev. Al Sharpton and others speak at the Reclaim the Dream Rally
More from Fox News
Ben Jealous
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Ed Schultz
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WATCH clips of Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally
Moose Mess
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Some guy- Tony LaRussa
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Interesting Quote: Alveda King

When I join Beck and all gathered at the Lincoln Memorial this weekend, I will talk about my Uncle Martin and the America he envisioned. I will talk about honor and character and sacrifice. I will be joined by those who represent the diversity of the human race.
On Saturday, Uncle Martin’s dream of personhood and human dignity will resound across America. And the Park Police should consider themselves forewarned: As we stand in the symbolic shadow of the great American who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, we just might sing.
Rachel Maddow reminds about Katrina
Rachel goes down to Louisiana to show us how the city of New Orleans is growing strong. Please watch her message to America.
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Stephen Moyer may be a Contender for Doctor Doom

Our "Bill" may be Doctor Victor Von Doom in the Fantastic Four reboot.
ScreenRant reports:
Last week I was informed that Fox was interested in Adrien Brody and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers for the role of Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic to help lead the project and team of superheroes and now comes word that Fantastic FourMore to come on this. So far this is a rumor, but we will see.’s rival and main villain Dr. Doom could be played by True Bloodstar Stephen Moyer. Comic Book Movie confirms the talk I heard earlier in the week that Brody is still the top contender to play Richards and that there’s a strong interest in bringing in Moyer to play Victor von Doom, the villainous arch-rival previously played by Julian McMahon in the last two Fantastic Four movies.
My (LONG) opinion about Ken Mehlman

As you know, Ken Mehlman came out. This is the man who lead Bush's campaign against gay marriage, supported anti-gay politicians and pushed a very negative GOP agenda for a few years.
Since his coming out, Ken has been raked, and I mean RAKED through the coals about his actions from many LGBT bloggers and activists. Now, I'm not a fan of Ken, but I can't completely hang him out to dry. Am I mad at him? Yes. But will it change anything to hate on him forever? No.
Y'all know me, I tend to equate some type of comic book/pop culture thing to explain my stance. So here's it goes... When I think about Ken, I think about Rogue from the X-Men.

I believe Ken will do the same. But if we throw him to the sharks, are we really helping matters?
Many LGBT fam are hating on him for coming out now. But think about your coming out experience. For many of us, it was not the Barbie Dream House at all. I think about how my friends, with strong religious backgrounds, struggled for years before coming out to themselves.
I don't know Ken's struggle, but I bet it was Hell dealing with his true feelings and the people he was working for. Research tells us that during our denial stage, we do some crazy and unspeakable things. Many of us try to pray the gay away, marry a woman, become preachers and some other crazy ass stuff.
Perhaps, Ken's internal battles led him to fight against us, fight against himself. Maybe he was doing his anti-gay stuff to "straighten" himself out.
But now, he is trying to change; Ken is trying to move forward. But instead of trying to hear him out, many folks are trying to destroy him. Are we that unforgiving? Are we really wanting to cause him deep and damaging pain?
Ken is a true test of our integrity and our level of acceptance. In time, I hope we can forgive him and move on. This is a great opportunity to truly watch someone rewrite their the history and fight for what's right.
The Surviving Members of Peter, Paul & Mary tells NOM to Stop using their Song

After hearing Peter, Paul and Mary's version of This Land is Your Land at a NOM rally, the Courage Campaign contacted Peter and Paul.
Once they found out, they wasn't happy about it. In fact, they wrote a letter to Brian Brown.

Well, at least they were nice about it.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Glenn Beck talks about why he's holding a Rally during MLK's Anniversary

