Saturday, April 30, 2011
Channing Tatum will revisit his Stripper days in new film, 'Magic Mike'
Well, well, well! Sexy on Tap Channing Tatum will get to show off those stripper moves in an upcoming film with Steven Soderbergh. It's called 'Magic Mike' and it's about, well, male strippers.
Now, he has just committed to direct Channing Tatum in Magic Mike, a story of friendship set in the world of male strippers.
Tatum plays the title character, who schools a young dancer in how to hustle on and off the stage. It's a wild summer of dancing, partying and women. The inspiration for the film is Channing's own experiences as a stripper when he was 19. Nick Wechsler is producing with Gregory Jacobs, Tatum and Reid Carolin. Carolin is writing the script.I'm sure it will be fun, sexy and possibly a male version of 'Showgirls'
"When Channing talked to me about this, I thought it was one of the best ideas I'd ever heard for a movie," Soderbergh said in a statement. "I said I wanted in immediately. It's sexy, funny and shocking. We're using Saturday Night Fever as our model, so hopefully we're on the right track."
Said Tatum: "This was a wild and pivotal time in my life and I couldn't be more thrilled to go down the rabbit hole with Steven."
Interesting Quote: Troy David Newham from Swamp Fox Press
DC comics has decided to have Superman renounce his US citizenship stating “Truth Justice and the American Way It’s not enough anymore.”Troy is upset, really upset about Supes going Global.
Who buys comics? Mostly Americans I reckon…
How dare they? Do you know how many people are trying to get citizenship? How many are going through pure hell in paperwork and legal costs to do this? The statements are clear that DC (and I must assume that these views are shared by Warner Brothers as well since they own DC Comics) is a fan of the “world view”/world government.
Bleep Superman. I urge a boycott of Warner Brothers, all DC franchises, and particularly Superman. They intended this to be a political statement, but it is really a slap in the face of the American identity. Show me any one country that has done more for the world than America. We have fought for more people and sacrificed more treasure than any other country in history.
Superman’s real kryptonite is lack of comic sales. Hit them where it hurts, and I bet they’ll be doing a special issue where he retakes the citizenship oaths.
Adam Lambert wants to be Ming the Merciless
Great Hera, Adam! I'm not sure what this look is suppose to be, I think it's either his attempt to be his own evil mirror image or Ming the Merciless!
In fact, I say Ming. See this runaway scene?
Yeah, Adam is so Ming
WATCH: 5 Arrested for the Assault of Joshua Esskew
Earlier this month, Joshua Esskew was attacked by a group of guys in front a Convenience Store. The attack started from a gay slur yelled at Joshua from one of them. Now, more people have come forward, providing enough evidence to arrest 5 of the 8 attackers.
In Minnesota: The Senate Committee approves Gay Marriage Ban
The gay marriage ban is moving fast in Minnesota. Yesterday, the haters in the state Senate committee passed a bill that will allow folks to vote on banning gay marriage.
More to come as this issue continues.
The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill 8-4, with all Republicans in favor and all Democrats opposed. Passage by the full Senate and the House appears likely with solid Republican majorities in both chambers, meaning voters in 2012 would be asked to enshrine in Minnesota's Constitution a prohibition on same-sex marriage that already exists in state law.
Supporters said the constitutional definition of marriage is important enough to give the final say to voters, rather than elected officials or judges. Critics said the bill reflects a narrow religious agenda that doesn't belong in the state Constitution and that a months-long, divisive debate will distract from more important issues facing the state.
It's the first time in five years that a Minnesota legislative committee held a hearing on gay marriage. Two hours of testimony from both sides grew heated at times, and an overflow crowd that didn't fit into the Capitol hearing room could nonetheless be heard loudly cheering at pivotal moments as they watched nearby on closed-circuit TV.
The chief Senate sponsor of the bill, Republican Sen. Warren Limmer of Maple Grove, said a recent Hennepin County lawsuit challenging Minnesota's statute banning gay marriage demonstrated the need for a stronger constitutional prohibition. A judge dismissed that challenge earlier this year, but Limmer said it showed the risk to the traditional definition of marriage.
"This issue is on track to go forward to our court system," Limmer said.
