I really think a lot of the motivation behind these Tea Party crowds is a spiritual component. I think it’s very akin to the Great Awakening before the American Revolution. A lot of our founders believed the American Revolution was won before we ever got into a fight with the British. It was a spiritual renewal. [...]Well, I think people are seeing this massive government growing and they’re realizing that it’s the government that’s hurting us and I think they’re turning back to God in effect is our salvation and government is not our salvation and in fact more and more people see government as the problem and so I think some have been drawn in over the years to a dependency relationship with government and as the Bible says you can’t have two masters and I think as people pull back from that they look more to God. It’s no coincidence that socialist Europe is post-Christian because the bigger the government gets the smaller God gets and vice-versa. The bigger God gets the smaller people want their government because they’re yearning for freedom.
Yeeeaaaahhh... A bunch of fat, misinformed, borderline racists is the *new* American Revolution?
p.s. Douchebag, in concept, religion is the opposite of freedom.
All the vids I've seen where they interview Tea Bagggers brings out one common factor.
Has nothing to do with god, or any of that. Has everything to do with good old fashioned propaganda being spread by none other then Fox News.
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