Friday, July 31, 2015
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper has Died
Pro wrestling legend and a big part of my childhood is dead.
Rowdy Roddy Piper has died of natural causes. In 2006, he was diagnosed with cancer, but was noted to be cancer free. Roddy suffered from cardiac arrest in his sleep.
He was 61.
Roddy gave 30 years of his life to pro wrestling. He was a character you couldn't stop watching. He will be missed.
Dylann Roof and Ray Tensing plead 'Not Guilty'
So, Dylann Roof, you know the guy who killed nine people at the Emanuel AME Church shooting, had the nerve to plead 'not guilty' to federal hate crime charge.
Really? I thought he was doing this for the White race. I thought he would plead guilty with pride... I guess he ain't about that life after all.
Then, Ray Tensing, the guy who shot and killed Sam DuBose also plead 'not guilty'. His body cam proved otherwise, but I guess he's feeling lucky. His bond was set at 1 million dollars, but somehow/someway the 10% was paid. His father posted the $100,085 to get his son out of jail. Rumors speculate that money was raised to post bail.
Ray is using the Cop Excuse: I feared for my life meme, which is ridic and tired. However, his defense will probably wear that line out in court. I just hope it fails.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
WATCH Calvin Klein's Sexy Ad features Same-Sex Encounters
Calvin Klein’s new fall campaign is basically about hooking-up. However, for the first time CK ad history, we have gay encounters in it.
Check it out
Instagram faves Caleb Anthony and Kordale Lewis have Broken Up
The couple who set Instagram on fire have called it quits.
Caleb Anthony and Kordale Lewis have sadly gone their separate ways.
People magazine reports:
There appeared to be no signs of discord in the family in January, when their lives were documented in a two-minute video produced for Nikon's "I Am Generation Image" campaign.My heart goes out to them
But Anthony's letter gives general clues about what went wrong for the pair: "Loving someone shouldn't be hard, it should be easy and stress free," he writes. "You should never have to question your worth or compromise your morals when you're with your soulmate."
It seems Anthony and Lewis made an effort to work out their issues but ultimately could not mend feelings of "disrespect."
"Neither one of us were perfect in our relationship, but when you are blatantly disrespected by someone who is supposed to be working with you to make y'all better, going to counseling smiling and telling you how much everything is going to work out…it's over," Anthony writes.
Anthony assures his kids Desmiray, Malia, and Kordale Jr. that he will still be there for them despite the breakup.
"To my beautiful kids, I'll see you this weekend at mommy's house; it's whatever you all want to do!"
"My love for them will always prevail even if 'Daddy' and I are no longer together," he adds.
Even though "needing" to write the letter "breaks his heart," Anthony insists that he still believes love will eventually prevail.
"Love truly wins," he writes, "and I wish the best for Kordale."
Survey: 43% of Philly’s Homeless Youth are LGBTQ
This is sad to post, but according to a survey conducted by Valley Youth House, Covenant House, Project HOME, the Attic Youth Center, the Mazzoni Center, 43% of homeless youth in Philadelphia identify as LGBTQ.
Philly Mag reports:
According to Valley Youth House, they saw the survey’s results as a “resolve to expand its services to meet the demand of this underrepresented group with programs such as a shelter specifically for LGBTQIA young people and programs specifically for transgender youth.”This is just Philly, imagine other major cities.
"We are the only agency providing independent living support for homeless LGBTQIA youth in Philadelphia," said Allison Moore, Regional Director for Valley Youth House. "Our Pride program provides rapid rehousing along with life skills, education, and employment support to about 50 young people act year, though the demand for services is higher than we are able to meet."
Scott Walker gets Heckled in Philly - VIDEO
Not a lot to see, but protesters came for Scott Walker at Geno's Steaks.
Here's a snippet of what happened
Here's a snippet of what happened
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
It's the 10th Anniversary of Brokeback Mountain
This film was so sad and yet, honest. It made me realize that you have to real about everything that matters to you.
What did you get from the film?
