Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Birthday: Day After

Yes, I turned 36 and I'm proud of it. I have a little gray in my beard, but it's cool, I like the refined look.

But I had a few gems that summed up the B-Day experience.
  • One of my students told me that his mom was a year older than me. The other said her mom was two years younger than me. Gotta love high school knock ups.
  • My mom was shocked to know that I'm 36, because she doesn't believe she's that old.
  • According to a success track, I'm right on target... if it was 1995.
  • I got 4 emails about retirement yesterday.
  • A friend told me that my beard makes me look like a bear. He asked, will I start wearing flannel and I said "I don't think Ralph Lauren makes flannel".
  • After looking at my high school classmates on Facebook, I realized that I'm very, very fortunate.
  • I also realized that every guy I'm dated has been 3-7 years younger than me.
  • I'll never accept the term "Daddy", unless it's from children.


Eduardo Guize said...

that's the attitude!

Anonymous said...

I can rock flannel. And um, Ralph Lauren does have flannel:

Wonder Man said...

Thanks, Tony. I stand corrected

Allan S. said...

Happy Birthday darling. I wish you many more. Hmmm, is there another amazing hero figurine in your future?

Larry Ohio said...

Have you ever heard the saying, "Life starts at forty"? There's a lot of truth to it.

Glenn Ingersoll said...

I don't mind the gray - it's the mottled look it gives. And I don't even mind that so much in real life, but in photographs it makes my beard look messy. My solution: fewer photographs!

Greg said...

RE: 4 emails about retiring...

I've been receiving notices from AARP and Medicare for years, and I don't turn 40 until October.

kayman said...

Happy Belated Birthday, V!

Kyle Leach said...

Be proud! You are looking mighty fine for 36 V. Had no idea you were that close to my age; you present a very youthful, vital spirit. A very happy belated b-day to you!

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.