Friday, November 30, 2012
George Zimmerman is Selling Autographs to pay for his Defense
George Zimmerman is really trying to win the ASSHOLE award for this year and beyond. He is literally selling his autograph to raise money. Seriously!
See here
Zimmerman announced the autograph scheme on his website,, while revealing that the once flush account -- which had collected $140,000 -- has now dwindled to under $15,000.This is despicable!
"Currently, the balance of the George Zimmerman Defense Fund is at its lowest, and new funds must be raised to support George's living expenses and legal costs," the site says.
Zimmerman promises to send a handsome signed card -- conveniently mailed in an blank envelope with "no reference" to Zimmerman -- for sending him some cash.
Interesting Quote: James Gunn
A couple of years ago I wrote a blog that was meant to be satirical and funny. In rereading it over the past day I don’t think it’s funny. The attempted humor in the blog does not represent my actual feelings. However, I can see where statements were poorly worded and offensive to many. I’m sorry and regret making them at all.
People who are familiar with me as evidenced by my Facebook page and other mediums know that I’m an outspoken proponent for the rights of the gay and lesbian community, women and anyone who feels disenfranchised, and it kills me that some other outsider like myself, despite his or her gender or sexuality, might feel hurt or attacked by something I said. We’re all in the same camp, and I want to do my best to make this world a better place for all of us. I’m learning all the time. I promise to be more careful with my words in the future. And I will do my best to be funnier as well. Much love to all.
James responding to his messy article
CW moves forward in the Wonder Woman Series... Who in the F**K is Iris?
The CW is moving forward with the Wonder Woman origin story. They have hired a casting director and they are looking for a woman who's 5'8 or taller. But an interesting piece was revealed in this news... A character name Iris... Who in the f**k is Iris?
Nellie from Deadline has the scoop:
According to the breakdown I’ve obtained, her name is Iris (not Diana). “She comes from a remote, secluded country and until now has spent most of her life as a soldier and a leader on the battlefield. Because of relentless brutality of her life at home, Iris looks at our world with absolute awe and astonishment. She’s delighted and just as often horrified by the aspects of everyday life that we take for granted: skyscrapers, traffic, ice cream. It’s all new and fascinating and sometimes slightly troubling to her. Iris is completely unschooled in our world, our culture, our customs. And she’s completely inexperienced at interpersonal relationships. She has no social filter, does not suffer fools, and tends to do and say exactly what’s on her mind at all times. She’s bluntly, refreshingly honest. She can tell when you’re lying to her. And she doesn’t have time or patience for politics or tact because she’s too busy trying to experience everything our world has to offer. There are too many sights to see and things to learn and people to care for. Hers is a true, noble, and generous heart. And she will fight and die for the people she loves. Iris is a fierce warrior with the innocent heart of a romantic and she will fight to the death to make the world safe for innocents and true romantics everywhere.”Again, who is this? Maybe it is code for someone? Maybe it's a new character? Just as long it's not Diana, then we are good.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Faithbuddy: A 'Facebook' for Christians
There's a new 'Facebook' for Christians called Faithbuddy. Yes, that's the name.
It's supposed to be for Christians to connect with others Christians. Personally, I thought they did that with their anti-gay hate rallies. Anywho,here's their info.
Faithbuddy is a Christ-centered devotional and social networking platform.
We've developed unique features for prayer, and plan to offer secure contact directory solutions for faith-based groups including churches, schools and camps.
You can expect to find:
Better privacy controls for your informationA safer environment for young usersA more streamlined experience that doesn't waste your time
What you won't find:Features that only work if you agree to share unnecessary amounts of personal informationAll those ads with pictures of belly flabVirtual farm animalsFaithbuddy... Sounds like a undercover hook-up site to me.
Marvel's 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Director under fire for Homophobic and Sexist Article
Marvel's 'Guardians of the Galaxy' Director James Gunn got a reality check the other day. The filmmaker created this "The 50 Superheroes You Most Want to Have Sex With" list with some graphic and horrible blurbs under several superheroes.
In fact, some of them are homophobic, see here:
This list sparked outrage and questions about James' character. A few geek sites called out James' foolishness and there's a petition on demanding Marvel/Disney to remove James from 'Guardians of the Galaxy'.
James, don't you know? Geeky Gays and girls run this show. You better watch your back.