Interesting Quote: Janae Marie Kroc
"Being a total alpha male and transgender definitely makes me unique even in the transgender community. ... Gender identity and personality tests that I have taken in an effort to figure myself out always indicate that I am both hyper-masculine and hyper-feminine. Exactly what I need to do to be at peace with myself is something I am still not 100% certain of. Transitioning is a very difficult process and even tougher at an oder age (I'm 42). ... And living as a transgender woman that is honest about her situation is very difficult and can be dangerous. I am a very realistic person and I don't think the transitioning will magically solve all of my issues without creating new challenges. Whatever path I choose there will be sacrifices to be made."
Here's more about Janae
Question of the Day
What do you think about this Cecil the Lion news?
It's outrageous! I never thought it would gain such a following. The killer should be punished, but I want to know what y'all think?
Queen Latifah and Mary J. Blige join NBC's The Wiz
The NBC live version of The Wiz has added some superstar power to their ranks!
Queen Latifah and Mary J. Blige are the latest stars to join the musical. Queen Latifah will play the The Wiz, and Mary J. Blige will be the Wicked Witch of the West. I think these ladies are going to kill it in these roles. Queen Latifah knows how to work the stage and Mary can really show out.
So, thumbs up on this casting!
Is Chris Pine joining the Wonder Woman movie?
Nothing's set in stone yet, but The Wrap reports that Chris has officially joined the cast of Wonder Woman as her love interest, Steve Trevor.
Chris is a good fit for Steve and he could be a great addition to the film. I'm hoping to hear from Deadline or Variety with a confirmation.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Interesting Quote: Pastor Dewey Smith
“If you look at half our choirs and a great number of our artists that we call abominations and we call demons, we demonize and dehumanize the same people that we use, and we don’t say anything about the gay choir director because he’s good for business. As long as the choir sounds good I ain’t saying nothing about his sexuality. We have done what the slave master did to us, dehumanized us, degrade us, demonize us. But then use them by advantage. We pick and choose the scriptures we want to use…rather than look at our own lives. You can’t evangelize and antagonize at the same time. You cannot insult and inspire the same people that you insult.#
"What we gonna do about the people who been born this way? What about the people we think are nasty?…Don’t tell me what the bible says about homosexuals and you change wives like we change underwear. Sit yourself, your hypocritical self, down.”
Watch him in action
President Obama: I'm 'a 'pretty good president,' if I ran for a third term, I think I could win
I would vote for him again
Another Pic of Charlie Hunnam and his Sword
I can't get enough of Charlie Hunnam and his... Sword. This is for his role in King Arthur for Guy Ritchie. It should be interesting to see.
More pics please
The Ban on Gay Leaders in the Boy Scouts is Done
The Boy Scouts of America has dropped their ban on gay leaders yesterday.
Buzzfeed reports
Monday’s vote of the executive board followed a unanimous executive committee vote earlier in July recommending the end to the ban. The unanimity was possible due to the fact that the policy change also allowed individually chartered troops — many of which are backed by churches — to continue the ban. Additionally, the recommended policy noted that the national Boy Scouts organization would back any legal challenges faced by any such troop. The committee vote itself followed a speech in May by the president of the Boy Scouts — former Defense Secretary Robert Gates — that the blanket ban “cannot be sustained.” A month earlier, the Greater New York Councils had hired an out gay man, Pascal Tessier, to serve as a leader at its scout camps this summer — a fact noted by Gates in his speech.
Tessier has been a part of the changing face of the Boy Scouts, having been one of the first known out gay teens to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout — the organization’s highest rank — after the Boy Scouts ended its ban on gay youth members in 2013.
One of the groups Tessier has worked with is Scouts for Equality, a group aimed at ending the ban.
“This vote marks the beginning of a new chapter for the Boy Scouts of America. Tens of thousands of people came together because they wanted to build a better future for the Boy Scouts of America, and that future starts now. I couldn’t be more proud of the tireless work of our members, volunteers, and staff over these last three years,” Zach Wahls, the executive director of Scouts for Equality, said in a statement. “As of this vote, the Boy Scouts of America is an organization that is looking forward, not back.”Watch Robert Gates' response
Monday, July 27, 2015
The Latest Money Begging Email from NOM
Here's a part of the letter
Dear vik,
When I issued my statement from the steps of the US Supreme Court reacting to the 5-4 court ruling redefining marriage, I said in the opening paragraph that the American people would reject the decision, and that the Supreme Court would not have the last word on this issue. Boy was I right!
