After the piss poor mess known as X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I was done. However, a spark was lit in my belly when read this bit of info:
Christopher McQuarrie has signed on to write the script for Fox's sequel to its "Wolverine" movie.The Usual Suspects was an interesting film. Maybe, just maybe, he can do this flick some justice. Unless some dumb ass director screws it up.
The movie's story line will take its cue from the early 1980s Chris Claremont/Frank Miller miniseries, which is set in Japan and features Wolverine dealing with ninjas as he struggles whether to follow his animal killer instincts or the life under a samurai's code of honor and respect.
McQuarrie is not unfamiliar with the character. The scribe, who won an Oscar for writing "The Usual Suspects" for Bryan Singer, reteamed with the director to write 2000's "X-Men." Though McQuarrie could have received a credit, he voluntarily took his name off the movie when the final version was more in line with David Hayter's script than his.
But I'll have hope.
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