In fact, some of them are homophobic, see here:
This list sparked outrage and questions about James' character. A few geek sites called out James' foolishness and there's a petition on demanding Marvel/Disney to remove James from 'Guardians of the Galaxy'.
James, don't you know? Geeky Gays and girls run this show. You better watch your back.
What's Going on with Me
So here's an update on what's going on with me.
- I'm taken steps to change my future... meaning, I've applied for jobs in the entertainment world. I know I will have to start from scratch, but it is what it is. Actually, I'm excited about it.
- Bent-Con is this weekend and it will be amazing to see all LGBT creative geeks under one space.
- I'm thinking about cutting my hair shorter, maybe shoulder length?
- I'm always amazed at some people's need to feel important.
- Still working on my Graphic Novel. I had to convert the original script into a comic book version. It's a very detailed process, but fun to say the least.
- Losing weight seems to be the monkey on my back.
- I am very fortunate to have enough readers to keep this blog going. Many blogs have come and gone, but y'all have kept this one alive... Thank you.
- I realized that some of you are going through some tough times. Please stay strong and stay true.
- I have to wear ties at work now... I truly hate it!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Bryan Fischer: The War On Christmas Is Really A War On Christ
I think I look forward to this mess everyday
FAMU wants to dismiss Robert Champion's Hazing Death Case
Shame on you, FAMU!
Their attorneys are trying to get the Robert Champion's civil lawsuit dismissed from court. Robert was the gay FAMU student/drum major who was killed in a hazing incident from his fellow band mates.
FAMU's attorneys claim that Robert knew what he was getting into and was a willing participant. So, I guess he knew he was going to die? Please, this is a terrible reason to dismiss the case.
Here's some more info:
University attorney Richard Mitchell said Champion wasn’t forced to board a bus parked outside an Orlando hotel where the hazing took place, and he had risen through the ranks of the famed Marching 100 band without taking part in hazing until that fateful night in November 2011.
Champion’s willingness to take part in the hazing ritual gives the university immunity from the wrongful death lawsuit, Mitchell said.
“Robert Champion knew exactly what he was doing,” he said.I can't believe they are sticking with this statement. It's like they're saying he knew he was going to die, so it's okay. And knowing that Robert was given additional hazing because he was gay really disturbs me. I guess he knew that too, attorneys.
Being gay and in the marching band, clearly set Robert up for an early death.
Rick Warren: Being Gay is like taking Arsenic
Out of all the descriptions from straight men about being gay, this one is completely silly.
Watch Rick Warren express his feelings about being gay
Again, he said:
Watch Rick Warren express his feelings about being gay
Again, he said:
Here’s what we know about life. I have all kinds of natural feelings in my life and it doesn’t necessarily mean that I should act on every feeling. Sometimes I get angry and I feel like punching a guy in the nose. It doesn’t mean I act on it. Sometimes I feel attracted to women who are not my wife. I don’t act on it. Just because I have a feeling doesn’t make it right. Not everything natural is good for me. Arsenic is natural.Really, Rick, really?
Mitt Romney named the Least Influential Person of 2012 by GQ
Poor Mittens... He was named the least influential person of 2012 by GQ magazine. He beat out Jerry Sandusky’s lawyer, Lance Armstrong, Madonna, and George Zimmerman for this title.
GQ had this to say about their choice:
“Was anyone inspired by Mitt Romney? Did anyone vote enthusiastically for Mitt Romney? Of course not. Voting for Romney is like hooking up with the last single person at the bar at 4 a.m. The only successful thing he did this year was embody every black stand-up comedian’s impression of a white person. Thank God the election’s over. No more endless photos of Mitt staring winsomely off-camera with that attempted smile on his face. No more glaring campaign mishaps week after week after week. No more labored media efforts to make him look like anything other than Sheldon Adelson’s pampered money Dumpster.”Well, at least he won something.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Via Twitter: Bryan Singer brings back Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellen For X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
From Bryan's Twitter
Thrilled to announce @ianmckellen118 & @sirpatstew are joining the cast of #XMEN #DaysOfFuturePast #magneto #professorX More to come...
— Bryan Singer (@BryanSinger) November 27, 2012
Question of the Day
As the year comes to an end, what has been some the highlights for you in 2012? (yes, I know this is early, but hey, just go with it)
Hot Rumor: Will Joseph Gordon-Levitt play Batman in the Justice League?
