As we speak, there're folks working on a Nightmare on Elm Street remake, next chapter, or something of the sort. It seems the studios believe there's more money in Jason, Freddy, and other 70/80's killers, however I think it is a cop out.
I personally don't want more Freddy movies. I don't want him or the others to make a comeback. I know a lot of people do and I'm curious about the remakes; but I want something new, something that changes the game like they did in the 80s with Jason and 'em. There has been about 7 Freddy movies and too many Jason...what else can they do with them.
Instead of bringing them back, start up a new batch killers. I think there are so many stories to tell. I'm excited to see these movies, but it's time for some new stuff. On the web, there are very talented writers and creators that can move Horror to the next level. It's almost a shame to see the big hype about Horror movies is based from remakes, and nothing groundbreaking.
Let's send a message that we (lovers of Horror) want more. I'm trying to get into the Cinema school at USC in hopes to change the game. And I'm know there are up and coming Horror writers struggling to be heard. Studios, please give them a chance. Some of them could be the change we are looking for.
So to sum this up, I will see the remakes, but I'm not overly excited about them. I want new and fresh Horror stories. Bringing these classics back only make the genre stagnant. It's time to slash some new ground.
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