Glenn Beck is having his Restoring Honor rally tomorrow at the Lincoln Memorial. For some reason, he believes that Honor is lost in America.
But he also believes this is the best time a place to do it:
Well, he lies. This is political. The Tea Party is involved, Moose Mess is involved... It is political.Beck himself says that it’s only a coincidence that his mass meeting will be held on the MLK anniversary. For months he has insisted that it was originally planned for Sept. 12 – the 9-12 Project is the name of a Beck-led values revival effort, after all. Then he realized that date was a Sunday this year, and he did not want to rally on Sunday. So he changed it.
Saturday, Aug. 28, was the best match for the schedule of other people involved in the rally, Beck has said.
And it is true that the coming weekend is a big one for “tea party”-related events in Washington. Many tea-party members probably would have been in town anyway, and this way they can add a Beck rally to their schedules.
FreedomWorks, a tea-party organizational group, is holding its own “Take America Back” convention on Friday evening at the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Constitution Hall. The conservative political advocacy group Americans for Prosperity, founded by billionaire David Koch, is holding a big “Defending the American Dream” summit on Friday and Saturday, as well.
Beck says that his rally is nonpolitical. Sarah Palin is speaking, but no elected GOP lawmakers are scheduled to appear. The tea-party group conventions, however, decidedly are political.
I hope to see this mess on TV. I want to hear the foolishness being pushed out there.
Plus, Rev. Al Sharpton is going to be there, and he's bringing a rally with him. So this Honor rally may be poppin'.
CNN Talks about Ken Mehlman
I do agree we should move forward. I will post my views of Ken soon.
Question of the Day

Her mom is a crazy ass, lying, idiot.
Her father is a borderline pirate and separatist.
Her ex is a fame whore.
Oh, and she got knocked up by a same high school dropout.
So tell me how does all of those things get the Teenage Dream, Blister Palin on Dancing With The Stars?
And when did she become a star?
My Review of The Last Exorcism

So I just saw The Last Exorcism and I thought it was good; not the complete the bomb, but good.
I will give you my views in bullet point style (SPOILERS AHEAD):
- The film gave us a great intro to Rev. Cotton (the actor is really cute) and his views on preaching and exorcism.
- The slow burn of the movie worked really well.
- The actress who played Nell, was great.
- Nell's brother was creep as Hell.
- The book of Exorcism was a great piece in the movie. I wish there was more info about it and how Cotton's family got a hold the rare book.
- The reason why the "exorcism" was filmed could have fleshed out more.
- The filming of Cotton's work was similar to The Blair Witch Project.
- In fact, this film felt like The Blair Witch Project/Paranormal Activity/Rosemary's Baby.
- The "fright moments" felt natural and not forced.
- I'm not sure why Nell was "chosen" and what truly possessed her. And if she was carrying a demon, who impregnated her?
- The father was very convincing. I really felt sorry for him.
- Was she really possessed? She was pregnant with a demon, does that make her possessed too?
- The use of Nell's disfigurements were cool, but a little cliche.
- The ending felt rushed; there wasn't any rhyme to reason to it. Basically, it ended like The Blair Witch Project and that kind of killed it for me.
- The actors in the movie were great, very wise choices.
- The ending... I can't express how I wished for a better ending.
Old/New Script: Meeting Mama
So here you go.
Meeting Mama
The Blue Ranger comes Out

This is the week for coming out, I tell you.
The Blue Ranger from the Power Rangers is gay. David Yost comes out after years of being taunted about it.
“A week before I left the TV show I made a commitment to myself saying, “If I get called faggot one more time, I’m walking because I can’t handle it any more,” Yost says. Within a week it happened, and it happened from a higher-level person on the show.”I'm glad he has gain the courage to come out. Welcome, David.
Yost says he spent the next few years doing everything he could to “pray the gay away.”
“There were times when I would call prayer hotlines like Joyce Meyers prayer hotline or Pat Robinson’s 700 Club prayer hotline and instead was condemned over the phone.”
Instead of helping, all the prayer ultimately led to a mental breakdown and a five week stay in the hospital — and because his parents didn’t know he was gay at this point, they assumed it was the pressure of having not worked in a while.
Yost says he’s coming out now because he’s “tired of hearing stories about teenagers still taking their lives and committing suicide because of who they are and not understanding that there are resources for them to get help.”
Pastor Terry Jones stands firm on his Quran Burning Event
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
BackFlash Video Thursday
Look Out! Doctor Who LIVE on Stage!