The webs are buzzing about Joseph Gordon-Levitt being the new Batman in the JL movie. If you remember the ending of The Dark Knight Rises, Joseph was given the rights to the Batcave and all of the 'Wonderful Toys'.
Since, Christian Bale isn't returning and this series doesn't want to die, could this be real?
Maybe, according to HitFix:
According to sources, Joseph Gordon-Levitt absolutely will be appearing in "Justice League" as the new Batman.Well, he's been looking buff lately (remember his stripper opener in SNL?) and to be honest, it's not a bad idea. I could actually co-sign on this plan.
Now here's where things get interesting. The more insistent the drumbeat has become, the more poking around I've been doing, and it's looking like we may see Gordon-Levitt in the suit earlier than that. They're a long way from filming anything "Justice League" related, but they appear to be solidifying deals for Gordon-Levitt and, potentially, at least one other actor from the Nolan films to do… something.
I guess we will see how this rumor plays out.
Truth: Florida GOP tried to suppress Minority Voters
I knew it and you probably did too. GOP leaders in Florida admitted to some voter foolishness.
According to Former Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer, the GOP tried to suppress the vote in Florida.
Former Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer says he attended various meetings, beginning in 2009, at which party staffers and consultants pushed for reductions in early voting days and hours.
“The Republican Party, the strategists, the consultants, they firmly believe that early voting is bad for Republican Party candidates,” Greer told The Post. “It’s done for one reason and one reason only. … ‘We’ve got to cut down on early voting because early voting is not good for us,’ ” Greer said he was told by those staffers and consultants.“They never came in to see me and tell me we had a (voter) fraud issue,” Greer said. “It’s all a marketing ploy.”And there's more, please check out the rest of the post... MESS!
Monday, November 26, 2012
In Libya: 12 Men could be Executed by Militia for being Gay
This is horrible news! In Libya, an extremist militia threatens to kill 12 men for being gay.
This past Thursday, twelve men were captured by a militia for having a 'gay party' in a suburb of Tripoli.
Gay Star News reports:
The militia Facebook page entitled as the ‘special deterrence unit’ boasted that the men were captured doing the ‘practices of the people of Lot’ (ie gay sex) and that they are to be mutilated and executed.
The militia also claim they have now become a legal part of the Libyan Ministry of Interior.
The group states its mission is to remove ‘corruption’, ‘vice’, alcoholic drinks and now gays from the streets of Libya.
Human Rights Watch Libya identified the group as the Al-Nawasi militia, who are considered to be extreme Salafists. The militia has been previously been reported as being responsible for attacks against Sufi (moderate form of Islam) shrines and followers.I hope these men are saved.
Happy Birthday, Tina Turner!
The Diva Omega turns 73 today! She has been the deal for a very long time and we gays love us some Tina!
Please check out some of my favorite TT videos after the jump
Sir Ian McKellen: 'We Can Be Better Without Bullying' WATCH
From HuffPo:
As Sir Ian says in his campaign video (which you can watch below), by working together we can be better without bullying. Stonewall is asking people across Britain to write in to their former schools to ask what they're doing to support gay pupils (there's even a template letter at It takes less than five minutes to write a letter; less than three to watch and share Sir Ian's video. Can you spare eight minutes today to make a difference?
If you can, Anti-Bullying Week will be more than just another campaign week - and our memories of homophobic bullying stand a real chance of becoming a thing of the past.
Henry Cavill chats about the Man of Steel
![]() |
Henry and director Zack Snyder |
The British hunk shared some tidbits about the upcoming Superman film.
“I liked the idea of the realism immediately,” Cavill tells The Post in an exclusive on-set interview. “Traditional Superman fans know what it’s all about, and they will hopefully love and associate with the character anyway. But the people who aren’t die-hard Superman fans still need to associate with the character, and that needs to have some realism in today’s world, certainly, in sense of a science as opposed to mythology attached to it as well.”
On the costume and workouts:
Cavill says of the suit, which takes him 15 to 25 minutes to put on. “And I’m pretty sure it does.”The movie will be out next summer.
To fill out the costume, Cavill worked out intensely for two hours each morning, and consumed as many as 5,000 calories a day.
“I have been put through the ringer big time,” Cavill says. “An example of the workouts we’ve been doing, it was 100 front squats of body weight. There are kettle-bell workouts. It’s very hard work.”
Melissa Harris Perry discusses Gay Families - VIDEO
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Hate Leader Scott Lively supports Uganda's Backward Ways
In WND, hate leader, Scott Lively praises Uganda's hateful actions toward gays.
