Matt Tratner became a hero to gay teachers and students, by being who he really is in public... A Proud Gay Man.
Here's the story...
Defying recent efforts to demonize and penalize openly gay teachers, Matt Tratner, a beloved teacher and guidance counselor at New York’s prestigious John Bowne High School, went to work today wearing a shirt that boldly states “OUT And I’m not alone.” He then posted a photo of himself wearing the shirt on Facebook with the caption
“Yes- I am OUT at my job… Yes the students like my shirt.”
Hopefully, more teachers will follow in his footsteps. Because the more gay teachers come out and stand out, the more our LGBT teens will feel safe and not alone.
The posting immediately attracted massive support, including mine. By the end of the day he changed his Facebook status to say
A little after 3pm today, after classes were over a few teacher came over to me to tell me what they thought of my OUT SHIRT I had worn to school today… They said that they had heard all about Tratner wearing it. They asked where they could get one so they too could wear them at school- gay and straight teachers asked to have one. I was never so proud to be OUT.
Way to go, Matt!!
Love it. I need a couple of them too. I would wear it to work. Oh wait they already know I am gay. hehe
Good for him! That will help so much.
Nice work by the teacher!!
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