Saturday, March 31, 2012

'Bully' Director explains why We should see his Film - WATCH

2 Gay Men Arrested on a Gay Cruise were actually in the Wrong

Rewind a few weeks ago

I hate to say it, but I when I posted the story I knew it was true. I knew these guys were doing something, it just look too suspicious.

Now, we have proof. They lied and the pic
 Come on, guys. Learn how to lie.


Question of the Day

Do you think it was Keith Olbermann's fault for getting fired at Current TV?

Gay Students hang out at DC Comics

Gay High School students got an awesome treat this week. They got an inside look in DC Comics, hanging out with super artist and writer, Phil Jimenez.

Here's some info from the DC Comic blog:

A group of students and chaperones from the Hetrick-Martin Institute, home of the Harvey Milk High School for LGBTQ students in New York, came for a tour of the DC Comics' New York office as part of a "Break Out Day" event organized by the various LGBTQ organizations in each department of Time Warner. The students started with breakfast, sharing their stories and hearing about the positive experiences from some of DC's diverse staff.

We were joined by artist Phil Jimenez, who energetically encouraged those students interested in art and writing to practice, practice, practice. He also walked them through the creative process for an artist, armed with everything from comics he created in high school to pencils from his latest Vertigo project, FAIREST.
That's so neat. I hope the students enjoyed themselves, I'm jealous.

Friday, March 30, 2012

You ain't slick, Mittens! Romney secretly donated funds to NOM

The HRC has discovered that Mitt Romney secretly donated funds to NOM for Prop 8. But here's the thing, this bastard did it under a Super PAC in Alabama.

The story broke on HuffPo
In 2008, Mitt Romney's political action committee made a $10,000 donation to the National Organization of Marriage at a time when the anti-gay rights organization was seeking repeal of a California law legalizing marriage equality.

While neither the donation nor Romney's opposition to same-sex marriage were a secret, the precise way in which he contributed to NOM remained under tight wraps until Friday. One of the only public comments on the matter came when the former Massachusetts governor's top spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, told the Deseret News that Romney supported California's Proposition 8, which would reverse the state law allowing for same-sex marriage, and that he would be writing a check to NOM.

"The governor feels strongly that marriage is an institution between a man and a woman, and one of the most high-profile fights on this subject is happening in California," Fehrnstrom said at the time.
But when Romney eventually made his donation, he did so quietly, and through an unusual channel. Records filed by Romney's Free and Strong America PAC with the Federal Election Commission did not include details of that $10,000 donation.
And he thought no one would know. Real cute, Romney.

Maggie Gallagher tries to defend NOM's Race Baiting Question in MSNBC Interview - WATCH

pic from JMG

Watch this heifer lie and still tries to race bait!

Let the Recall of Gov. Scott Walker Begin

900,000 signatures have been turned up and approved, now the recall of Gov. Scott Walker is set and ready to go.

CBS News reports:
The Government Accountability Board voted 5-0 to order the recall, a move that has been expected for weeks given the high number of signatures gathered between November and January. It took 540,208 signatures to trigger a recall.

Assuming a Democratic primary is necessary, it will be May 8. The actual recall vote then will be June 5. Three Democrats already have announced they are running and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, whom Walker defeated in 2010, has said he would announce his intentions before Tuesday.
Get ready, Walker. It's about to go down.

James Van Der Beek for BJ Jeans


Old School Crush: Timmy Cappello

One of things I loved about music videos in the 80s was this man, sexy saxophone player Timmy Cappello.

Timmy was so hot and the star of my budding erotic fantasies.

I loved watching him shake those hips, it was mesmerizing. And his body was killer, God I would think about him doing so much stuff to me... Okay, I'll calm down.

Here's to you, Timmy

Clive Barker's Nightbreed the TV Series?

One of my favorite movies and written works may be a TV series. Clive Barker's Nightbreed could be coming back for the new generation.

On his website, the great writer Clive Barker speaks:
“We are also actively in conversation about doing a Nightbreed television series which will be for cable, so it will have a chance to be as sexy or as graphic in terms of the violence as we need it to be. For example, do you have Spartacus over there? Oh my God, it redefines gruesome... I also applaud them for finally realising it’s not a bad thing to see a manhood once in a while – it’s not as if half the world doesn’t see it daily…”

"The sensitivity of our culture has sort of caught up with Nightbreed. I don’t wish to be immodest but the general sense is that the movie failed because people didn’t want to associate with the monster and I think our culture has changed – I think our culture is now ready to embrace the ambiguity. You’ve only got to look at Twilight where obviously the monsters are the good guys – I’m not a huge fan but I’m enough of a fan to watch and see monsters being celebrated. There’s something very satisfying about seeing the evolution of the werewolves...

