I was looking at the schedule of events for the National Equality March and I noticed there were no workshops discussing race relations or diversity.
I was hoping this event would present opportunities for such conversations, but so far, I'm not seeing any time devoted to those matters.
Maybe I missing something, but I think it's imperative to have these discussions at this march. One of our major problem areas is the lack of outreach to communities of color. Plus, many LGBT communities of color continue to feel alienated from the overall LGBT family.
Why not take this time to address those issues and create some action steps to improve our relations? This is the perfect time, the perfect place. In order to achieve any of our goals we need to be an united and welcoming front.
As I said, maybe I missed it, but I hope it gets addressed someway, somehow.
Actions speak louder than words. If there is something missing from the weekend's events that you would like to see, then **YOU** should go to Washington and do something about it. It's a grassroots event after all.
I wish, I'll be in Kentucky for another event. However, I have some students going from the university. Hopefully, they will raise awareness
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