Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Question of the Day

I saw this on NGblog and I found it very interesting...

The LGBT news site, Washington Blade, tweeted this question:
Is it time to set aside marriage and make the more pragmatic push for civil unions? What do you think?

I'm so curious to hear y'all views on this


Anonymous said...

No it's not. We've gotten far too much invested in the marriage equality fight.

Larry Ohio said...

I will fight against civil unions with every fiber of my being. I will not settle for being a second class citizen. Period.

Bob said...

No, it is not.
Civil union is another attempt at keeping us "less than."
I'm not standing for that any longer.

David Dust said...

No, settling on Civil Unions is a win for the Haters.

It's just as wrong as settling for Jim Crow/"Separate But Equal" laws - which we all know weren't "equal" at all.

Kyle Leach said...

No, to civil unions! I will not accept anything less than marriage and no one else should either. I got treated like shit for the first part of my life(like many of us. I'm on top now and I'm not about to go for less than what I want and what our relationship is worth. It is time to focus on the big shiny prize, the one that none wants us to have. If they won't give it to us, then we have to take it.

SteveA said...

No to civil unions - we deserve our basic rights - which includes marriage!

Prince Todd said...

I'm neither here nor there. Just as long as my relationship is protected under the law is all that matters.

Ron Buckmire said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with civil unions and comprehensive domestic partnerships, as a stepping stone to full marriage equality.

To say otherwise is "to cut off your nose to spite your face."

I would note the ONLY two statewide ballots we have won since 2004 have been on domestic partnerships (AZ 2006 and WA 2009)

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.