"Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids."
The unidentified 51-year-old man into was taken into a couple of days ago. I hope he's on a FBI list.
The unidentified 51-year-old man into was taken into a couple of days ago. I hope he's on a FBI list.
Wow, just wow. Hard to believe that these very same idiots consider themselves patriotic Americans.
I know! What is wrong with these people? And Debi from my comments said she hadn't noticed any threats?
I wanna say that I can't believe this, but I can. There is courage in numbers, and the more racist people that see other racist people coming out and being public with their views, it gets easier for them to share theirs. To those who said that covert racism does not exist, do you think the guy that had this sign woke up one night and decided he would have these views? Of course not...he thought these things all the time.
He's an animal. Just like all the rest of them.
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