Friday, April 29, 2011
VA Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli ends his relationship with King & Spalding
Ken Cuccinelli is being a little bitter. Since King & Spalding dropped the DOMA case, he is dropping them. But why? Here's his reason:
"King & Spalding's willingness to drop a client, the U.S. House of Representatives, in connection with the lawsuit challenging the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was such an obsequious act of weakness that I feel compelled to end your legal association with Virginia so that there is no chance that one of my legal clients will be put in the embarrassing and difficult situation like the client you walked away from, the House of Representatives."Weakness? Maybe common sense? Maybe since they expressed their support of the LGBT community before all this? Who knows, but I think they will be able to sleep at night knowing Ken no longer needs their services.
The White House will meet with Transgender Activists Today
![]() |
Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality |
The White House makes huge strides by actively reaching out to Transgender leaders today. The meeting will discuss policy matters and basic issues that continue to beset the Trans community.
Washington Blade has the scoop:
Shin Inouye, a White House spokesperson, said the meeting, which is set to take place Friday at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, will include transgender leaders who work on federal policy.
“OPE routinely holds meetings with various stakeholders to discuss various policy issues,” Inouye said. “Friday’s meeting, like most OPE meetings, will be closed press and off the record.”I am glad this is happening, however I hope that the attendees are representing a diverse group of Transgender leaders. There are many voices that need to be heard.
Additionally, Inouye said the meeting will be the first ever for the Office of Public Engagement where transgender issues are the sole focus of discussion.
“While transgender issues have been covered in previous OPE meetings, and transgender leaders have been included in other OPE meetings, this would be the first time OPE has held a meeting solely focused on transgender issues,” Inouye said.
Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, said she plans to attend the meeting.
“This is the first president who has allowed trans people — really allowed LGBT people — to bring forward problems and then advocate for them,” Keisling said. “In the Bush administration, we couldn’t even do that. They wouldn’t even listen to us. They didn’t care what our problems were. In fact, they were making most of our problems.”
Interesting Quote: David Michael Conner
Not long ago, The Advocate declared on its cover, "Gay is the New Black?" In some ways yes, and in some ways no. America’s history with African Americans is pretty black and white—pun inevitable. Institutionalized slavery is an undeniable part of American history. Hurricane Katrina and the U.S. prison system are modern indicators that African Americans absolutely are treated as second-class citizens in an institutionalized, mechanistic way that is at once impossible to disprove and at the same time virtually invisible and generally tolerated. Yes, I’m calling you out, Birthers.David discuss an age old issue of gay men acting like black women. Please read this piece.
On the other hand, many laws still exist that allow for or even encourage discrimination against gay people. And by “gay people,” I am simply abbreviating the full spectrum—transgender, bisexual, homosexual women and men, and anything other than the normalized man-woman partnership. If we’re going to compare and contrast gay vs. black, it’s really rainbow versus black and white. We’re still in a time of general ignorance about who LGBT people are. It’s really simple: we’re just people. But other people don’t seem to get it. All but the most bigoted among us really do understand that black people are normal human beings. No white person in 2011 would ever think to whisper to an African American person that he or she is more likable or considerate than another in the office because he or she is less obviously black.
WATCH: Rachel Maddow discuss Sally Kern's Racist Rant
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We Will see 'The Cabin in The Woods'
Good news for horror and Joss Whedon fans. His scary movie will be distribute by MGM and finally, hopefully, the world see a high quality HORROR FILM!
Deadline explains the hold-up:
The delay has little to do with the quality of the film. It was once slated to be released by MGM on Oct. 23, 2009, but was pulled back because it was going to be converted to 3D. Then, everything froze at MGM because of the strangling debt load, and The Cabin in the Woods was among several pictures that languished. By the time the picture is released, Thor will have established Hemsworth's star value, which will certainly help a film that also stars Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford.We are not sure when it will come out, but I think it will be later this year. Oh, and the Norse God hottie Chris Hemsworth is in it.
Ms. Marvel takes a Day off
For you non-comic folks, Ms. Marvel is a superhero, Avenger and a fashion icon (that sash does it). But here's a cute clip of what happens when she takes a day off.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Superman: Truth, Justice and __________ Way
Superman is no longer an American. To be honest, I didn't know he claimed to be. Anywho, in the milestone comic, Action 900, Kal-El renounces his US citizenship because he feels it will be better for other nations if he's global.
That's a big step for a hero that has been defined by this country. I understand Supes decision. Wonder Woman and Storm are also non-Americans. They claim their home 'countries'. But those two are different in the eyes of non-comic folk; so I wonder what impact this decision will have?
