Sunday, January 10, 2010

To the Supposed Lover of Ovie Mughelli

Okay, last night I talked about this issue involving Atlanta Falcons fullback, Ovie Mughelli and this scorned lover that HAD to out him in order to right wrongs.

Well the 'lover' made a video to explain his reasoning

So here are my views
  • This carefully done to somewhat avoid a lawsuit. However, this message defeats the point of this tirade.
  • If you are not calling him gay, then what's the frakking point? Again, trying avoid a lawsuit.
  • You had alleged relationship with him that ended 3 YEARS AGO! Let go!
  • This proves nothing. Unless you have a sex tape, this could be labeled as a crush gone bad.
  • If this is your way of dealing with a break-up, then you will single forever. Who will trust you after this?
  • What did you hope to gain from this?
  • You say it's not about the money. However, for 3 years you said nothing, until Ovie starts hitting big and now you want to 'out' him. Erica Kane would be proud.
But you know what, mystery man? I will agree that you are a victim.

You are a victim of Miss Jia's greed and opportunistic actions. You are a victim of being and accepting the role as a sideline piece and not the star; and you are a victim of your own pettiness.

Now some will say this guy's heart was broken and his reaction is a classic response. But outing anyone for revenge is unacceptable. Three years has passed, there are no excuses for this. So, I have to say this is a bitter act.

However, I hope you get help so you can heal, because it's going to get rocky. Deadspin, a sport blog, reports that Ovie's lawyers will be dealing with Miss Jia and him soon.

So, I hope this was worth it, because you may go down for this... and not in a good way.


Eduardo Guize said...

"outing anyone for revenge is unacceptable", right! thanks! I agree with you on that but sometimes it feels we're only a few to think like that.

Anonymous said...

I dunno what to think of this situation....I hope he does not want revenge or has any negative emotion toward this guy.


Unknown said...

Yikes, this is yet another sticky wituation. It crtainly seems like a whole bunch of revenge and anger going on there. Seems to me like someone is trying to just make some money and hurt people in the process.

Greg Blackshear said...

Wonderman I agree with your musings. After 3 years he is being petty and vindictive

afrolez said...

He is bitter if you didnt want money ,fame,then wat the hell did you want. I dont know wat happen on both side, bu theres a a lil thing call karma

kayman said...

Well, the lawyers talk of a cease and desist can only go so far because if there is further proof of these allegations then it is useless. In my book, it's a big ass OH WELL because ol' buddy should have just killed it years ago with the Mystery Man, but continued to mess with him. What goes on in the dark always comes to the light...

Ron Buckmire said...

Well, I am in favor of outing. If he was with him for 6 years shouldn't he have some evidence to indicate that they "had a relationship"?

Anonymous said...

>You are a victim of Miss Jia's greed and opportunistic actions<

You nailed it. And everyone else is a victim of this scam. Miss Jia has zero credibility. Here's a legit writer weighing in:

Bottom line is Ovie is not gay. This was all a scam. --BillG

Anonymous said...

Not sure why my last comment didn't make it so I'm trying again...
You are right. Miss Jai (Miss Jive) has no credibility. Here's a writer who has some weighing in:

Ovie is not gay. Everyone who spread this is the victim of another scam. --BillG

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.