"With Macy being unwell, he likes being with me 24 hours a day. I’m very aware that my love of animals – my love of dogs – is in there being satisfied in those movies - I mean, to be able to run fast and turn into a wolf – wow! Awesome! It really was a dream of my childhood – to have been a dog. It was something I always wanted to do."
This is cute. I guess we will see if someone bites Clive's bait.

Music I like - Lana Del Rey

After my Madonna diss, some folks asked me about my musical taste. I love the oldies and deep feeling music.

The music I like now is challenging, dark and exciting. An example of this is Lana Del Rey's Blue Jeans

Thursday, March 29, 2012

First Look: Man of Steel movie logo

What do you think? 
via Bleeding Cool

BackFlash Video Thursday - Starpoint

Y'all don't know about this Starpoint with Object of my Desire

Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber says there's "No Evidence" Gays are Targets of Violence, Discrimination - WATCH

New Bond Girl Naomie Harris talks SKYFALL and gun training - WATCH

So excited for her
<a href='' target='_new' title='007 Skyfall featurette - Naomie Harris video blog' >Video: 007 Skyfall featurette - Naomie Harris video blog</a>

National Black Justice Coalition responds to NOM's Race Baiting Documents

NBJC responds to NOM's race baiting tactics, which has become national news.

From their website:
“These documents expose NOM for what it really is—a hate group determined to use African American faith leaders as pawns to push their damaging agenda and as mouthpieces to amplify that hatred,” says Sharon Lettman-Hicks, NBJC Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer.

Despite NOM’s appalling efforts to endanger committed couples and families by elevating equality opponents of color, a recent
NBC/Wall Street Journal poll confirmed growth in support for the freedom to marry since October 2009, with strong growth in support among African Americans by 56 percent.

And support from our community doesn’t stop there. Numerous African American civil rights leaders, such as John Lewis, Julian Bond, and Coretta Scott King, have stood up for the freedom to marry and equality for all Americans, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people of color.  

“NOM is fighting a losing battle,” adds Lettman-Hicks. “With these memos made public, the black faith community must refuse to be exploited and refuse to deny their fellow brothers and sisters equal protections under the law.”
That's real talk from Sharon.

"Shadow Boy" Update

So, y'all know I've wrote a movie and TV pilot version of my story, Shadow Boy. It's a work in process, but I'm proud of how it's gaining some interest.

Recently, some of my geeky buds and peeps challenged me to think outside of the box for my project. I was concerned about this notion, but I was open. I was asked to make a graphic novel. I gave my friends an interesting look, but as they explained their reasons, I was sold.

Graphic novels are a successful venture and it's a great way to land a deal in biz. Besides, I'm a comic book/graphic novel fiend, so it makes sense. Moments later, I start searching for artists. I found some good ones and some bad ones; but the good ones are really good.

In fact, in the middle of April, I'm launching a website to promote this possible GN. It will showcase the artists' work and the background of the characters. So far, the art has been amazing. I can't wait to share this with you all.

It feels good to see this moving along... More to come, gang.

Question of the Day

Are you going to see 'Bully' when it finally comes out?

Andrew Shirvell will Never be Assistant Attorney General again

Do y'all remember Andrew Shirvell? He was the Assistant Attorney General who stalked and harassed the University of Michigan's openly gay student government president. After making a public fool of himself and his office, Andrew was fired.

Over a year later, he appealed his termination... but it was denied.
Andrew Shirvell appealed his Nov. 10, 2010, firing from the Attorney General's Office. Then-Attorney General Mike Cox said in firing him that Shirvell lied to his superiors and used state equipment to publish the blog that accused Chris Armstrong of having a "radical homosexual agenda."

"The pattern of conduct in which he engaged constituted hate speech, physical and mental harassment of citizens of this state and a nexus was established between that conduct and his position as an assistant attorney general," the report released Tuesday said. "It is disheartening to see a bright individual with a great deal of potential engage in such conduct.

"The fact that the grievant deliberately made a media spectacle of himself and the department for which he worked without regard for the interests of his employer constitutes conduct unbecoming a state employee."
Too bad, Andrew. I hear Sears is hiring.


