The drama is coming today! Megachurch Pastor Eddie Long is dealing with a lawsuit, involving gay sex and international trips.
At least he taking them places, right? Here's more:
Two Georgia men have filed suit claiming that prominent Atlanta pastor Eddie Long coerced them into sex.The suits, filed Tuesday in DeKalb County, Georgia, allege that Long used his position as a spiritual authority and bishop to coerce young male members and employees of his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church into sex.
"Defendant Long has a pattern and practice of singling out a select group of young male church members and using his authority as Bishop over them to ultimately bring them to a point of engaging in a sexual relationship," the suits allege.
Long is considered one of the nation's top black preachers.
The pastor took one plaintiff, Anthony Flagg, 21, on overnight trips to a half-dozen American cities in recent years, Flagg's suit alleges.
"Long shared a bedroom and engaged in intimate sexual contact with plaintiff Flagg including kissing, massaging, masturbating of plaintiff Flagg by defendant Long and oral sexual contact," the suit says.
Long took the other plaintiff, Maurice Murray Robinson, 20, to Auckland, New Zealand, in October 2008 for his 19th birthday and engaged in oral sex with him, Robinson's suit alleges.
"Following the New Zealand Trip, Defendant Long regularly engaged in sexual touching, and other sexual acts with Plaintiff Robinson," Robinson's suit alleges.
The Black church will be burning this week.
@Mechadude, lol
I'd say the church has a better cause of action against Eddie Long than the two men have. The men were both adults and don't appear to be forced into it. The men were not employees. Plying lovers with gifts is tacky yes, but it is not harassment or coercion. I think their claim that he had some religious power over them is shaky.
However, using church funds to buy these guys cars and a college education is serious. Did the church council know and approve this money was going to his lovers? Doubt it. He's ruined :-(
sad thing is,I don't know of a black church where this is not rumoured to be happening. It's happened at every church I've been in. In my early teens, i used to wonder why my mom wouldn't let me go to the choir directors house for sleep overs like all the other boys in the choir were allowed to do, until I discovered years later, when he and the pastor and the assistant pastor was arrested for sleeping with them.
I just learned that the men were underage when it started and were church employees. So disregard what I wrote above.
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