So Heroes ended with a clue of the next chapter (Spoiler)
Nathan P. has a secret meeting with the President, but not just any president, President Worf to be exact. The actor who played Worf is the new (Black) president for next season.
Anywho, Nate make a deal to capture all of the muta---I mean, eclipse powered people and lock them away or use them. Sounds familiar? It should, it's the god damn DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, the storyline that sealed the X-Men as The Comic.
I could be wrong, but it's looks really similar. Let's just see if Rachel Grey shows up side by side with Peter.
You would think that with me being a 33-year comic veteran I'd be realyl into Heroes. But I'm not. I find it cliched. And I also think it has contempt for its audience.
Not a fan. I stopped watching after the first season.
I just hope Heroes gets better next season. Season 1 was so great, but it's been downhill ever since.
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