George Zimmerman on Police Surveillance the night Trayvon was Killed - VIDEO

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

LISTEN: George Zimmerman's 911 Call To Stanford Police Department

New Posters: Dark Shadows

more here

Rep. Bobby Rush Kicked Off House Floor for Wearing Hoodie in Support of Trayvon Martin - WATCH

Thank you, Rep. Rush

Maggie Gallagher Flees MSNBC Interview - UPDATED

See this chair? That's where Maggie was supposed to be this morning on MSNBC, but her stanking ass was a no show.

Maggie was invited to address the race baiting tactics of NOM, but that heifer was scared. Basically, she and her hate group are caught!

 pic from Good As You

UPDATE Maggie was actually there. There was a mixed up on set.

Geraldo Rivera apologizes for his Trayvon Martin Hoodie Comments

Well, he caved into the pressure of the people and apologized for his insensitive statements about Trayvon Martin.
Rivera said a conversation with his oldest son on Monday convinced him he was wrong. Rivera said it was the first time 32-year-old Gabriel Rivera had said he was ashamed of something his dad had said — and it caused the dad a sleepless night.

"He had never, ever used language like that," Rivera said. "It was like, 'Whoa, what have I done that would make my son say that?'"
I'm glad he did it, but he's still a jerk.

A JetBlue flight captain Loses it in Mid-Air

This is frakking nuts

Interesting Quote: Mat Staver

 What we have is a president and an administration that he has gathered that is the most radical, ideologically-driven administration in American history and the ideology is very much pro-abortion and pro-homosexual rights and that trumps everything, it seems to trump the economy, it trumps national security. Of all the myriad of things that the president and the administration could be working on to make America a better place, to bring more jobs and so forth, they are working on these kinds of micromanagement things to push a very radical agenda that is anti-life and anti-liberty. It’s to not just satisfy the radical fringe that supports this administration but it is to satisfy the ideology that comes with this administration, it is part and parcel of what they believe and who they are. In terms of where the end is, nothing should shock anybody at this stage in terms of where this will be going. It is in-your-face forced abortion funding, in-your-face forced homosexuality and in-your-face a deconstruction of moral principles.


Lawrence O'Donnell interviews George Zimmerman's Sad Ass Friend, Joe Oliver - WATCH

This was something else. Joe Oliver should have kept his ass at home! And Charles Blow gave Oliver an reading that he will never forget!

Please watch

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Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

This bitch got my blood pressure up!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Black Leadership addresses NOM's Race Baiting Tactics

African American Ministers Leadership Council
“If the success of the National Organization of Marriage’s movement depends on stirring up resentment between communities, it might want to rethink its strategies.

“African American men and women of faith are not a political football to be tossed around in a cynical game of resentment and division. We, like all Americans, struggle thoughtfully with issues of faith, family and politics. Anti-equality activists such as NOM consistently attempt to use a deeply cynical ‘wedge’ strategy to divide African Americans and the gay community, playing up what are now old and tired cliches. In the long run, this strategy will falter as African American and LGBT communities continue to work together for equal justice.

 “I celebrate as more and more African American clergy engage in AAMLC’s Healing Grace dialogues and work to confront and overcome stigma, prejudice and homophobia in the Black Church. We continually seek to help and not harm, love and not hate, reconcile and not separate, unite and not divide -- and it's working.

“NOM’s explicit attempt to drive a wedge between the LGBT community and African Americans is deeply offensive, and it exposes the depravity of their politics.”

Julian Bond - Former NAACP President
 "NOM's underhanded attempts to divide will not succeed if Black Americans remember their own history of discrimination. Pitting bigotry's victims against other victims is reprehensible; the defenders of justice must stand together."

The Investigation on the Robert Champion Jr. Case is finished, now forwarded to Prosecutors

Investigation on Robert Champion Jr has been completed and handed over to prosecutors to make a decision on possible charges.

Here's more:
"During the course of this investigation, Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators have worked over 1000 man hours and over 40 individuals have been interviewed," Orange County Sheriff's Office said in a statement Monday. "We have worked closely with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and on numerous occasions investigators have traveled to and from Tallahassee to meet with witnesses and gather statements."

The Florida State Attorney's Office said it has received the investigation but could not give a timeline of when a decision will be made in the case that has FAMU and other universities contemplating how to end violent hazing rituals.
Glad there's some movement. I just want some justice for Robert Champion Jr.

