Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm a Published Bitch

Awhile ago, Roderic Montrece, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of Zeus Magazine ask me to write an article for him.

I thought, "why not", right?

So a few months later, the new issue is out and my article is in. It's all about the Gayest and Geekest bloggers. I featured Gay Daily Hot, Rod 2.0, The Sword, JoeMyGod, Blabbeando, Gay Comic Geek and Towleroad

If you like, go out and pick up a copy at Barnes and Noble or go to their website. I have to say that I'm excited about being published in a gay magazine.

Check out Zeus Magazine through...


Damien said...


Congrats my boo of boos :)

Well done :) - great to see.

Made my day.

Bob said...

Very very cool.

Cubby said...

Congratulations! This is really cool!

Eric Arvin said...


Anonymous said...

What every one said.

Immanuel said...

Congratulations and may you write many, many more published articles! Take care and keep up the good blogging.

Kyle Leach said...

Congratulations V! I hope this gives you even further exposure and leads to many more writing opportunities. You deserve both.

Ken Riches said...

Excellent, congrats!

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.