“The Museveni prayer is a model for all Christian leaders in the world. The leaders of the West have declined in proportion to their degree of rejection of God,” Lively said.How is this man still allowed to preach is still a mystery to me.
Lively also believes Uganda will rise as a major African power as America continues to decline. He uses Britain as an example.
“Britain was at its height as a world power when it honored God as the Ugandan president has just done. America’s greatness has similarly diminished as we have shifted from a Christian to a secular-humanist country. But watch now for Uganda to be blessed by God for their desire to be His,” Lively said.
Lively added that Museveni is definitely drawing a contrast between Uganda and the West.
“This incident is also important as a contrast to the picture being painted of Uganda by the godless left of a backwards, violent and savage culture intent on murdering homosexuals,” Lively said.
“On the contrary, Museveni is calmly and confidently setting the course of his nation by the guidance of the Bible, in a way that also shows great courage and resolve,” Lively said.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
In Uganda: Parliamentary Committee passes Anti-Gay Bill
This sucks to post, but the Anti-Gay Bill in Uganda passed.
Metro Weekly reports:
Ladislaus Rwakafuzi, a human rights attorney, responding to news that the Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee of the Ugandan Parliament earlier today passed a notorious anti-homosexuality bill out of committee. The bill, originally dubbed the “Kill the Gays” bill when introduced in 2009, has removed the provision of execution for “aggravated homosexuality.” According to Uganda’s NTV network – as tweeted by Frank Mugisha (@frankmugisha), director of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) – an unnamed member of the committee confirmed that a penalty of life imprisonment has remained in the bill in place of execution. While sexual relations between members of the same sex are already illegal in Uganda, if the bill becomes law it will be among the world’s harshest against gay people. NTV reports that the bill should receive floor debate next week.Something has to be done to stop this from going any further. More to come on this story.
Interesting Quote: Saxby Chambliss
"I care too much about my country -- I care a lot more about it than I do about Grover Norquist. Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt, and I just have a fundamental disagreement about that and I'm willing to do the right thing and let the political consequences take care of themselves."Sounds like Grover's losing his control.
DOMA vs X-Men
In this scene, we see the effects of DOMA in the Marvel Universe.
Now for those who don't know. The Black guy is Kyle Jinadu, Northstar's husband. They had a huge wedding earlier this year. Northstar is Canadian and technically, he's not suppose to be here.
Looking forward to this story.
Watch the Best of Black Friday or our version The Hunger Games
Let's face it, Black Friday is the Hunger Games. People fighting, shooting and killing each other for a D-grade TV or iPod Mini.
Don't believe me? Well, check out these clips after the jump. It's quite scary to see how primal folks are over nothing.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Larry Hagman has Died
The actor known as Major Nelson from 'I Dream of Jeannie' and the villain J.R. Ewing from 'Dallas' has died in a hospital in Dallas.
He has a rich history in television and stage. We will never forget his works.
R.I.P. Larry
Uganda drops Death Penalty from Anti-Gay Bill
In Uganda, haters are still trying to pass this 'Kill The Gays' bill. The Ugandan MPs are hoping to get this done in the next couple days, but for some reason, dropped the death penalty part from the bill:
Lawmakers in Uganda have scrapped a proposal to make homosexuality punishable by death.Regardless if this bill is Hate-lite, it's still dangerous. And these lawmakers have lied before about what's in this bill.
A parliamentary committee dropped the death penalty clause from the proposed Anti-Homosexuality Bill but otherwise endorsed the legislation, MP Medard Segona told the BBC today.
The provision was the most extreme of several increased punishments for homosexuality, and led to the bill being nicknamed the "kill the gays" bill.
Uganda's legal and parliamentary committee has made "substantial amendments" to the draft legislation, said Segona, adding that the death penalty provision was opposed by "some of us who are human rights activists."
Hopefully, more countries will drop their support of this mess and Uganda over this.
BackFlash Video Thursday on Friday: The Pointer Sisters
Still a great song to hear
The Pointer Sisters with Slow Hand
The Pointer Sisters with Slow Hand
Thursday, November 22, 2012
interesting Quote: Brian Brown
We cannot surrender the vision that sees the human family, created by God, rooted in nature, deeply oriented towards the good of calling together man and woman to give themselves to each other, and to the future. A baby incarnates God's wish that the world will go on.