Oh, you may want to pick a couple of these comics. They are starting to sell out.
That's a big step for a hero that has been defined by this country. I understand Supes decision. Wonder Woman and Storm are also non-Americans. They claim their home 'countries'. But those two are different in the eyes of non-comic folk; so I wonder what impact this decision will have?
Oh, you may want to pick a couple of these comics. They are starting to sell out.
WATCH: Donald Trump tells a Black Journalist: ‘I Know You’re A Big Obama Fan’
Donald Trump just won't quite destroying his brand. Please watch this mess
The reporter, Les Trent said, “I think race was a factor. … I’m just assuming, I mean I have no way of knowing that. But I just don’t understand why he said that to me and not anyone else.”
The reporter, Les Trent said, “I think race was a factor. … I’m just assuming, I mean I have no way of knowing that. But I just don’t understand why he said that to me and not anyone else.”
Comic Writers & Artists join together for the Anti-Bullying Comic: "The Power Within"
Here is a great comic book initiative that really touches on impact of teen bullying and suicide.
The comic is called The Power Within and famed writers & artists like Gail Simone, Phil Jiminez, Carla Speed McNeil, Dan Parent, Donna Barr and Andy Mangels are adding pages for a new print of the comic.
Here's more from their Kickstarter page
The comic is called The Power Within and famed writers & artists like Gail Simone, Phil Jiminez, Carla Speed McNeil, Dan Parent, Donna Barr and Andy Mangels are adding pages for a new print of the comic.
Here's more from their Kickstarter page
The The Power Within is created by Charles “Zan” Christensen and Mark Brill. If you can, please contribute and move this project forward.
We are looking to do a large print run of The Power Within, a comic book that tackles the subject of teen bullying and suicide. It focuses on Shannon, who gets picked on a lot at school because he is smaller, quieter and more "artistic" than the other kids. His dad and his teachers think the other kids wouldn't tease him if he just "fit in" more. Their advice is for him to hide, or he's bringing it on himself.
Faced with all this, Shannon has created a super-powered alter ego that he can escape into whenever he's in a bad situation. Pretending he's a powerful hero helps him stand up for himself. But will the power within be enough to save him?
We originally created this comic book for 24-Hour Comics Day last year, in response to the rash of teen suicides in September of 2010. We were so proud of the results that Mark went back and finished and cleaned up the art, and we released it as a "DiY" comic book and sold it at a few conventions on the west coast this spring.
Court set to hear Prop 8 Supporters concerns over Judge Walker's Ruling
This is ridic, but I guess everyone deserves their day in court. On June 13, a hearing has been scheduled to see if Judge Walker's ruling should be tossed out because the he's is gay and in a relationship.
Chief U.S. District Judge James Ware said Wednesday he was fast-tracking the motion involving his retired predecessor, former Chief Judge Vaughn Walker.Basically, the haters think Walker was being unfair. Interesting, considering that they are being bigots about all of this. That's unfair.
Lawyers for the sponsors of the voter-approved ban asked Ware to vacate Walker's August 2010 decision overturning the ban as a violation of gay Californians' civil rights.
Backers of Proposition 8 said Walker should have recused himself or disclosed his relationship status before trial to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.
The judge, who left the bench at the end of February, recently revealed that he has been in a relationship with the same man for 10 years, but said he never considered removing himself from the case.
Interesting Quotes: Joey Lawrence
“Obama was something fresh, and new, and people wanted to put their faith in his message of being different and 'change' and all this stuff two years ago, but that fell flat because he gets in there and it's pretty much the same old thing. I think everybody can agree on that, there's no real change,”
“I'd be open to Donald. He's somebody out of the box and I think that some of the stuff he's saying makes sense. It sounds like you and I would say it, and it's time. I'm tired of 'so politically correct' every step of the way. It's like there are times when we need to say, 'We're getting our rear ends kicked, we are the world leader, we need to step up and act like it.’”
Joey thinks Trump will bring change to the country? He just lost the 46 fans he had left.
My Rant about the whole Obama, Trump, Birther mess
Yesterday was a hard day for me. I was reminded about Race, Power and Privilege through this whole Obama birth certificate drama.
I was reminded that regardless of your merits, hard work and your achievements... You still have to pamper to fools and bigots. I've been fighting for gay rights for so long that I forgot about the other battle, race.
