From Wonk Room
LEVIN: One of the questions will be whether we stay long enough to get some of these things done and I hope we stay as long as we need. There are many days extra if we stay after Christmas, it adds a few days. It would add a few days, for instance, if we stayed in the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday before Christmas. You can pick-up a few days, and if it will make a difference, and I think it can… I would hope we would take those few days and also to get Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell passed. [...]
The way I think the President needs to fight is to say that he is going to use all of the power he has of a bully pulpit and urge the Senate to stay in, right up to New Years….that’s the problem that I don’t see that kind of a willingness to fight that hard, where he will take that kind of a position and that’s what’s necessary. The Senate and the House, these are tests of wills.
I am piggy backing on this one!
He speaks the truth. I wish President Obama would start taking anabolic steroids like the bodybuilders do. His personality will become more aggressive, confrontational, and asshole-ish, and that's what this country needs right now.
As much as I despised Bush, he did tell people he was The Decider. While he decided the wrong things and fucked up everything he touched, he stood by his convictions and fought hard for them.
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