Better late than never, but it still may be too late. In the fabulous Gay agenda blog, they report this interesting piece:
According to polls taken from Blacks, Latinos, Asians and other minorities, there is a fear rising that Prop 8, California’s gay marriage ban could open the door to legal discrimination against other minority and unpopular groups if the state Supreme Court allows the voter-approved measure to stand.
The California Supreme Court has agreed to hear challenges to the ballot measure, based on whether the state constitution requires support from the legislature, as well as a majority vote of the people, to strip rights from any group.
Now, now they see the mess this Prop 8 crap could cause. Instead of voting with their faith, they should have been more critical. This could be a step backwards and a catalysis for more horror to come. In some ways, this is a non-violent form of a religious battle. Think about the wars and killing in the name of God in other countries. Prop 8 was a result of a religious belief, it was the Mormons who pushed this. But did they think about the future? What if these same groups want to change something else?
Now, the power belongs to the voter, but look how easily folks were fooled to say yes to Prop 8. In the name of God, lies were told and liberties were stolen. And the scary thing was, people thought it was okay. So if we are not careful, we could lose more. People need to think first, and think about Heaven later.
I have often said that civil rights should never be brought up for popular vote by a majority. Our rights, or equal rights should never be held above us at the whim of any other group. Either we all are equal or we are not. I do not like being a "second-class-citizen" and I'm not going back.
I ask, what is the one thing that religion strips away? Critical thought.
Faith absolutely requires the lack of critical thought.
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