Supreme Court skeptical about the Health Care Law

Looks like Obama's Healthcare could be on a rocky road. Some of the Supreme Court judges are not feeling the individual mandate and very skeptical about its purpose.

MSNBC reports
The mandate is backed up by a financial penalty the law imposes on uninsured people who choose to not buy insurance. This provision takes effect in 2014.

Justice Antonin Scalia, who upheld broad federal power in the court’s 2005 Gonzales v. Raich medical marijuana decision, “had nothing good to say about this law,” Williams said.

Justice Kennedy “seemed to have grave concerns,” Williams reported, saying at one point in the oral argument “this is beyond anything Congress has ever done before.” It did not seem during the oral argument that Kennedy “found the justification that he needed” for the law, Williams said.

Veteran Supreme Court lawyer Tom Goldstein, who was in the court room Tuesday for the oral arguments, said it was “very worrisome” for the Obama administration’s side of the case. 

The four liberal members of the court seemed inclined to accept the administration’s s argument that Congress has ample power under the commerce clause to regulate health insurance and to require uninsured people to join the insurance market.

Verrilli and the government were “hunting for a fifth vote -- and it really wasn’t at all obvious where that might come from,” Goldstein said.
This is not looking too good. I hope Obama has a back-up plan.

Michael Bay Ruins the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

Michael Bay is not loved by many, many people. Yes, he makes money; but only to the lowest mental creatures who have no opinion and accepts everything put in their faces.

After ruining the Transformers, I hoped he was done... I was wrong.

He's working on TMNT, but guess what? He changed them into something else. For one, they are not mutant turtles made from ooze, they are from an alien race and he has removed the "Teenage Mutant" from their title. It's called "Ninja Turtles" now.

This info comes from Bay himself:
 Paramount marketing changed the name. They made the title simple. The characters you all remember are exactly the same, and yes they still act like teenagers. Everything you remember, why you liked the characters, is in the movie. This script is being developed by two very smart writers, with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles. They care VERY MUCH about making this film for the fans. Everyone on this team cares about the fans. Just give them a chance. Jonathan the director, is a major fan of the whole franchise. HE’S NOT GOING TO LET YOU DOWN.

The former creators can't stop this or the original owners. I guess we are stuck with this madness.


George Zimmerman's Lawyer Runs Away from Lawrence O'Donnell in an Interview - WATCH


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My (VIDEO) Review: MDNA

This is my first video or vlog. So please listen to my rambling rant

Documents exposes NOM's plans to start Cultural Wars with Blacks, Latinos and Gays

NOM is about to get served a nasty dish. Several documents came out in the last few days, pointing out their attempts to divide gay community and communities of color.

Here are a few examples:
The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks - two key democratic constituencies. We aim to find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage; to develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; and to provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots. No politician wants to take up and push an issue that splits the base of the party.

"The Latino vote in America is a key swing vote, and will be so even more so in the future, both because of demographic growth and inherent uncertainty: Will the process of assimilation to the dominant Anglo culture lead Hispanics to abandon traditional family values? We must interrupt this process of assimilation by making support for marriage a key badge of Latino identity - a symbol of resistance to inappropriate assimilation."
To read the documents, go here

So you see, these bastards were willing to stir up drama and discord among the races to justify their bigotry! They were going to get dirty to win. This is sad. This was done by these so called Christians.

It's inconceivable how NOM operates.

This reveal proves we should fight fire with fire. We need to attack them just as hard and dirty. If they were willing to start a cultural war, we have show them the same type action in abundance.

NOM, watch you back! 

WATCH: 3 Teaser Trailers for True Blood Season 5

Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy Birthday, Diana Ross!

The Legend, the Diva, the One
She started this Game

Pat Robertson: Having Gay Sex means you are Possessed - WATCH

That means we all have magic powers! Free goats' heads for everybody!

Tom Hardy could play Gareth Thomas in a new Film

Mickey Rourke wanted to play Gareth Thomas is his bio-film, however Mickey feels he's getting too old to portray Gareth properly.

So he suggested another actor to play the role, Tom Hardy.
The Sun talked Gareth about the change:
Gareth said: "I was talking to Mickey yesterday and basically we're now talking to other big-name actors who could play the part instead.

"We had talked about using computer-generated special effects with Mickey but we don't think that will be as realistic, so it's time to find someone new."

He revealed Batman star Tom Hardy is now in talks for the part that will feature Gareth's personal struggle when he came out as gay in 2009. 
This could hot and good. Tom is a good actor and something to look at.

