Brett Ratner is heading up a big screen version of Youngblood, a 90s comic that was somewhat lost and forgotten in the big world comic book.
But why Youngblood? Who's screaming for Youngblood?
Anywho, Brett has someone in mind for the lead character:
"Definitely [Robert Pattinson] from 'Twilight,'" Ratner told MTV News when asked if he has his eye on any potential "Youngblood" actors at this point.
"He just feels like he belongs in that world. I don't only see him as a vampire, he's a really good actor."
"[Pattinson] could do anything. He just has that look," said Ratner. "I picture him on Youngblood, for sure." "My vision for it is: We're going to make a very edgy, cool film," explained Ratner. "We're not soft-peddling it at all."
You said something similar about X-Men and look how that turned out. But it's Youngblood, so surely this will be MORE forgettable after it's done.
Youngblood, really?
.......Hahhhhahhahahahahah!!! Of all the comics to adapt!! WOW!!! How sad...how sad.
First of all, Rob Liefeld published my fan letter in either issue 3 or 4 of YOUNGBLOOD. With that said, YOUNGBLOOD is pure crap. As an adult, I see that Rob stole a lot of ideas from X-MEN and THE NEW TEEN TITANS. I've also been told that Rob is VERY anti-gay, but that is just a wild rumor.
The rights were cheap?
I'm not going to see this. The comic book was shitty (yes, I used to try and read it)and it will not translate well to film...count on it. I can just see a CGI Badrock...::GROAN::
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