Friday, December 31, 2010
Interesting Quote: Chris Brown
"I'm not homophobic! He's just disrespectful! By the way, I love all my gay fans and this immature act is not targeted at you! It's wack as f*** that everybody can bash me, but soon as I defend myself it's World War III. I TAKE S*** FROM everybody... it's cool though."
My 'Life' Review of 2010
This year has been interesting in so many ways. It was a good year, but it also was an eye opening time as well.
So here is a review of my life in 2010.
I traveled a lot this year for both work and fun. While I enjoyed myself, I was a bit tired of traveling. Not trying to sound spoiled, but flying out 7 times this year was enough.
I lost 2 good friends this year. One was like a little brother to me and the other held a deep part of my heart. It was really tough to lose my friends, I felt guilty that I didn't talk with them enough. But I hope they are in a better place.
My partner became Musical Director at his job, which was a pretty big deal.
We also met his family in the rural parts of PA. That was real special, real special.
I decided to get back into fashion. I was just wearing business clothes at work and slum clothes at home. So I took some money and increased my wardrobe. We won't talk about the number of jeans I have or the brand names of those jeans.
Continuing the shallowness, my obsession with Louis Vuitton took a huge turn. I gained 2 more editions to my LV collection.
My job gave me a bit of challenge (in a good way). I took on additional roles, which was rewarding and crazy at the same time.
I took another screenwriting class! I completed a feature film script that landed me another A and more confidence in my work.
LGBT politics start to bother me. It was hard staying positive, especially when most folks were becoming doubtful. But I had to stand my ground and keep hope alive. I had to remember that this is a long battle, so I had to keep my head on straight.
I returned to Kentucky for my college Homecoming. It was a blast! I haven't seen many of my classmates for years. Plus, I got see my old crew, the FAM. It was a great reminder of where I came from.
The blog gained many new readers. I'm always floored that y'all keep coming back for more. I will try to keep it real in 2011.
I had my wisdom teeth taken out and it was NOT fun. In 2011, BRACES!
I am now (this just happened recently) the VP of the Jordan Rustin Coalition.
I'm also amazed and thrilled to read many of your posts and stories. Although I have little to say, I greatly enjoy your blogs.
So that's it for me. I'm looking forward for 2011.
So here is a review of my life in 2010.
I traveled a lot this year for both work and fun. While I enjoyed myself, I was a bit tired of traveling. Not trying to sound spoiled, but flying out 7 times this year was enough.
I lost 2 good friends this year. One was like a little brother to me and the other held a deep part of my heart. It was really tough to lose my friends, I felt guilty that I didn't talk with them enough. But I hope they are in a better place.
My partner became Musical Director at his job, which was a pretty big deal.
We also met his family in the rural parts of PA. That was real special, real special.
I decided to get back into fashion. I was just wearing business clothes at work and slum clothes at home. So I took some money and increased my wardrobe. We won't talk about the number of jeans I have or the brand names of those jeans.
Continuing the shallowness, my obsession with Louis Vuitton took a huge turn. I gained 2 more editions to my LV collection.
My job gave me a bit of challenge (in a good way). I took on additional roles, which was rewarding and crazy at the same time.
I took another screenwriting class! I completed a feature film script that landed me another A and more confidence in my work.
LGBT politics start to bother me. It was hard staying positive, especially when most folks were becoming doubtful. But I had to stand my ground and keep hope alive. I had to remember that this is a long battle, so I had to keep my head on straight.
I returned to Kentucky for my college Homecoming. It was a blast! I haven't seen many of my classmates for years. Plus, I got see my old crew, the FAM. It was a great reminder of where I came from.
The blog gained many new readers. I'm always floored that y'all keep coming back for more. I will try to keep it real in 2011.
I had my wisdom teeth taken out and it was NOT fun. In 2011, BRACES!
I am now (this just happened recently) the VP of the Jordan Rustin Coalition.
