Seems like the Repubs never learn their lesson. With racism being one their biggest obstacles, fools like Chip Saltsman just keeps the Jim Crow's fires burning.
Stupid ass Chip, who's a candidate for the Republican National Committee chairmanship sent the committee members Christmas goodie bag with a CD which includes a song titled "Barack the Magic Negro". When he was called out about it, he quickly jumped to the "it's a joke" defense.
He said "I think most people recognize political satire when they see it. I think RNC members understand that."
Really Chip? I guess if we made a CD with songs called, "Chip Saltsman the lover of Kiddie Porn" or Chip beats his wife" that would be a joke too.
Are you that stupid, Chip? Have you been asleep for 20 years? You just lost your bid for RNC chair. Do you think they want an idiot like you to be a chair, servicing under the "Magic Negro"?
Sweetie, you just doomed yourself.
You better get your resume together.
Ugh - I'm breaking out in hives just looking at his smug-ass, shit-eating, entitled grin.
Hello, Central Casting, I need a middle-aged racist white asshole, please. Oh, you've got one named "Chip"? Even better. Ah, thanks for the head shot . . he's perfect.
You forget that we're talking about REPUBLICANS. Sending out a CD with "Barack the Magic Negro" included probably HELPS his chances at becoming the RNC Chair.
In response, I'm going to record a song called "Chippy the Closet-Case Pole-Smoker" and send it out to all my friends.
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