Within hours, Michael Jackson's 50 tour dates in London has completely sold out.
Folks are truly excited over his concerts and hopes he will do a world tour.
"He is a legend and I love his message to the world," Obi, a 19-year-old student said outside the O2 Arena in south London. "I've been hoping that he would perform live again."
"I have come 150 miles just for this," said Lee Middleton, a 34-year-old construction worker from Liverpool, in northwest England. "We have made some very interesting friends waiting in line. ... People were singing his songs and dancing."
I'm sure with this success, an US tour will be in the works. And if so, I will like to see him.
However...he does look a little scary.
Yeah I might be willing to hit a concert nearby.
I just wonder what made him mutilate himself like that. Back around the time of Off The Wall he was very cute. Even into Thriller. Than after that, freaksville.
Freaksville is right. Yes, he used to be cute and not creepy.
I guess folks like what they like
Next thing... Will he do all these dates or will he create some new drama where he doesn't show up? And so forth....
You KNOW he's going to be lipsynching most of it, and there's a high chance he won't make it past a couple of dates.
I'm just saying, he couldn't even get to court on time, or release anything other than Greatest Hits compilations again and again. It's a sad fact to face up to, and one even he refuses to see, but the King Of Pop is dead.
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