Marriage is a cross-cultural social institution which reflects the deepest yearnings of the human heart—let me speak here as a man who is a husband and father—a yearning not only to be a husband, but a father, and not only a father, but a father who loves the mother of his child.
What God has joined, let no man fragment.
I wish you every happiness this Thanksgiving, every opportunity to know the joy of gratitude.
Gratitude for this country we share that still gives us the right to fight for what we think is right.
Gratitude for each other, for the knowledge we do not fight this great battle alone. So many millions of loving, decent law-abiding Americans have come together in this fight for marriage, across every line of creed and color.
I'm so thankful that you and I know (unlike so many people out there who struggle without this knowledge) this light of the soul: there is a Providence in the world larger than this week's headline, a deep Reason embedded into the structure of nature, of the universe itself, of the human heart—that loves us infinitely and beyond all measure.
Thank you for all you have done to help me and others fight this fight. Thank you above all for caring so deeply and so generously about marriage as God designed it.
Enjoy Turkey Day!
May you and your family have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Super-Hater Ken Hutcherson continues to blame NOM for losing the Gay Marriage battle
Ken Hutcherson is not backing off on his feelings towards NOM and their 'racist' ways. In an interview with Michelangelo Signorile, Ken just let it all out:
"I said to [the National Organization for Marriage], 'You think I’m controversial because I don’t look white,'” Ken Hutcherson, senior pastor of the Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Wash. said this week, charging NOM with racism and blaming the group’s tactics and strategies for the gay marriage win at the ballot in his state on Election Day. “I don’t talk white. I don’t act white. And I am not that milquetoast-looking kind of guy that’s is going to be calm about everything. I’ve got a passion on what’s right. I’ve got a passion, and I will stand on what I think biblical principles are. If that’s controversial, then we’ve got a problem, and we’ll never win another election on anything.”Ken said that NOM believed him to be too extreme and he was side-lined by the organization.
He also said he was against NOM's race baiting tactics. However, if he really was against it, he should have spoke about it months ago.
Anywho, go here for the entire interview.
I'm Gay because of Demon Sex
I have been possessed by demons and nobody told me?
According to an article and the former stripper turned God-Warrior, Contessa Adams, I'm gay because demons were possessing me and jacking me off.
Funny, I don't remember this and you may not either. However, Contessa claims our gayness comes from these special demons:
The two most identifiable sexual demons are the incubus, which is a male sexual demon that traditionally assaults women, and the succubus, which is a female sexual demon that assaults men. Sometimes they also lure people into homosexual behavior.Child please, this ain't True Blood. And according to myths, an incubus and succubus don't make you gay.
Adams notes that one evangelist, whose name she would not divulge, was so troubled by the sexual pleasure the succubus gave her that she even contemplated suicide.
Adams says the succubus spirit that used to attack her confused her so much that she contemplated becoming a lesbian.
"Unless you're strong enough to rebuke it, they'll keep coming back," she says. "You must speak the Word of God, knowing you have power in the name of Jesus."
They just get you off.
Arizona? Gay Marriage? WTF?
Am I drunk or did someone say that Arizona could be the next Marriage Equality state!
I think I'm drunk.
Anywho, this is a true story. Tanner Pritts has not only formed a Marriage Equality group in the crazy state, but also, filed paperwork with the Secretary of State's Office to begin a gay marriage 2014 campaign.
Here's more:
Pritts conceded to Capitol Media Services he is a political novice at ballot measures. In fact, the Scottsdale resident said he is just 22.I admire Tanner's passion. Arizona will be a HUGE hurtle to jump, but if they make it happen there, the possibilities are limitless.
The initiative drive, if successful, would put the issue back on the ballot just six years after Arizonans voted by a 56-44 margin to define marriage in the state constitution as solely between one man and one woman.
But Pritts said he is heartened by the results of elections elsewhere.
"Obviously, we believe the demographics of the nation are changing," he said.
"We feel that Arizona is, too," Pritts continued. "And we think we have a shot."
Gay fam in Arizona, help Tanner out, because he's going to need everything to bring Marriage Equality in that state.
AMC's The Walking Dead has cast Tyreese
Comic fans knows who Tyreese is. He's the bad ass character in the The Walking Dead comic series.
Many folks were wondering when he might show up, but don't worry he's coming. I just learned that Tyreese may grace the screen by the mid-season finale. And he will be portrayed by this hot actor, Chad Coleman.