This day reminded me of the struggles of the past and some lost their lives for civil rights. They fought to make sure that no one would have to go through what President Obama had to endure. And then for Trump to stand there and claim some kind of victory just pissed me off something fierce. His privilege and his power was on display. And the media ate it up, they couldn't get enough. But not one of them challenged him. They let him rant and ramble as if he was a king.
Now, Trump and these idiots want to question his academic history. They wanted to know if he's truly educated. Mind you, he went to the best schools; better than any of this harshest critics. Still, he has to prove his worth. The funny thing is, no one ever asked Bush to prove his worth, his education or his citizenship. Folks aren't forcing Trump to present his bankruptcy papers or why he had 45 marriages or his grades at Wharton School at Penn. They just continue to give him a platform.
What happened yesterday was a reminder that race matters and privilege is a dangerous gift. What I witnessed was a dark day in our country. We should be ashamed this mess.
Sorry for the rant, but I was truly hurt by this foolishness. Donald Trump and others like him should be held accountable... Hopefully, they will pay for this.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Interesting Quote: Crackhead Orly Taitz
"In those years ... when they wrote race, they were writing 'Negro' not 'African'. In those days nobody wrote African as a race, it just wasn't one of the options. It sounds like it would be written today, in the age of political correctness, and not in 1961 when they wrote white or Asian or 'Negro'."
This crackhead believes this birth certificate should have Obama's race as "Negro" and not "African." Stupid cow!
New Pic: Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin
VIDEO: Donald Trump says he's Honored that Obama listened to Him
Somebody Knock this man the fuck out!
President Obama releases his Birth Certificate for the Idiots to See
This actually bothers me to no end. The White House release President Obama's birth certificate for the world to see. Honestly, Obama shouldn't have to prove to anyone that he's a US citizen, especially to liars, haters and racists.
Here's what my Boo had to say:
We're not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers," Obama said.Yes, it's true that folks believed he was born in a different galaxy. But let's look at those people. Let's look at those idiots and fools who uses this drama to mask their racist and ignorant views. These people want to believe he's not one of us, because they can't handle the truth.
Obama did not specifically mention Donald Trump, but the prospective Republican presidential candidate and other critics have questioned whether Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Aug. 4, 1961, and is therefore eligible for the presidency -- prompting today's extraordinary release.
In brief remarks at the White House, Obama said he knows he won't satisfy all the birthplace critics, but he pointedly added "I'm speaking to the vast majority of the American people."
"We do not have time for this kind of silliness," Obama said.
Obama -- who sent his personal lawyer to Hawaii this week to pick up the records -- also released letters from this month in which he and the lawyer requested copies of his birth certificate.
"The president believed it was becoming a major distraction from the issues we are having in this country," said communications director Dan Pfeiffer, who, like his boss, called the while thing a "fake controversy" and "a sideshow."
They can't handle the fact that this country is moving from the "America" they know. They can't handle that our president is a man of color. And, they can't handle that their bigotry towards race and sexual orientation is being called out and no longer tolerated in this country.
So I hope when these fools look at this birth certificate, some of them will see their own foolishness and their fear of change.
Doctor Who Breaks Ratings Record for BBC America
Doctor Who came out with a bang this past weekend. The season premier became the highest rated show on the network... EVER.
Doctor Who brought in 1.3 million viewers last Saturday. That was 71,000 more viewers than last year's season premier.
Looks like the Doc rocks!
What will be my TV Pilot idea for Class? Part 2
So the curse of an overactive brain is the ideas just keep on coming.
I'm trying to start my TV pilot before class and when I thought I had an idea, 2 more popped up.
Last time, you guys like this idea for a show:
- A Former Circuit boy decides to change his life by taking his Grandmother's old house and turning it into a foster home for LGBT youth.
- Two awkward teens struggle to find their place the small southern town of Merrill City, Tenn. One is straight and the other is gay; they are the best of friends.
- The new Assistant Dean joins a department of the most craziest and bizarre characters in Higher Education. Usually, it's the students most universities worry about; but at Mercury University, it's the administrators.
Nightmare on Elm Street part 2 is Gay
I found this yesterday and I had to laugh and sigh. The sequel of Nightmare on Elm Street was pretty much a coming out story and lead guy... Well, I didn't see him as straight.
In fact, I thought he was like me, without the Freddy coming out my stomach kind of thing. Anywho, check out this clip explaining the gayness of NMOES 2
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
It's Wonder Girl's (Donna Troy) Birthday
Comic Geeks! Today is Donna Troy a.k.a Wonder Girl, Troia, and other aliases Birthday!
