Sunday, September 27, 2009

Secret Crush

I have this secret crush on Jerry Ferrara. I think he's a total hottie.

If he was gay and if I was single and if he was trying to holla, I wouldn't turn him down.

Who's your secret crush?


Damien said...

Oh m8 I am with you.

This hot little cub could ask me to do almost anything and all I would ask is "How often.....?"

Larry Ohio said...

It's no secret -- I have a massive crush on Matt Damon.

behrmark said...

He IS a cutie!

Prince Todd said...

Okay, I am the odd man out. He does nothing for me (lol)...

But if we're talking cute unassuming guys...
My crush is on Hoyt from True Blood. Can one guy be any sweeter and any cuter?!

Hell, I think ALL of the men on true blood are HOT...
Eggs, Erik, Sam, Jason, and BILL!

Knowuthrume said...

After embracing his personality and personal style, I find him more attractive. He looks 10x cuter out-of-character..when wearing clothes that fit more flatteringly.

Anonymous said...

White House Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag is my secert crush.

He needs me.

Anonymous said...

And I am going with my crush since last year....The president....

He is the freakin' prez for god's sake!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

*living under a rock*

No clue who he is.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.