This looks interesting. Doctor Who will have a live show on stage!
Here's the scoop:
Sounds like something, right? I wonder if it will come to the US?BBC Worldwide has revealed the final 11 monsters that will be taking to the stage and touring the UK as part of the very first production of Doctor Who Live.
The out-of-this-world lineup includes The Doctors arch-enemies, the Daleks, as well as 10 of the best-loved and most terrifying monsters from the TV series including the Cybermen, Weeping Angels, Judoon, Silurian, Smilers, Winders, Scarecrows, Vampires, Clockwork Robots and Ood.
Taking in nine cities and 25 dates, Doctor Who Live kicks off in London at Wembley Arena on 8th October, and will visit Sheffield, Glasgow, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Cardiff and Liverpool, culminating in Belfast on the 7th November.
Developed in association with Doctor Who’s Executive Producer and show runner, Steven Moffat, Doctor Who Live promises the same excitement, adventure and suspense that viewers have come to expect from the TV programme and will feature specially filmed new video scenes.
Opening in wartime London and concluding in an epic onstage battle, audiences should expect the unexpected as the The Doctor’s arch-enemies the Daleks are joined by some of the best-loved and most terrifying monsters from the TV series including the Cybermen, Weeping Angels, Judoon and Oods to name but a few.
With an out-of-this-world set, Doctor Who Live will feature special FX, optical illusions and spectacular pyrotechnics building to an epic finale. Specially edited video clips, drawn from the TV Programme will be shown on a massive screen and accompanied by the music of longtime Doctor Who composer Murray Gold. These iconic scores will be brought to life by musicians live on stage.
New Video: Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow - Shame
NOM’s Brian Brown shares his views on Ken Mehlman

Out of all people, the evil Ken doll, Brian Brown offers his opinion on Mehlman's outing:
Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, told The Advocate that Mehlman was “abdicating core Republican beliefs” in his support for AFER’s legal effort in challenging Prop. 8. “But it’s never been about the leaders. It’s always been about the people, based on an overwhelming majority of Republican voters -- 85, 86 percent -- who support marriage as a union between a man and a woman,” he said. “That a few folks within the Republican Party are questioning a party platform and have personal positions on same-sex marriage is a reality of political parties. [Mehlman] is no longer a major party leader, so I don’t know how influential he is, to be honest with you.”
Marriage equality advocates, Brown said, are using high-profile conservatives now supporting marriage equality -- from Ted Olson to vice president Dick Cheney -- in order to “create an impression that there is an inevitability to same-sex marriage. The facts strongly go against that idea.”
Brown asserted that the RNC played a limited role in rallying the anti-gay marriage vote during the 2004 presidential elections, when Mehlman served as Bush-Cheney campaign manager. Eleven states passed constitutional amendments banning marriage rights for same-sex couples that year, including Ohio, which gave Bush a margin of victory over Democratic Sen. John Kerry.
“These [amendments] were pushed by people on the state level,” Brown said. “The whole notion that it was some top-down, Machiavellian ploy by the Republican Party is a farce.”
Interesting Quote: Joss Whedon

“Right now I’m working on a movie that’s got enormous stipulations and is going to be changing and fluid every second. I’ve come up with dozens of scenes and lines and exchanges and monologues that I adore that are not going to be in it,” he says of The Avengers. “But while I’m writing them they feed me, excite me and they ultimately inform the character. It all goes in.”
Question of the Day

How do you feel about Ken Mehlman? His past ain't cute at all. And now, since he came out, he wants forgiveness.
How do you feel about that?
Get Ready for... Superman XXX

Well they are doing it again. After the success of the Batman porno, they have made... Superman XXX.
With an all-star cast including Alexis Texas, Lexi Belle, Kristina Rose, Zoe Voss, and Andy San Dimas as Lois Lane, Superman XXX: A Porn Parody is taking the parody genre to a whole new level. Featuring state-of-the-art special effects and Braun's legendary attention for details, the movie will be shot with RED cameras and will once more raise the bar for adult parodies.
"The enormous success of Batman XXX: A Porn Parody made this project very exciting," said Braun. "As usual, I'm trying to recreate the look and feel of the source material and have some fun with it without offending the fans, but while the Batman TV show was shot in studio with a relatively low budget, Richard Donner's movie was a huge production with plenty of exteriors and groundbreaking special effects, so it will be a lot more challenging, and definitely more interesting."
"Axel is terrific at what he does, and he is always 110% committed to his projects," said Steven Hirsch, founder/co-chairman of Vivid. "We’re all happy with the script and Axel has assembled an incredible special FX team. Fans are going to love it."
While Ryan Driller is a relative newcomer, the male cast is rounded up by Randy Spears, James Deen, Eric Masterson, Evan Stone, Alec Knight, and Dale DaBone in the role of Jor-El.
Some of us (the gays) know Ryan as Jeremy Bilding. So I'm sure the flick will be good.
The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.