Sunday, October 11, 2009

Guess Who Vandalized the HRC building?

The KKK?


Sarah Palin?

No, it was the Queers Against Assimilation...WTF?

Here's their reasoning
Communique from the Forgotton:

Human Rights Campaign HQ Glamdalized By Queers Against Assimilation
HRC headquarters was rocked by an act of glamdalism last night by a crew of radical queer and allied folks armed with pink and black paint and glitter grenades.

Beside the front entrance and the inscribed mission statement now reads a tag, “Quit leaving queers behind.”

The HRC is not a democratic or inclusive institution, especially for the people who they claim to represent. Just like society today, the HRC is run by a few wealthy elites who are in bed with corporate sponsors who proliferate militarism, heteronormativity, and capitalist exploitation.

The sweatshops (Nike), war crimes (Lockheed Martin), assaults on working class people (Bank of America, Deloitte, Chase Bank, Citi Group, Wachovia Bank) and patriarchy (American Apparel) caused by their sponsors is a hypocrisy for an organization with “human rights” in their name.
The queer liberation movement has been misrepresented and co-opted by the HRC.

The HRC marginalizes us into a limited struggle for aspiring homosexual elites to regain the privilege that they’ve lost and climb the social ladder towards becoming bourgeoisie.
Last night, Obama spoke at the HRC fundraising gala and currently the HRC website declares, “President Obama underlines his unwavering support for LGBT Americans.” The vast amount of organizing resources the HRC wastes on their false alliance with the Democratic party leaves radical queers on the margins to fend for themselves.

Our struggle has always had to resist the repression of conservative tendencies in government and society to gain liberation in our lives.
The gourmet affair was sponsored by 48 corporations including giants Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, and Wachovia Bank. At $250 dollars a plate the HRC served our movement a rich, white, heternormative atmosphere that purposefully excludes working class queer folks.

REMEMBER THE STONEWALL RIOTS! On the 40th anniversary of Stonewall, pigs raided a queer bar in Texas, arrested and beat our friends, and we looked towards politicians and lawyers to protect us. This mentality is what keeps the money flowing to the HRC and their pet Democrats, and keeps our fists in our pockets.
Most of all we disagree that collective liberation will be granted by the state or its institutions like prisons, marriage, and the military. We need to escalate our struggle, or it will collapse.

~~Love and Solidarity~~

How about mess and foolishness. This isn't cute and it's childish at best. Gay on Gay crime is not welcomed, use your energies elsewhere.



Anonymous said...

"Gay on Gay is not welcomed?" Tell that to the HRC.

lelocolon said...

I do not agree with you on this one, And I am for Obama big time. NO apologies here. What I find interesting is that this is taking place. In a way I am glad that the HRC is getting a hit from radical queers because to me they are getting too complaisant with their heteronormative song. There is way more to being queer than just the picked white fence with the possibility of raising children life style. And their is a lot of us that are excluded from the conversation because we do not have the 250 dollars to sheep in for a plate.

Having said that where are them cause I will like to take part on an action against fox news, bank of america, and some of those homophobes evangelists. Where are you Let me now where you meet.

Anonymous said...

Marxist-speak doesn't do it for me, sorry. Instead of actually DOING something to secure our rights, these sissies have an irrelevant and inane tantrum. How ineffective and absurd.

Thanks for nothing.

It's up to all of us to call our representatives, to agitate for equality, to come out of hiding, to insist we be respected and taken seriously. Childish antics like this don't win any battles, and certainly will never win the war for equality.

lelocolon said...

Well the point is that if by equality you mean a heteronormative lifestyle, in where nothing but picture magazine families parade their latest gadget, I could see why you will call anything radical childish. And BTW why anonymous?

lelocolon said...

I am for Fisting Power. How come that is not in the equality trail.

Prince Todd said...

Am I wrong for thinking the word "Glamdalized" is so cool?

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.