Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Southern Whites are scared of Romney's Wealth

The South is a frostbitten mess. They are admitting they can't trust Romney because of his money.

Here's the scoop:
Sheryl Harris, a voluble 52-year-old with a Virginia drawl, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced -- despite all evidence to the contrary -- that President Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim.

So in this year's presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance.

"Romney's going to help the upper class," said Harris, who earns $28,000 a year as activities director of a Lynchburg senior center. "He doesn't know everyday people, except maybe the person who cleans his house."

She'll vote for Obama, she said: "At least he wasn't brought up filthy rich."
White lower- and middle-income voters such as Harris are wild cards in this vituperative presidential campaign. With only a sliver of the electorate in play nationwide, they could be a deciding factor in two southern swing states, Virginia and North Carolina.

Reuters/Ipsos polling data compiled over the past several months shows that, across the Bible Belt, 38 percent of these voters said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who is "very wealthy" than one who isn't. This is well above the 20 percent who said they would be less likely to vote for an African-American.
It's this type of drama that's hurting Romney. The South has never warmed up to Mittens and it seems they are resistant in voting for him.

I guess he will be spending a lot more time in the South soon.



Bob said...

"I guess he will be spending a lot more time in the South soon."

Wearing overalls and eatin' grits, no doubt.
And Queen Ann will probably be photographed on a tractor.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's hard to rail against the elite when your candidate is part of the elite.

Anonymous said...

Without the south you can pretty much kiss any aspirations to the Presidency goodbye.

I think something else about this is telling.

That she thinks the President is Muslim - but will vote for him anyway because he came up poor.

That was a dig at Romney's coded Mormonism.

I increasingly suspect President Obama will get a second term. Between the post convention bump, the increase in fundraising, it's starting to look inevitable.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.