A new national survey released a few days ago by the Associated Press/GfK found that support for same-sex 'marriage' has collapsed. Since the Supreme Court ruling, support for SSM has dropped by 6 points and opposition has increased by 4 points — a combined 10 point movement in public opinion. That is an astonishing degree of movement in such a short period of time!
The AP survey found that 42% of Americans support same-sex 'marriage' while 40% now oppose it. Statistically, that is a dead heat. Just this past April, supporters of SSM enjoyed a 12 point advantage, 48%-36%. Since the Supreme Court decision imposing gay 'marriage' in every state, we're now in a whole new ballgame.
I am so encouraged by the public reaction to the illegitimate decision of the Supreme Court because it means that NOM's five-point plan to contain and then reverse it has a real chance of capturing the support of the American people. I am asking you today for your financial help to implement our plan and engage the American people who are finally waking up to what has happened. We need to raise $100,000 in the next three weeks to move our plan forward. Will you step up with an emergency donation of $10, $25, $50 $100, $250 or even $500 or more?
Lord, Brian and his staff are really tying to stay employed.
This Powerful New York Magazine cover is Trending
This cover features the women who has accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault
From New York Magazine's FB post
From New York Magazine's FB post
So far, 46 women have come forward to accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault, in some cases, according to a recently unsealed deposition, with the aid of Qualuudes—a powerful sedative that can render a person functionally immobile. But these allegations are by no means new, with some stretching back decades—to a time when the culture of rape in America left victims little recourse but to suffer silently, and in shame. Today, the way we think and talk about rape has evolved, creating a safer space for survivors to feel empowered by speaking up, reclaiming their victimhood. And that’s led us to here. Of the 46 women who have come forward to accuse Cosby, we spoke to 35 of them — “a sorrowful sisterhood” of women united by their dark experiences, steadfast in their resolve to remain silent no more
Brian Brown whines about the Equality Act
From his latest email
"Sponsored by the grossly-misnamed Human Rights Campaign special interest group, HR 3185 is breathtaking in its scope. It would allow gay and lesbian activists to persecute Americans in virtually every area of society — in employment, public accommodations, housing, credit, and a dozen other areas of civil life. Wherever federal law prohibits racial discrimination, it would also prohibit 'discrimination' based on 'sexual orientation and gender identity.' The legislation puts in the crosshairs anyone who believes God created people male and female. It would declare that a traditional view of human sexuality is hateful and bigoted and treat Christians, Jews and other people of faith just as the law treats racists. HR 3185 specifically denies someone who has been targeted the ability to rely on the provisions of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a defense against the complaint of discrimination.
"Please act today to help us defeat HR 3185. Click here to send a message to your federal representatives asking them to vote against this dangerous proposal that will result in rampant persecution of Americans in virtually every area of civil life. It is imperative that members of Congress hear immediately that the American people will not tolerate the creation of powerful special rights for one segment of society, and allow them to use the power of the federal government to persecute anyone who disagrees with them."
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Bobbi Kristina has Passed Away
Whitney Houston's daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown died tonight. She was surrounded by her family at the time of death.
She was 22.
Bobbi has been in a coma since February. She was found face down and unresponsive in a bathtub a few days before. Bobbi was going through a lot, so I hope she finds the peace she's been looking for.
RIP Bobbi
Saturday, July 25, 2015
President Obama pushes for Gay Rights in Keyna - VIDEO
NBC News reports
President Barack Obama urged equal rights for gays and lesbians in Africa during his first visit as commander-in-chief to Kenya, his father's homeland.
"When a government gets in the habit of treating people differently, those habits can spread," Obama said during a joint news conference Saturday with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Kenyatta quickly dismissed the sensitive topic, calling it a "non-issue."
Gay rights are "not really an issue on the foremost mind of Kenyans. And that is a fact," he said. Like many African countries, Kenya outlaws homosexuality.
Friday, July 24, 2015
So this is What Happens When Two Gay Men are Out in Ukraine - VIDEO
Zoryan Kis and Tymur Levchuka wanted to see how Ukrainians would react when they see a gay couple couple walking the streets holding hands.
Well, you just have to see it for yourself.
VICE reports
Well, you just have to see it for yourself.
