Saturday, May 2, 2009

Silly Things I believed as a Child

My friend, Toddy English inspired me to post this from his blog.

So my childhood was crazy. I believed in too many things, but hey, I was a child.

So here we go:
  • I believed if you crawled into a hole in tree, you could go to Wonderland.
  • I believed that I had powers because the supermarket doors would open for me (not knowing they were automatic)
  • I wanted to have demonic powers like Damien and Linda Blair.
  • My Granny told me that "The Age of Aquarius" was written for me because I was born in February...and I believed that for years.
  • I wanted to walk through a graveyard at midnight so I could see ghost and monsters.
  • I thought Wonder Woman was news special and she was real.
  • My cousins and I thought we could create our Clue Club.
  • I had an adventure suit (a red jumpsuit with stripes on the side) that I wore at every adventure, which included climbing trees, exploring abandoned buildings and walking through ditches.
  • I wanted to see Satan come to church. They always talked about him, I thought it would good for Satan to come in and explain who he is.
  • I also thought I was half-white because of my light skin and green eyes (they turned hazel later)
That my crazy beliefs as a kid


D.J. said...

Mine was called an action suit and I often wore it under the clothes i was wearing. I also had differnt things I put on my bike when i put on the action suit.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

When I was a kid I thought the television would stop when I turned it off and resume where it left off when I turned it back on. For years I would turn it off before I went to the bathroom before my brother told me I was stupid!

Eric Arvin said...

You know, I would give almost anything to be that innocent again.

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.