I'm also amazed and thrilled to read many of your posts and stories. Although I have little to say, I greatly enjoy your blogs.
So that's it for me. I'm looking forward for 2011.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christine (The Worst Witch) O'Donnell blames VP Biden on Campaign Finance Investigation
It makes no sense, you are just guilty!
Interesting Quote: LA Times
The president could spare himself that struggle if he would analyze the issue logically. If he did, he would recognize that it's irrational, once same-sex couples are given the practical advantages of marriage, to deny them married status. Civil unions, while a vast improvement over the absence of any recognition of same-sex relationships, are almost by definition second-class arrangements.
The temptation is to think that Obama knows this, and that his reluctance to endorse marriage equality is more political than personal. When he ran for the presidency in 2008, it was the conventional wisdom that supporting gay marriage would be politically fatal. With shifts in public attitudes, that probably will not be the case in 2012. According to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 42% of adults now favor same-sex marriage, compared to 37% in 2009. The trend seems clear.
We'd prefer to think that such considerations wouldn't be uppermost in Obama's mind. What should determine his position is logic and the fact that same-sex couples across America, not just those in his circle, yearn for recognition of their relationships. Enough agonizing, Mr. President. Support marriage equality.
An editorial on Obama's struggle with gay marriage
2010 Geeky TV/Movie Moments
The Avengers Assemble - At Comic Con, history was made as the cast of the Avengers was revealed. Plus, it was confirmed that Joss Whedon would direct.
Heroes was Canceled - After broken story lines, too many characters that no one cared about and no sense of direction. Many fans left Heroes, causing NBC to it out of its misery.
Porn Plague - For some reason, the Porn industry start making Superhero porn. Why, I don't know. Let's just hope this end soon.
Remakes Mess - Certain remakes just confirmed that Hollywood waste money and time. Clash of the Titans and Nightmare on Elm Street were completely horrible and stabbed many of us in the geeky eyeballs.
Ianto dies in the best Torchwood story ever!
The new Doctor reigns - Matt Smith stars as the 11th Doctor, bringing in Fish custard and more of the crazy River Song.
DC Comics get real! - DC comics pumped up the news by announcing Green Lantern, Batman 3, the Wonder Woman TV project and a new Superman flick this year.
Marvel also comes HARD - Along with the Avengers, Marvel has Captain America, Thor and a number of TV projects on the way.
Inception - This movie changed the game!
The Walking Dead - This series was the most talked about series of the year.
The 25th Anniversary of She-Ra - He-Man's Twin sister celebrated her 25th birthday this year.
The announcement of the Buffy remake - This news caused the biggest uproar since Bush was reelected.
The End of Lost - It was big, but many fans hated the ending.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christine O'Donnell, you in Danger, girl! The Feds open Campaign Finance Investigation on her
Girl, you better use your powers to save yourself.
Chris Brown is an Asshole
Several of my followers on Twitter have been talking about this foolishness from Chris Brown.
In some tiff between Chris and Raz B, Chris tweeted this on Twitter:
Real cute, Chris. You insecurities are singing high notes right now. He tried to apologize, but I ain't hearing it. If you want to know where a lot this comes from, check over Son of Baldwin. He has great info on RazB.
In some tiff between Chris and Raz B, Chris tweeted this on Twitter:
Real cute, Chris. You insecurities are singing high notes right now. He tried to apologize, but I ain't hearing it. If you want to know where a lot this comes from, check over Son of Baldwin. He has great info on RazB.
Behind the Scenes Video: Signing the DADT Repeal
This is from the White House blog:
The Cute & Not Cute LGBT Moments in 2010
CUTE: Gareth Thomas and Ricky Martin comes out. One was a surprise, the other really wasn't but it was very interesting news.
NOT CUTE: NOM's Summer Tour - The Haters went on tour, hoping to win over supporters. But it was a huge waste of money and time. But it was fun to watch on YouTube.