I hope he considers the role.

New Black Panthers offer Bounty for George Zimmerman

This is not good.

These are the new Black Panthers and are nothing like the old ones during the Black Power movement. In fact, they have been denounced by the original Black Panthers, because they go against their principles.

In this clip, they are putting a bounty on George Zimmerman's head

Santorum: Obamaville - VIDEO

My Review: "The Hunger Games"

So, I went out and saw The Hunger Games. I thought it would be a mess, but it was good... real good. I didn't read the books, so I had no idea what to expect. But in all, it was good

Here's my bullet point review
  • The set-up was beautiful.
  • The alternative America was frightening.
  • All of the characters have Anime names (Peeta, Kato, Primrose)
  • There should be a story all about Rue.
  • Jennifer Lawrence was so good as Katness.
  • It was good to see the girl from the movie "Orphan" in the film.
  • The story was easy to follow and quite sad.
  • And the story showcased how our obsession with reality shows could go dark in the distant future.
  • The people of the Capitol looked like dancers in Xanadu.
  • Family, honor and heart were the themes of this movie.
  • The director did a fantastic job.
  • I would recommend not reading the books.
  • I do recommend this film.
There you have it. Very vague, but enough to spark some kind of interest, I hope.

Question of the Day

Are you going to get Madonna's new CD?

I get it for free to review

New Art: Federico Chiesa

Where do Horror Movie characters go?

 via io9 and here's the real source

Sunday, March 25, 2012

In Ohio: A Huge Rally for Gay Rights owned the streets of Cleveland - WATCH

Interesting Quote: Newt Gingrich

What the president said, in a sense, is disgraceful. It’s not a question of who that young man looked like. Any young American of any ethnic background should be safe, period. We should all be horrified no matter what the ethnic background.

Is the president suggesting that if it had been a white who had been shot, that would be OK because it didn’t look like him. That’s just nonsense dividing this country up. It is a tragedy this young man was shot. It would have been a tragedy if he had been Puerto Rican or Cuban or if he had been white or if he had been Asian American of if he’d been a Native American. At some point, we ought to talk about being Americans. When things go wrong to an American, it is sad for all Americans. Trying to turn it into a racial issue is fundamentally wrong. I really find it appalling.

Newt on Obama's statement about Trayvon Martin

Chloƫ Moretz is on the Top of the list to play Carrie

The Carrie remake is on it's way and it looks like they are closing in on the main role. ChloĆ« Moretz is on top of the list.

She has the acting chops and she's very entertaining to watch. The crazy mother may be played by Jodie Foster; and we all know this woman can play a role!

Maybe this film could be something to watch after all? I'll keep you posted.


What did you say about Hoodies, Geraldo?


A Quick recap of the HAAS LGBT Editors and Bloggers Convening

pic from Rod 2.0

This weekend, I attended the LGBT Editors and Bloggers Convening in Houston, TX. Over 40 well known bloggers and journalists got together to discuss hot issues in the LGBT community.  I was very honored to be a part of this event.
me, Andres from Blabbeando, Darian from lol Darian and Joe from Joe.My.God.

Let me give a rundown of the lowdown.
  • We learned that there's a huge generation gap in the GOP. The younger ones are moving away from the hate messages.
  • The Latino vote scares the GOP
  • Marriage equality is important, but there are other LGBT issues on the table.
  • In fact, marriage was like a fly buzzing around folks heads. It was annoying how many times it was brought up, but pleasing to see how folks wanted to discuss other things.
  • There are many out candidates trying to get in Congress.
  • Many gays are pleased with Obama and it was repeated several times (thank goodness)
  • We have a lot to learn about the Trans community.
  • New language addressing our community is growing.
  • The DNC has a lot work to do with the LGBT community and they are aware of that.
  • Diversity is still an issues among bloggers and journalists.
  • We need to work together as bloggers and journalists to strengthen our community.
It was a great time.

The 2 Gay Men Arrested on a Gay Cruise speak out - WATCH

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Look: The young Carrie Bradshaw for 'The Carrie Diaries'


Geraldo Rivera continues his silly Trayvon Martin Hoodie Comments - VIDEO

Yesterday Geraldo claimed that Trayvon's hoodie was the reason why he was killed. Immediately, he was attacked by celebrities, activists and his own son.