She is Wonder Woman's adopted sister in the Pre-Crisis era and her mirror magic image Post Crisis era.
Pretty much, she's WW lite and she is one of my favorite characters. Her history is very complicated, but fascinating. She has played many roles in DC universe and I hope she continues to grow as a power player in comics.
If you're interested, go here for more Donna
She is Wonder Woman's adopted sister in the Pre-Crisis era and her mirror magic image Post Crisis era.
Pretty much, she's WW lite and she is one of my favorite characters. Her history is very complicated, but fascinating. She has played many roles in DC universe and I hope she continues to grow as a power player in comics.
If you're interested, go here for more Donna
House GOP Voted to Overturn Nashville Ordinance
After sending sending a strong message to companies and businesses about discrimination against gays and lesbians, the House GOP in Nashville figured out a way to piss on it.
The measure sponsored by Republican Caucus Chairman Glen Casada of Franklin was approved 73-24 on Monday. The companion bill is awaiting a vote in the Senate State and Local Government Committee.
The proposal would void a Nashville ordinance barring companies that discriminate against gays and lesbians from doing business with the city.Come on, Home State! It feels like when Tennessee takes 1 step forward and 4 steps back.
Under state law it is illegal to discriminate against a person because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age or national origin.The Nashville ordinance prohibits companies that discriminate because of sexual orientation or gender identity from receiving city contracts. It does not apply to local governments' hiring policies for their own workers.
Casada said having a different set of laws on the state and local level would hurt commerce and that his legislation seeks to "make sure we are homogenous."However, Democratic Rep. Jeanne Richardson of Memphis said "what this bill really is is anti-gay.""I think there's nothing homogeneous about this, but I think there's a lot that's homophobic about this bill," she said.
VIDEO: The Community rallies for Chrissy Lee Polis
Hundreds of community members and some politicians came out in support of Chrissy Lee Polis, the transgender woman who was beaten at a McDonald's last week.
More info is here
Marvel considered The BLACK Avengers TWICE?
Today, I learned that Marvel thought about making the Black Avengers. Seriously? The BLACK Avengers? Yes, honey and it was brought a couple of times.
Marvel SVP of Publishing Tom Brevoort reveals the idea:
The third one I can remember — and at least two different people pitched this at two different times — was an idea that never got as far as an official title, but it was essentially “Black Avengers.” It was “Let’s put all the African or African-American heroes together on a team for an adventure,” and in those cases too, there was nothing about the idea beyond “It’s a bunch of super heroes together” that said “Avengers” beyond the fact that “Avengers” is a term that’s salable. I think there’s something very specific about what “Avengers” means to the Marvel Universe. They’re the varsity. They’re the A-list. They’re the Man. They’re not about being super heroes because of demographics or ethnicity. They stand for something specific and occupy a certain role. If you don’t have some degree of that, then it doesn’t feel like Avengers.
I wonder why The Black Avengers was even thought of or what did they hoped to accomplish. What was next, the Asian Avengers the Gay Avengers? Thank Hera they passed on this, because I think it would have caused a huge backlash.
While I would enjoy seeing more Black characters in comics, I wouldn't want see this team like this formed out of some form guilt or a misunderstanding. I very glad they passed on this concept.
Levi Johnston will 'Write' a Tell-All Book on the Palins
I was just wondering when Lil Abner was going to show his face in the spotlight. He's writing a memoir called, "Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs"
Here's more:
"I want to tell the truth about my close relationship with the Palins, my sense of Sarah and my perplexing fall from grace -- how I feel and what I've learned," Johnston said in a statement released by his publisher, Touchstone Publishing.
"Levi is going to talk about everybody, including Sarah Palin, and the rest of the family -- Bristol too,” Johnston's manager, Tank Johnson, told RadarOnline. "The book will have good stuff. He isn’t leaving anything out."
Levi is doing this for (his words) "for me, for my boy Tripp and for the country." And money, let's be real about that, boo.
Lawrence O'Donnell calls out Rev. Franklin Graham on his Trump Support
This was bizarre and interesting
Prop 8 Supporters want to Overturn Judge Walker's ruling because he got a Man
Haters are going to hate. The Prop 8 supporters are trying their best to keep the hateful law alive.
They want to strike down Judge Walker's ruling because he's gay and he's has a MAN!
