Monday, September 10, 2012

Buffy gets a Gay Male Slayer, Billy

Who says slaying is for girls! In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer comic universe, we finally see a gay male slayer!

His name is Billy.
Billy is about a young man who finds strength by standing up to vampires (a metaphor for bullies?) and defining who he is going to be rather than letting others tell him who he should be. 
"Billy is someone who sees a need in his hometown and steps up to fill the void, even at great personal risk," says Greenberg. "He may not have the actual powers of the Slayers, but he's determined to be his own kind of hero, one who's sort of modeled after those who do have the power, and he sets out to make due with what he has. In the process, I think he hopes to follow the lead of all the strong, powerful Slayers who came before him and live up to the standard they set." 
Greenberg admits that while working on Buffy together, they talked a lot about introducing a gay character to the television show.
Billy appears is issue 14. Here are some scenes from the comic after the jump



Writer said...

This is awesome! I always wanted to be a Slayer! :)

WilsonW said...

Wasn't Andrew a gay character on Buffy? And the guy who had a crush on Xander but got killed.

Anonymous said...

More than anything this just looks like a stunt to keep people reading this increasingly poor series. He isn't a slayer, he doesn't have their powers or destiny or rites. He's just a vampire hunter like any other non-slayer characters who kill vamps.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.