Thursday, October 1, 2009

Don't Spread Your Gay-Hate/Poor Women of the World mess on your Work Email

Fools will never learn.

Those gay wedding pictures I posted yesterday, was a hit on the blogs. However, they were a miss to some folks who just had to give their sorry ass opinion.

Sandra Bradley, who's an administrative assistant for Morehouse College President Robert Franklin (who is very gay friendly BTW) sent a email that said:

“I can’t believe this wedding. It’s 2 men. They don’t smile in a lot of pictures and they look like a few brothers I’ve seen in the streets looking STRAGHT. Black women can’t get a break, either our men want another man, a white woman (or other nationality that’s light with straight hair), they are locked up in jail or have a “use to be” fatal disease. I’m beginning to believe Eve was a black woman and we Black women are paying for all the world’s sins through her actions (eating the apple)".

President Franklin found out about this mess and will address his office on this issue. It has been reported that several people were upset at Sandra for sending this email, and I would be too.

Girl, just because you are not happy doesn't mean you need to hate on them for celebrating their good stuff.

Sandra, please know this... Their marriage is not about taking some fantasy man from you or Black women. Please grow up and... Get a man.



Glenn Ingersoll said...

But her "fantasy man" is gay!!!

Prince Todd said...

All I have to say is this...

Honey, if your man wants another dude--over you--then he was NEVER your's to begin with.

Lord have mercy...

Maybe she can't get a date because of her pathetic attitude. Girl, get some therapy, get your hair did, and snatch you a heterosexual man. Don't blame us.

kayman said...

She suffers from "Bitter Cunt Syndrome".

Anonymous said...

I feel that the school was wrong for firing her. She was giving her opinion on what is wrong with black men of today; an opinion many of us share but don't talk about. We throw away reality and truth for society. I believe Morehouse was wrong for this. Half the world is full of idiots and I see where they come from. Morehouse took this as a bash to the school not to the gay community per se. I'm all for gay relationships but this lady lost her job over this; is there no compassion?

Wonder Man said...

she used her work email to spread her biased issues... that's clearly grounds for being fired

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.