VICE reports
Kis said that mostly people were tolerant, and that violence and aggression came from a small minority of Ukrainians with far-right views. Ukraine does not have anti-gay laws like in Russia, where so-called "gay propaganda" has been outlawed. He added that the video was intended to create awareness and push Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to add constitutional protections for LGBT people in a new document currently being drafted.
"Ukraine has definitely made some progress, and the fact that there isn't state homophobia in Ukraine is probably the reason why ordinary people weren't aggressive towards us," Kis said. "But if Ukraine wants to move on and get closer to Europe, the government must act to protect us from people like those attackers."
In Louisiana: Gunman Open Fire in a Movie Theater
When you thought it was safe in the movie theater... This happens.
Last night, a gunman open fire in a movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. This murderer killed two people, injured seven others, then he killed himself.
Most reports said that the gunfire broke out during a 7pm showing of the film "Train Wreck". A witness said that an older white man stood up in the theater and start shooting people.
Strange, because it was three years ago this week the shooting in Aurora, Colorado.
My heart goes out to the families.
Say Her Name... India Clarke
We have lost another trans woman...
25-year-old India Clarke was found dead near a community basketball courts in Tampa, Florida. She was beaten to death and just left there... India is the 10th trans woman who has been murdered in the U.S. this year alone.
India was also misgendered in the media and the police. They was using the name she no longer use. Not cool folks, say her name. The name she wanted.
There are no leads as of yet, however, friends of India was demanding answers.
Please be careful of there.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Interesting Quote: Maggie Gallagher
Everyone knows the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not include sexual orientation. Even the gay rights movement knows it, because they proposed adding employment discrimination by statute, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), and even adding sexual orientation to the ’64 Act.
But why let words, or reality, or democracy, or the rule of law get in the way of the power to achieve your ends? In the 3-2 party line vote, the majority of unelected regulators just made up that “discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is necessarily an allegation of sex discrimination” because (the three regulators assume) sexual orientation discrimination “is premised on sex-based preferences, assumptions, expectations, stereotypes or norms.”
For years, passage of ENDA was held up by the need for religious exemptions, and the Left has progressively withdrawn its support from conscience exceptions.
Now, unless Congress acts, every religious school, charity, and parachurch organization must hire openly gay people, or face potential backbreaking litigation.
Read more here
Matthew Lewis is Hot
We know him as Nevil Longbottom from the Harry Potter movies, but Matthew Lewis is making sure we are seeing him in a different light.
Just look at him
Just look at him
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
College Professor Fired for 'Hanging Queers' Post on Facebook
This FB post came from business professor Rick Coupland. Why he felt the need to post this, I don't know, but it backfired rather quickly.
After a series of complaints, St. Lawrence College fired his hateful ass! Spokeswoman Kelly Wiley called the comment "deeply concerning," and later the school (via Twitter) revealed that Mr. Coupland was no longer an employee at St. Lawrence College.
I guess he's going to cry that his free speech was violated and he meant no harm... Yeah right, I hope he suffers for this mess.
Random Feelings
So, I learned that my ex is moving away from Cali-Cal. We haven't spoken since we broke up two years ago. I wanted to remain friendly, but I think he needed to keep the distance. So that what I did, I honored his wishes. I didn't want it to be that way, but it is what it is, right?
Anywho, he moving away and I have mixed emotions. I don't want him back, but I still care. I spent over 7 years with him, so of course, I still care. I'm a little mad at him for not wanting to be friendly, but I understand. I have no ill will towards him.
I hope he finds happiness and the life he deserves.
Taye Diggs' getting ready for Hedwig - PICS
Here are a few pics of Taye getting glam for the next leg of the show. As you can see, he's ready to take control of the stage.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Interesting Quote: Brian Brown
"We must overturn this decision. This point is a particularly daunting task. In the upcoming election we need to elect a president who will champion the cause for the family, and work to overturn this decision within the next election cycle. Until we overturn Obergefell, we must contain the effects of the decision. There are a number of ways to contain the effects of the ruling, including FADA, a bill that guarantees first amendment rights."from his press release
In Austin: Gay Teen beaten to Death by his Boyfriend
This story is burning the webs.
20-year-old Bryan Canchola beat his boyfriend, Stephen Sylvester to death over the weekend. This news clip has more
My heart goes out to the family and friends of Stephen.
