But not for a divorce...he and his poor wife, Gayle, are going to talk about how they stayed together during Ted's fall from grace.
They are going to show us how to fight the hard fight and what poor self-esteem looks like in a marriage.
I'm sorry, but this is not a something to take serious...They are going on Divorce Court! Not 20/20 or Orpah, Divorce Court. This is where Jojo divorces her husband because he believes he's Aquaman. This is the same show that has folks divorcing over who ate the last chicken leg in the fridge.
Ted, I know you are hard up for some money, but goodness, have some respect for marriage!
I can already tell you what's going to happen. Ted's going to talk about how much he likes the Peen, and the Wife is going to talk about how much she likes spending Ted's money.
See ... no need for divorce!!
Respect and Ted and Gayle Haggard are two things that do not go together.
He's gonna ride this for all the money it's worth.
Mr. Dust already beat me to it; mine was or is, he being the self hating homo and she being the fag hag wife who wants to maintain her social standing at whatever cost.
Totally off topic, but I love the Gem and the Holograms theme!(lol)
I used to LOVE that show.
How disgusting can they get? How low can they sink? Surely this is it!
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