Some of you may know Chad from HBO's The Wire. I'm very sure this hottie is going to bring it on the series.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Another Accuser speaks out about Kevin Clash - WATCH
Lord, no! Another person claims to had sex with Kevin Clash. This time it's Cecil Singleton and he has filed a lawsuit claiming he had underage sex with Kevin.
I can't with this story!
Frank Ocean talks about Coming Out in GQ
Frank Ocean gets personal in his GQ interview.
On posting his letter to Tumblr:
The night I posted it, I cried like a fucking baby. It was like all the frequency just clicked to a change in my head. All the receptors were now receiving a different signal, and I was happy. I hadn't been happy in so long. I've been sad again since, but it's a totally different take on sad. There's just some magic in truth and honesty and openness.
On coming out and worries about if it would hurt his career:
I had those fears. In black music, we’ve got so many leaps and bounds to make with acceptance and tolerance in regard to that issue. It reflects something just ingrained, you know. When I was growing up, there was nobody in my family—not even my mother—who I could look to and be like, 'I know you’ve never said anything homophobic.' So, you know, you worry about people in the business who you’ve heard talk that way.
The Koch brothers show No Love for Gov. Rick Scott
This is a shock to the system. The Koch brothers' organization, Americans for Prosperity, spoke out against Florida Gov. Rick Scott for being an asshole on Obamacare.
Recently, Rick decided to go against the interest of the people and refuse Obamacare for the state.
Americans for Prosperity responded to his actions:
In a statement, AFP said that Scott's recent signal that he was willing to consider implementing key provisions of President Barack Obama's health care reform law was a step in the wrong direction.Seems that Rick Scott is losing his appeal. He better be careful or he may end up jobless and ruined in a matter of months.
"AFP is extremely disappointed in leaders in Florida suggesting that the Sunshine State should create a health insurance exchange” said Slade O’Brien, AFP’s Florida State Director. “An exchange will increase insurance premiums on consumers and taxes on hardworking families. Florida’s best intentions will be masked by the federal government’s onerous requirements.”
Kevin Clash Resigns from Sesame Street
This hurts to report, but after all the scandal and mess, Kevin Clash quits Sesame Street.
The show released a statement:
Sesame Workshop’s mission is to harness the educational power of media to help all children the world over reach their highest potential. Kevin Clash has helped us achieve that mission for 28 years, and none of us, especially Kevin, want anything to divert our attention from our focus on serving as a leading educational organization.This is a sad day for many of us.
Unfortunately, the controversy surrounding Kevin’s personal life has become a distraction that none of us want, and he has concluded that he can no longer be effective in his job and has resigned from Sesame Street. This is a sad day for Sesame Street.
Mitt Romney Looks Tore Up - PIC
Mittens looks broke down, y'all.
Someone saw Romney at a gas station in La Jolla, Cali-Cal and took a pic. The rumor is he's planning to move there soon.
You know, this is a bit interesting. He always has this clean look about him, but in this pic, he looks like a dirty old man.
What do y'all think?
Interesting Quote: Adrianne Palicki
If I get to do one job a year, or if I get to just do my job, even if people don’t get to see it, I’m doing my job and it’s making me happy. I’ve got to just keep fighting through it and do it, and hope that eventually people see what I’m doing. But, I was devastated. Believe me, I was inconsolable for a good two months. And then, I had to realize that I had a Wonder Woman costume fitted for my body. I got to play that part on film. Not many people get to say that, and that’s cool. Maybe I’ll get to do it again, in a bigger arena. Who knows?source
Monday, November 19, 2012
Interesting Quote: Nate Silver
"I've always felt like something of an outsider. I've always had friends, but I've always come from an outside point of view. I think that's important. If you grow up gay, or in a household that's agnostic, when most people are religious, then from the get-go, you are saying that there are things that the majority of society believes that I don't believe."source
Elmo's Voice Accuser now says he Didn't Lie and Wants to Undo Settlement
Sheldon Stephens, the guy who accused the voice of Elmo, Kevin Clash, of underage sex still says it happened.
After feeling the heat from the public, Sheldon now says that the story was true and he didn't lie about it. Oh, and apparently there was a settlement involved as well.
TMZ reports:
TMZ broke the story ... Clash and Sheldon Stephens entered into a settlement in which Clash agreed to pay Stephens $125,000, but in return the agreement provides the following:
"Stephens agrees that immediately upon execution of this Agreement, his counsel, Andreozzi & Associates, P.C., shall release the [following] statement ... 'He [Stephens] wants it to be known that his sexual relationship with Mr. Clash was an adult consensual relationship.'"