NOT CUTE: Logo's A-List - This was the biggest setback to our cause, EVER. In the midst of us fighting for our rights, LOGO puts this mess on TV. Many gays hated it and others were ashamed to admit they watched it. This show proved that insecurity is a powerful thing.
CUTE & NOT CUTE: Dan Choi - I think of him as a wounded hero. At the beginning of his activism, he was on point. But as the year progressed, he started to lose it. From ranting on Twitter, Hunger Strikes and coming off half crazy on Hardball; Dan was falling apart before our very eyes. Near the end of the year, Dan had a breakdown. Luckily, he's okay, but I hope he takes a break in 2011.
CUTE & NOT CUTE: GetEQUAL - I applaud their in your face style and their fierce boldness, but I felt that all their vigor was used on the wrong folks. Throughout this year, GetEQUAL spent most of their time attacking allies and not our enemies. NOM, AFA, FRC and other Anti-Gay politicians/groups never felt GetEQUAL's fire. I never understood that plan or the point they were making. To be honest, it felt like they were scared of our enemies. Hopefully this year, they will have a better strategy.
NOT CUTE: Blogger Madness - Again, several bloggers went Obama/Dems crazy and spewed out half-truths, lies and misinformation. The ringleader was AmericaBLOG, posting several pieces that were either blown up rumors or flawed posts that were debunked within a couple of hours. It got to the point that many gays FINALLY start questioning their motives. I know I did. But I was happy knowing that most of them are eating crow sandwiches after Obama and Dems delivered the DADT repeal.
CUTE: Prop 8 was found to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL - A great moment for us Californians.
NOT CUTE: Ken Mehlman comes out - The man who help orchestrated Bush 2004 Anti-Gay marriage campaign decided to come out. He wasn't welcomed with open arms.
GAY SUICIDES: We lost too many to bullying and abuse, this cannot continue this coming year.
CUTE/NOT CUTE: Cindy McCain - Yes, she did a NoH8 pic and a pro-Gay video, but later she took it back by siding with her husband.
NOT CUTE: Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza - Many of us watch as this couple faced prison for being out n Malawi. After everything they went through, they broke up and Steven got engaged to a woman.
CUTE: It's Gets Better - The teen suicides brought many of us together to reach out to the overall LGBT community. This is a great project.
CUTE: DADT is repealed!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Reichen, if you can't Take the Heat, Stay off the A-List
Lord Reichen Lehmkuhl, I guess he wasn't warned that doing a reality show about Z-list wannabees would attract some heavy criticism.
In Next Magazine the editor had this to say:
The A-List: New York (Logo)
Where to begin? The "reality" show everyone loved to hate probably cancelled out 100 "It Gets Better" videos with its cringe-worthy depictions of Reichen, Rodiney and the other vapid queens trying to impress upon viewers why they're important. (Hint, if you have to explain why you're A-list, you're probably not.)
Well, he wasn't happy about that and wrote this in response (this is just some of the letter):
Dear Dan,
I just read in a column distributed by Michael Musto that you were quoted in saying that the reality show that I did over the summer, "The A-List New York", was merely "vapid queens" trying to impress on everyone why we are important. You specifically mentioned myself and my boyfriend, Rodiney.
First, I don't appreciate your bullying words. You can save your "vapid queens" comment for, well, no one. I can't even imagine speaking this way about other human beings. That you would reduce my existence to someone who is a "vapid queen" says more about what you don't know about me, along with the kind of person you must be. Is this seriously how a "senior editor" at a magazine talks about people?
