This is funny. After the success of the animated movie and a leadership change at Joel Silver's studio, they want to finally start doing this.
IESB states: There was a regime change late last year over at Silver Pictures, Andrew Rona is now the man in charge and will be the man spearheading the live action Wonder
Sources in the Burbank studios have confirmed there is quite a bit of movement on the WW front. With Green Lantern going into production this year, it looks like Princess Diana may finally get the go ahead from WB.
WB and Silver Pictures are in the early stages but they are eager to get started on the movie. Sources tell IESB that WB is looking for new writers on the project and have been taking pitches the last few weeks.
Don't look for new busted writers, get Joss Whedon back! He can do the movie justice. Also seek out Phil Jimenez and George Perez who did great work with the Amazing Amazon...
Oooh! That picture is by my friend Phil Jimenez from WONDER WOMAN #188. That's the issue that he featured me in as Trevor Barnes' nephew "Bobby" aka Wonder Boy!
Good times!
REALLY, I didn't know that! That's amazing! He wrote on my blog before about Nubia! Lucky you!
Wonder Woman was created by William Moulton Marston as a "distinctly feminist role model whose mission was to bring the Amazon ideals of love, peace, and sexual equality to a world torn by the hatred of men." In Wonder Woman's history "feminist" is not defined as "man hating", but rather that Wonder Woman is not defined primarily by her sexuality and thus her value to men as a sex object. What Marsten said then, applies even more now today: "Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power." Wonder Woman can be an inspiration by returning to Marsten's original vision and presenting a balanced, respectable female character. Maybe if enough people speak their mind about what they'd like to see, the screen writers will listen. There's a petition out there: http://www.change.org/petitions/warner-brothers-and-michael-goldenberg-restore-wonder-woman-as-a-feminist-icon-in-new-film
I hope they keep true to her origins in a tasteful way!
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