Well, after the big opening of Wolvie, someone else is thinking it's her time to have a movie.
Halle who played weather-controlling mutant Storm in the first three films, would love to return to the franchise with her own X-Men Origins picture.
"I think that would be great. Storm deserves her own movie - if I can still fit into the suit," she said.
Interesting...Do you think it would work?
As much as I like Halley Berry - she totally sucked at Storm.
And I'm a fan of the Xmen
That's a no....
I hate Halle as an actress I HATED her as Storm....please please never again!!!!!!
Storm was totally miscast with Halle in the role. They need to find an Iman/Angela Bassett/Grace Jones hybrid.
Dunno. Storm got better as the movies progressed, but overall, I don't think Halle could drawn the masses like Hugh did. Anyone remember the Fiasco that was CATWOMAN?
I agree with Allan S. Do it, but with somebody else other than Halle. Love ya girl, but you are not Storm.
Maybe with a x-men origins storm...Halle can show the real storm, strong and powerful
Take off Halle and put Angela Bassett in it please!
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