Finally, we got another SAM, A Smart Action Movie.
District 9 was a great Sci-Fi movie that really made sense. It wasn't stupid or filled with cheesy one liners, it was a smartly written and produced film.
I will be very, very vague about the plot. The story follows Wikus Van De Merwe, a mid-level manager in the alien affairs office, as he learns the truth about the aliens and the failures of our own humanity. Yes, I know, very vague.
Please see this movie! It is so good, one of the best this summer.
It is a good movie. One of the most realistic and smart alien movies in a while. And it explored not just the typical alien stuff, but really what could possibly happen after we made "contact".
Hopefully it will do well and inspire other studios and production companies to release better movies.
This was the best movie of the summer (and I say this as a Terminator diehard). This was smart science fiction that didn't beat the audience over the head with action and special effects.
Also, I loved that the aliens were not hummanoid. It was a different take on a timely theme. I'll be reviewing this later. I'd actually like to see it again.
Will check it out this week...
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