Second, I'd like for you to point out which scene(s) depicted me or Rodiney trying to impress upon anyone how "important" we are. Is it that you IMAGINED scenes like this? Or do you just feel less important by default? Trust me, there are no scenes where we impress any sort of thing on anyone. We aren't like that as people, on or off the screen. We are humble, caring, HUMAN BEINGS, in case you forgot to explore that side of us. We lived our summer on a TV show and had 3600 hours of filming reduced to 3 hours that you actually saw, broadcast over 10 episodes that we watched, sometimes in horror, at all that was left OUT that would have depicted us as balanced people who react accordingly to situations. That you would make a public accusation that we would ever think we are "important" or "more important" than anyone else, is ridiculous. It's ignorant.Okay, boo. But you act like you haven't seen your own show. We did. Or rather they did, I could only do clips. But maybe these are the reasons you all were labeled hot messes
This doesn't make folks give a damn, it just makes us go WTF is this?
GOProud, when are you going to FRAKKING get it! Conservatives Don't Like You!
This silly group continues to beg for the hater's attention. As some of you may know, CPAC 2011 is coming soon. And like last year, GOProud is trying to be a part of this hater parade. However, several groups wasn't happy with GOProud's presence in 2010.
Now some of them are boycotting CPAC 2011
"We've been very involved in CPAC for over a decade and have managed a couple of popular sessions. However, we will no longer be involved with CPAC because of the organization's financial mismanagement and movement away from conservative principles," said Tom McClusky, senior vice president for FRC Action.I don't get GOProud at all, these folks could care less about us and will do anything to crap on our rights. Yet, GOProud continues to cling to their side. Are these folks gluttons for punishment? This makes no sense at all, ya'll.
"CWA has decided not to participate in part because of GOProud," CWA President Penny Nance told WND.
FRC and CWA join the American Principles Project, American Values, Capital Research Center, the Center for Military Readiness, Liberty Counsel, and the National Organization for Marriage in withdrawing from CPAC. In November, APP organized a boycott of CPAC over the participation of GOProud.
GOProud, get a clue... They are NOT into you!!
My Top 6 Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi Movies of 2010
Movies were are over the place this year, but I manage to find a few that stood out from the mess.
So let me showcase my top 6 flicks
Black Swan - the tortured dancer that broke new ground
Inception - a fascinating take of the powers of the mind
Splice - sheer science fiction thriller
The Crazies - the best Horror movie of the year
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - one of the best in the series
Kick-Ass - very cute and bloody superhero film
So let me showcase my top 6 flicks
Black Swan - the tortured dancer that broke new ground
Inception - a fascinating take of the powers of the mind
Splice - sheer science fiction thriller
The Crazies - the best Horror movie of the year
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - one of the best in the series
Kick-Ass - very cute and bloody superhero film
2010's Best Moments in Comics
Comics were pretty good this year and there were some moments that kicked ass in 2010.
Hope Summers/Jean Grey/Phoenix? -The X-Men saw hope for the mutant race in, well, Hope. The mutant girl was gifted with the powers of the Phoenix, but is she Jean Grey? Time will tell...
The Death of Rupert Giles - Our favorite librarian/Watcher was killed by Angel. Completely changed the game in Buffy.
The Return of Batman - Everybody thought Bats was dead, but he was stuck in time. However, he found a way back to the present.
The Blackest Night - New Lanterns, the Dead rises and Heroes restored. Great series.
Nightcrawler's Death - We lost our favorite demon as he risked his life for Hope Summers.
Wonder Woman's New Costume - Love it or Hate it, her costume cause everyone to talk about Diana.
Hope Summers/Jean Grey/Phoenix? -The X-Men saw hope for the mutant race in, well, Hope. The mutant girl was gifted with the powers of the Phoenix, but is she Jean Grey? Time will tell...
The Death of Rupert Giles - Our favorite librarian/Watcher was killed by Angel. Completely changed the game in Buffy.
The Return of Batman - Everybody thought Bats was dead, but he was stuck in time. However, he found a way back to the present.
The Blackest Night - New Lanterns, the Dead rises and Heroes restored. Great series.
Nightcrawler's Death - We lost our favorite demon as he risked his life for Hope Summers.
Wonder Woman's New Costume - Love it or Hate it, her costume cause everyone to talk about Diana.
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.