Martin O'Malley apologizes for his 'White Lives Matter' statement
Martin O'Malley stepped in it when he replied to the Black Lives Matter movement that 'White Lives Matter'. It wasn't a good look for him. See here
Later that day he appeared on the TWIB podcast to apologize for his statement:
Later that day he appeared on the TWIB podcast to apologize for his statement:
"I meant no disrespect. That was a mistake on my part and I meant no disrespect. I did not mean to be insensitive in any way or communicate that I did not understand the tremendous passion, commitment and feeling and depth of feeling that all of us should be attaching to this issue."Bernie, your turn.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Ashley Madison hacked, Cheaters Beware
If you've been cheating on your spouse via Ashley Madison, prepare to suffer. The cheater-positive site was hacked and all of that wonderful info is free to be exploited.
Redstate reports:
Ashley Madison, a controversial online social network that gears itself towards married people seeking to have affairs, has been hacked, and the company that owns it is being threatened with exposure of users’ personal information.
Hackers have threatened to reveal customers’ sexual fantasies and financial information if the website is not shut down, according to the Krebs on Security, an online cyber-security information site.
CBS News business analyst Jill Schlesinger said in an appearance on “CBS This Morning” that 37 million people use The site is owned by Avid Life Media, which has confirmed the hack.
Use of the site is largely free, but there are several features (such as chatting) that cost extra. For example, registered users may elect to pay an extra $19 fee to get their data scrubbed.
The company has collected millions offering the service, but the hackers are claiming that this scrubbing is not occurring. Schlesinger reports the hackers want the website shut down.This is about to get ugly
Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter and the Liberal Audacity
As most of you know, I attended Netroots Nation in Phoenix, Arizona. On Saturday, there was a town hall meeting that involved presidential candidates, Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders.
During the event, the Black Lives Matter movement stage a protest. O'Malley try to address the issue, but in the middle of his answer he said White Lives Matter which upset the crowd. After he left, Bernie Sanders came out to the stage, now when he appeared I assumed he would be ready to address the issue. I mean, this was his chance to put to rest the notion that he's unaware of the issues of the communities of color.
However, when he appeared on stage, he seemed agitated and not prepared to address the issue. Yes, there was a lot going on at that moment, but Bernie had plenty of time to change his speech to fit the subject. Instead of doing that, he stuck to his talking points which did not win over the BLM crowd. Bernie failed to address the matter appropriately, thus making the group pissed and unsatisfied. As the day went on we noticed something very interesting, the Bernie Sanders supporters seem to be highly upset with us. They were calling us divisive, hateful and vile. In fact, the Bernie supporters, tried to tell the Black attendees how to be 'polite' and how we should act. Sorry folks, we don't need your instructions.
What we did was exactly what Netroots is all about. We were shouting because we are tired of being silent. We are tired of dying. We have lost too many lives due the police. We have seen how they lie and murder us without a second thought. We had to speak out because if we didn't, would anyone care?
Since the event, the story has spread like wildfire. If you're my FB friend, you can watch the videos. I'm proud to have participated in that moment. I'm proud to speak out for my fellow brother and sisters, and I'm proud that we made these so-called liberals uncomfortable.
If Bernie or Martin can't handle us, what do you think the GOP will do?
During the event, the Black Lives Matter movement stage a protest. O'Malley try to address the issue, but in the middle of his answer he said White Lives Matter which upset the crowd. After he left, Bernie Sanders came out to the stage, now when he appeared I assumed he would be ready to address the issue. I mean, this was his chance to put to rest the notion that he's unaware of the issues of the communities of color.
However, when he appeared on stage, he seemed agitated and not prepared to address the issue. Yes, there was a lot going on at that moment, but Bernie had plenty of time to change his speech to fit the subject. Instead of doing that, he stuck to his talking points which did not win over the BLM crowd. Bernie failed to address the matter appropriately, thus making the group pissed and unsatisfied. As the day went on we noticed something very interesting, the Bernie Sanders supporters seem to be highly upset with us. They were calling us divisive, hateful and vile. In fact, the Bernie supporters, tried to tell the Black attendees how to be 'polite' and how we should act. Sorry folks, we don't need your instructions.
What we did was exactly what Netroots is all about. We were shouting because we are tired of being silent. We are tired of dying. We have lost too many lives due the police. We have seen how they lie and murder us without a second thought. We had to speak out because if we didn't, would anyone care?
