Saturday, September 11, 2010

NBC Kills Heroes! Part 2

There was hope that a Heroes mini-series or a TV movie that would tie up the loose (overly confused) storyline.

Well, that's all a no go. Heroes is officially Zombie Dead!
Don’t hold out for closure, Heroes fans: A key source on the canceled drama told EW that NBC is not moving forward with a movie that would wrap up the four-year series. After the Peacock announced the show’s cancellation last May, there was some talk about allowing creator Tim Kring to give fans one more chance to say goodbye to their favorite characters, but that’s as far as it went.

NBC would not comment Thursday.

Well, what I learned from Heroes is keep your stories on point, kill off unnecessary characters and do something totally different than Chris Claremont's 80s version of the X-Men.



robertga99 said...

That sucks! I LOVED Heroes!

robertga99 said...

That sucks! I LOVED Heroes!

Prince Todd said...

The moment Hiro wound up in Feudal Japan (in season two), with Sark from Alias, Heroes cooked it's own goose.
Not only did the show become boring and monotonous it also because horribly unoriginal...particularly with Sylar and The Petrellis (aka the Summers clan).
I doubt anyone cares about it getting closure.
Watch the first season of the show and stop right there.

Jezza said...

The first season was good and had a lot of promise. Season 2 they lost their direction and started on a downward spiral of cliches, ripoffs, and boring contradictions. The show killed itself.
Mechadude said it well with "it's like putting a shotgun to a zombie."

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.