Teazers didn't care how Caster Semanya would feel or how this would affect her self-esteem.
They thought they could bank on her plight to gain business.
Not surprisingly, the billboard drew complaints, at which Teazers owner Lolly Jackson scoffed at length. He first said the Semenya situation was "the furthest thing from my mind" when he made the ad.
Then he added: "I do not want anyone coming here [to Teazers] with the idea that we do not have women. We have women, 100 percent women here. I did a test on them, I am a professional, and they are 100 percent women." If that didn't turn people off enough, he then insulted both the advertising watchdog ("a bunch of idiots doing a worthless job") and the original complainant ("maybe she is fat and ugly").
Thanks Teazers and Lolly for being assholes.
Umm, dare I say it: I think you're making this a bit of an overreaction.
The more attention you give a nobody, the more they feel like a somebody, and before you know it, they're "Going Rogue".
I guess if I am overreacting too is because first, it trivializes gender identities concerns, it is abusive and then when you thought that he might possible reconsider he fucks it up even worst. So I guess byPaisley has a major point when "The more attention you give a nobody, the more they feel like a somebody," In his case ignoring him is the way to go!
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