Since the event, the story has spread like wildfire. If you're my FB friend, you can watch the videos. I'm proud to have participated in that moment. I'm proud to speak out for my fellow brother and sisters, and I'm proud that we made these so-called liberals uncomfortable.
If Bernie or Martin can't handle us, what do you think the GOP will do?
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
WATCH Trans Reporter reads Ben Shapiro ‘You’re a Little Man!’
While I'm NOT a fan of Zoey Tur, I did enjoy her coming for Ben Shapiro. Please watch
Interesting Quote: Jeb Bush
"I don’t think you should be discriminated against because of your sexual orientation. Period. Over and out. I think this should be done state-by-state. I totally agree with that."Jeb supports state-levels of the LGBT nondiscrimination laws. Very interesting to say the least.
EEOC rules that Anti-gay workplace bias barred under Existing Law
Yep, you read that right! The EEOC just dropped a bomb on Anti-gay job discrimination.
Buzzfeed reports
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that existing civil rights law bars sexual orientation-based employment discrimination — a groundbreaking decision to advance legal protections for gay, lesbian, and bisexual workers. “[A]llegations of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation necessarily state a claim of discrimination on the basis of sex,” the commission concluded in a decision dated July 15.Big bomb, but more to come with this news.
The independent commission addressed the question of whether the ban on sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars anti-LGB discrimination in a complaint brought by a Florida-based air traffic control specialist against Transportation Sec. Anthony Foxx.
The ruling — approved by a 3-2 vote of the five-person commission — applies to federal employees’ claims directly, but it also applies to the entire EEOC, which includes its offices across the nation that take and investigate claims of discrimination in private employment. While only the Supreme Court could issue a definitive ruling on the interpretation, EEOC decisions are given significant deference by federal courts.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
TLC cancels 19 Kids and Counting
Well, finally, TLC cancels 19 Kids and Counting.
They should've done it awhile back, better late than never. Here's a part of TLC's statement:
After thoughtful consideration, TLC and the Duggar family have decided to not move forward with 19 Kids and Counting. The show will no longer appear on the air.source
The recent attention around the Duggars has sparked a critical and important conversation about child protection.
Over these past weeks, TLC has consulted regularly with leading victims' rights and advocacy organizations in the U.S., including RAINN and Darkness to Light, to discuss how to use this moment to address the issue and make a positive impact. Unfortunately, child sexual abuse is not an isolated issue; it affects many children and families around the world. To that end, we are partnering with both organizations on a multi-platform campaign to raise awareness and educate parents and families about the issue. In the first phase of this initiative, TLC will work closely with both groups and with the Duggar family on a one-hour documentary that will include Jill and Jessa and other survivors and families that have been affected by abuse.
TLC has been especially concerned for the victims in this situation, including the Duggar family, and it is our hope that this effort will help those in need learn where to turn for information and help. The documentary will be commercial free, and we anticipate it will air later this summer.
Brian Brown fangirls over Ryan T. Anderson's new Book
From his email:
"An important new book has been published today that we highly recommend to you. Authored by Ryan Anderson, a great friend of NOM's and a scholar at The Heritage Foundation, the book 'Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom' is a tour-de-force examination of the issues in the marriage debate and an enlightening reflection on what is at stake. Please consider purchasing a copy today. And if you agree with us that the book is extraordinary, please write a favorable review. As you might imagine, the 'haters' among our opponents are busy trolling the Internet to criticize the book because they realize that it is a powerful, principled witness to the truth of preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman."
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
I'm heading to Netroots Nation
For the 5th year, I'm heading to Netroots Nation tomorrow. It's in Phoenix, Arizona, so I'm going back to old stomping grounds. Old racist, conservative stomping grounds.
So, posting will be light again.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Interesting Quote: Scott Walker
"Our conservative values were handed a big blow with the recent Supreme Court ruling. Let me be very clear: this decision was a grave mistake. Five unelected judges took it upon themselves to take that responsibility away from the states and redefine the institution of marriage. In 2006, I voted to amend my state constitution to protect the institution of marriage because I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. I believe that the states have the right to define marriage. To protect this right, I support an amendment to the United States Constitution to reaffirm the ability of the states to continue to define marriage."
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.