Sunday, April 4, 2010

I Missed The Earthquake

Great Hera!

I missed the earthquake! I was in the gym and I missed it!

They say it was 6.9 quake and folks felt it in Arizona and Mexico.

But how did I miss it? Maybe I was really feeling the 90s House music while I was on the stepper.
I usually imagine I'm on a runway for 40 minutes.

Anywho, I'm upset. I love to feel the quakes. I know, I know it's crazy, but that's me.

Here's more on the earthquake I missed.


behrmark said...

Buddy that's TWO you've missed. I think we're having them until you feel one. I'm still feeling like the house is moving.

Greg said...

We were in Pico Rivera at my partner's parents and felt a very light rolling. Heard later it was centered in Mexicali so I can only imagine what the shaking must have been like closer to the border.

Damien said...

Great Hera!!

I love that you use the phrase "Great Hera!!"

You work the stepper like a runway??

Now that is something I would like to se :)

SteveA said...

It's wierd - there was also an erthquake here on Saturday. I was walking and did not feel it - but there was a small one!

Ron Buckmire said...

I totally felt it in the TV room. I yelled out "Earthquake" to my husband and he shouted back "What?" He didn't feel a thing from the kitchen!

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.