Saturday, February 13, 2010

Question of the Day

Round 3- the last round.

Who would you spend the night with?

Mehcad Brooks from True Blood or Channing?


Unknown said...

Can I give half a night to each guy?

Larry Ohio said...

Ok, this one I can actually comment on. There is no contest. Not only would I spend the night with Mehcad Brooks, I'd marry him and handcuff myself to him and never let him out of my sight.

He is seriously hot. I rank him right up there with the other love of my life: Matt Damon.

Belasco said...

no contest: Mehcad!!!

YvesPaul said...

Defintiely Mehcad, I do wish for some hairy bear variety though. lol.

Ron Buckmire said...

Mehcad!! no question.. though I do have a soft spot for that dancing movie Channing Tatum is in.

Bob said...

Mehcad Brooks.
Without a doubt.
He out-channings Channing, and out-taylors Taylor any day of the week.

SteveA said...

No question - Mehcad - he is fine! Besides that the boy can act as well - did you see Channing in GI Joe (that was the worst piece of acting I've seen)!

Anonymous said...

i can't choose

J. Clarence said...

This would be one of those take out for a test run kind of decisions, but I am leaning towards Mehcad, but it is a toss up.

Prince Todd said...

No question! lol! Oh my god he could get all my goodies!

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.