Monday, November 10, 2008

Sasha Fierce wants to be Wonder Woman

Diana is quite popular as of late. Now Beyonce wants to play Wonder Woman.

"I want to do a superhero movie and what would be better than Wonder Woman? It would be great. And it would be a very bold choice. A black Wonder Woman would be a powerful thing. It's time for that, right?"

Miss Girl has met with reps of DC Comics and WB to talk about her interest in the role and I believe she is very serious. But I'm not sure if she should be Diana. I'm open to the diversity and challenge of Wonder Woman, but I think they should stay with the heart of the character.

Diana is a true Greek, and so she should have a darker skin tone, but I'm not sure if it could work. B could be Nu'bia, Diana's sister or a new character in the WW mythos. In fact, she could be a enemy or a friend. Or the amazon that wanted power, Ahnjayla, from the 1974 movie, or Artemis. There's a lot of possibilities and I think Beyonce would be great in the movie, however the jury is still out on a Black Diana.

1 comment:

EMikeGarcia said...

You know, I disagree, my viewpoint is the opposite, actually.

I think the idea of a black Wonder Woman is great and something we could definitely be ready for.

But, Beyonce? She is, in my humble opinion, so definitely NOT a character actress. She would ruin the image and bring a horrible amount of cheesiness to an already whimsical story.

They need to go with someone who could cross racial lines and an who is unknown.

I'm also afraid that it would end up being considered a novelty role for someone who's already a star and the movie itself wouldn't be taken at all seriously.

Which, also in my humble opinion, would be the ultimate insult to WW fans.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.