Here's the scoop:
Lawyers for Protect Marriage, the coalition of religious and conservative groups that sponsored Proposition 8, however, have not previously raised his sexual orientation as a legal issue.
Protect Marriage general counsel Andy Pugno said that changed when the judge this month told a group of courthouse reporters about his 10-year relationship. The issue is not that Walker is gay, but that his relationship status made him too similar to the same-sex couples who sued for the right to marry, Pugno said.They need to quit this show and stay out of Judge Walker's private business. I'm sure he was fair and true to the case. Their silly attempts to stop the inevitable is tired and desperate.
"We deeply regret the necessity of this motion. But if the courts are to require others to follow the law, the courts themselves must do so as well," Pugno added.
Walker said at the time that he did not consider his sexual orientation to be any more a reason for recusal than another judge's race or gender normally would be.
Let justice be, haters.
Monday, April 25, 2011
WATCH: Obama's 2012 Campaign Strategy
Jim Messina, Obama for America campaign manager, has put together a quick presentation outlining the campaign's strategy for 2012
Guess Who's Running Planned Parenthood? SATAN!
This fool Rod Parsley has jumped the gun, bazooka and other weapons. He thinks Satan runs Planned Parenthood.
The Attorneys who were Defending DOMA has Backed Out of Case!
Juicy, juicy! The firm King and Spalding has decided NOT to defend DOMA in court! This is a huge turn of events, sending a super strong message to the GOP and haters.
Here's more from Politico:
King and Spalding Chairman Robert D. Hays, Jr., whose partner Paul Clement was to lead the defense, said in a statement through a spokesman, Les Zuke:But there's more, kids. The superstar lawyer, Paul Clement, has resigned from the firm.
Today the firm filed a motion to withdraw from its engagement to represent the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the House of Representatives on the constitutional issues regarding Section III of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. Last week we worked diligently through the process required for withdrawal.
In reviewing this assignment further, I determined that the process used for vetting this engagement was inadequate. Ultimately I am responsible for any mistakes that occurred and apologize for the challenges this may have created.
The statement is silent on the reasons for the decision, but the firm faced protests at its Atlanta office and a national campaign against it. And now the House majority may have to find a new lawyer.
PPM153 Clement resignation letter
'RuPaul's Drag Race' Season Three ends TONIGHT
The drag race ends, but I wonder who will win? I think it may be between Alexis Mateo and Manila Luzon. Raja has the style, but that's about it. She is not captivating to watch as a drag performer. Alexis and Manila are wonderful and entertaining, so I think one of them will win.
Then again, I thought Raven was going to win. Oh well, we will see tonight.
Peter Tatchell will hold a Marriage Equality Protest in front of Buckingham Palace
Gay activist Peter Tatchell will stage a protest for marriage equality at Buckingham Palace today. On his website, Peter explain his reasons:
“We plan to deliver a giant wedding card to William and Kate. As well as wishing the royal couple every happiness, we will highlight the fact that William and Kate can marry, but same-sex couples can’t.And...
“Our event will urge the royal couple to support moves to end the ban on gay marriage. We want equal marriage rights for all couples, regardless of sexual orientation.
“Kate and William had a choice. They could get married, or not. Same-sex couples don’t have this choice. We are banned from marriage by law.
“All welcome. Bring your friends for a party in front of Buckingham Palace. Come with flowers, rainbow flags and pink jack flags.
“Some of the couples involved in the Equal Love campaign will join us on the day.
“Even if you don’t agree with marriage, the prohibition on gay marriage is homophobic and should be overturned. Don’t let the government dictate that LGBTI people can’t get married.
“The 25 April is not a celebration of the monarchy or marriage (many of us are critical of both). It is an affirmation of our opposition to discrimination in marriage law. We want to show our support for the right of everyone to be able to choose whether or not to get married, said Mr Tatchell.
We urge Kate and William to support marriage equality: the right of same-sex couples to get married. Their support would mean a lot. They take for granted the right to marry. Marriage is something that many lesbian and gay couples want but cannot have.This is bold, but important. I wish Peter and all who attend luck and safety.
“Gay marriage is a simple issue of respect, equality and fairness. In a democracy, we should all be equal before the law. This means an equal right to marry, regardless of sexual orientation.
“Gay couples are allowed civil partnerships. But this is not equality. They cannot get married in a register office like their heterosexual family and friends. This is discrimination and discrimination is wrong.
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.