However, he didn't learn his lesson. He is still talking foolishness


I finally met Darian Aaron

Darian is one of the most powerful Black LGBT bloggers out there. He was an inspiration for my blog and I finally got to meet him at the National LGBT Editors/Bloggers Convening.

So excited 

Official Picture of the New Doctor Who Companion Jenna Coleman

Samuel L Jackson on Blame - VIDEO

A response to the Trayvon Martin tragedy

DC Comics! What in the F**k did you do to Wonder Woman?

After reading Wonder Woman #7, I'm done. I have decided to stop  reading this comic.

The spirit, the history and power that was Diana is gone. In it's place, is a character written by a non-fan, taking a paycheck from a company that would f**k up an icon for nothing.

Since DC Comics revamped their entire comic family, most characters remained close to their original style, however, Wonder Woman got a remake. But not a cute one; an ugly, sour one. DC allowed this mess to ruin one of the top comic book characters of all time.

This is how they did it:
  • They gave her ANOTHER horrid costume change with a choker, pants for 2 minutes and black boots.
  • Her father is Zeus.
  • Themyscira is a wasteland.
  • Diana is a brawler. She always looking for a fight.
  • The Amazons are no longer about peace and enlightenment. They are rapists, child slavers and murderers. 
  • Diana is no longer about being good. She's just mad all the time.
She's not even the Diana we knew and love. She's Xena or Red Sonja!

 I don't know why DC continues to f**k Diana over. Instead of an amazing amazon, we get some queen of the roller derby. This is not the WW I signed up for. They can take this mess back and give me the ambassador of Themyscira, the Princess of peace... The real Wonder Woman.

Friday, March 23, 2012

In Ohio: A Gay Teen is in a Coma after a Suicide Attempt

15-year-old Austin Rodriguez attempted suicide last week, by taking over 120 pills of his own medication. His family him and rushed him to the hospital.

He's still there in coma.

33WYTV News reports:
 His mother said the reason he tried to commit suicide is because he was bullied.

"Absolutely nothing was going through my head, and everything at the same time," said Bonnie Rodriguez.

That's how she described last Friday when her son, Austin, 15, told her he had taken more than 120 pills of his own medication and then collapsed on their kitchen floor.

"The night before this happened he said that we didn't know what was going on in his personal life, and we let him know that we were more than willing to listen to anything that he had to say," Rodriguez said.

She said Austin is openly homosexual, a good student and a great son with whom she has an honest relationship. But she didn't know how badly kids were bullying him.

"Until friends came out of the woodwork saying 'we knew Austin was going through this, we thought he was handling it a lot better, we didn't know what to do'," Rodriguez said.

Wellsville Schools Superintendent Richard Bereschik said the case involving Austin Rodriguez is currently undergoing a complete administrative review, and he can't discuss specific details. He said once the review is complete, school officials will follow the bullying policy in place.
Hang in there, Austin. Please, hang in there.

Feelings on Whitney

Regardless of her death or what they found... I will remember her as the diva she was

President Obama: "If I Had A Son, He Would Look Like Trayvon" - WATCH

A Preview of Dharun Ravi's Interview on 20/20 - WATCH

Thousands attended Trayvon Martin's Rally in Sanford, FL

The message is clear... Justice for Trayvon

New Poll: 9 out 10 folks want to Text in the Movie Theater

I'm concerned about our society. Beyond their love for dub step, skinny jeans and Taco Bell; a growing demand for texting in movie theaters is on the rise.

The Hollywood Reporter poll explains it all:
The poll found that a majority of 18-to-34-year-olds believe using social media while watching a movie in a theater would add to their experience, and nearly half would be interested in going to theaters that allowed texting and web surfing.
Okay, they can have one theater in a multiplex, or they should pay extra to do it. I don't know what wrong with these folks, but why would someone text through a movie they paid to see? Better yet, why would they want to ruin my movie experience?

I have been known to snatch a phone out of someone's hand, because they were texting next to me. I don't pay money to watch you text, so keep that mess at home.

New Teaser Trailer: The Host

A Copycat Abercrombie and Fitch site Causes Drama for selling Nigger Brown Pants

In 2001, A&F created a racist Asian shirt that sparked serious drama. Then, they dealt with racist hiring practices and branding. After that, A&F laid low in sales and image... until this week.

Running all over the net, was a link to this page
Yes, those are Nigger Brown Pants. But luckily, it's not the real A&F site, it's a copycat site.

The real A&F is trying to shut this down; but with their history of foolishness, folks are not sure what to believe. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.