We've learned Stephens has met with lawyers in Los Angeles and told them he was pressured into recanting his allegation and insists he's telling the truth when he says he had sex with Clash when he was 16.
Stephens -- who is now 23 -- is telling lawyers he will gladly forfeit the $125,000 to restore his name. Stephens is saying he was literally crying during the final negotiations and repeatedly said he didn't want to sign.
Clash's lawyer told us Friday he would have no comment on the settlement story.So he wants to clear his name? Or get more money. Sorry, but there's something wrong with this story. I can't take Sheldon seriously here. Why would he make this story public if he knew his name would dragged in the mud? And if he was still with Kevin and had no problem getting money from him, doesn't that raise any questions about Sheldon's intentions?
Sheldon, it seems your idea of blackmail is sloppy. I could be wrong about this, but it just looks fishy to me.
More Quotes from a Bitter Mitt Romney
Last week, we heard Romney go rogue about the 47% and 'gifts'. Now, we have more nuggets from the great GOP Failed Leader.
–Romney on the “gifts” to Hispanic voters: “For any lower-income Hispanic family, Obamacare was massive, I mean for–the average income for a household in America is fifty thousand dollars a year, that’s the median, fifty K per year. For the Hispanic household, my guess is it’s lower than that, maybe it’s forty thousand a year. For a home earning let’s say thirty thousand a year, free health care, which is worth about ten thousand dollars a year, I mean is massive, it’s huge. So this–he did two very popular things for the Hispanic community.”Such a sore loser, Mittens.
–The primary was “nuts.” Romney: “We had 20 Republican debates, that was absolutely nuts, it opened us up to gaffes and to material that could be used against us in the general, and we were fighting these debates for a year, and the incumbent president just sat back and laughed.” Romney said he wants his group of donors to stay together to pressure Republicans to abbreviate their primary process.
–Criticized networks that hosted debates. Romney’s suggestion for the debates next time: “agree that we’re gonna do, you know, I dont’ know, eight debates, and we’re gonna, we’re gonna do one a month, and we’re gonna pick stations that are reasonable, it’s not all gonna be done by CNN and NBC, alright, I mean we’re gonna try and guide this process so that it’s designed to showcase the best of our people as opposed to showcasing liberals beating the heck out of us.”
Let the Hate Group Games begin
The Anti-Gay folks are pointing at each other for their losses. The Black evil genie, Ken Hutcherson is pissed at NOM and Focus on the Family for failing in stopping Marriage Equality.
"Initially we had a strong group of people fighting for marriage in Washington [State]. We were unified and it looked like beating our opponents was going to be a cakewalk," Hutcherson told The Christian Post a few days after the election.He even throws in racism in the pot:
"Then these national organizations came into the state and said I was too 'controversial,' and that I should take a back seat. They just waltzed in and stabbed us in the back by first caving in on domestic partnerships and then on marriage. And I lay some of the blame on our legislators for taking their 30 pieces of silver and backing away from the fight. I blame the large churches who were afraid to preach the Bible."
"When I knew my involvement was going to generate controversy, I offered to step back and suggested others who were on the frontlines do so as well for the sake of unity. They refused, leaving me as the odd man out. If you look at them, they were all the same color with the same moderate views. It just didn't make sense why they would not include a person of color who was willing to fight."Delicious drama! Well, Brian Brown feels hurt by this and strikes back:
"I believe there are conservatives of all colors, but the leadership from NOM, Focus and Mission Public Affairs, wanted to run being a moderate campaign where everyone felt warm and fuzzy. But we know that sin is never satisfied and always wants more. These guys just looked and acted too much like the GOP – old and white."
"That is simply not true," he told CP. "Pastor Hutcherson wanted to work on an initiative and not a referendum which we thought was the best method.Child please, this has nothing to do with God. This is the result of greed and bigotry, but isn't great to see this fallout?
Brown also called Hutcherson's comment "absurd and reckless," and that he never heard any complaints from the Washington pastor. He also pointed to others such as Maryland's Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr. who is also black and was out front in his state's effort to overturn a new state law.
"In the body of Christ I think if we have differences they need to be aired out between us and not in the public arena."
Keep it up, guys.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
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- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.