Monday, November 30, 2015
READ the Open Letter from Black Pastors to Donald Trump UPDATED
Last week Donald Trump announced that 100 Black pastors will endorse his candidacy. Many of us were not happy about it and took to social media to express our disappointment. Well, after multiple posts, shade and two-cent think pieces, most of the pastors have backed out.
EBONY magazine posted an open letter from other Black pastors, community organizers and teachers, addressing the matter with them and the rest of us:
We write to you as fellow clergy, community organizers, scholars, socially aware Christians, and/or concerned voters who are deeply confounded by your decision to participate in an upcoming telecast meeting with Presidential contender Donald Trump.UPDATE the conference has been cancelled.
Mr. Trump routinely uses overtly divisive and racist language on the campaign trail. Most recently, he admitted his supporters were justified for punching and kicking a Black protester who had attended a Trump rally with the intent to remind the crowd that “Black Lives Matter.” Trump followed this action by tweeting inaccurate statistics about crime prevalence rates in Black communities — insinuating that Black people are more violent than other groups. Those statistics did not reflect the fact that most crimes are intraracial, meaning that most people do harm to people of their own race. They also did not speak to the crime of neoliberalism, capitalism, and white supremacy which kill thousands of black and nonblack people each day.
Trump’s racially inaccurate, insensitive and incendiary rhetoric should give those charged with the care of the spirits and souls of Black people great pause. As people of God, you are surely aware of the emotional, spiritual, and physical toll continued structural and state violence takes on Black people. Being continually reminded of reckless police disregard for Black life through the circulation of videos that show them murdering our young people, like 12-year old Tamir Rice, 7-year old Ayanna Stanley Jones, and 17-year old Laquan McDonald are both heartbreaking and stress-inducing.
Moreover as people of God, you know that our theology shapes our politics, and politics are a great indicator of our theology. What theology do you believe Mr. Trump possesses when his politics are so clearly anti-Black? He routinely engages in the kind of rhetoric that brings out the worst sorts of white racist aggression, not only toward Black people, but also toward Mexican-Americans and Muslim-Americans, too. Surely, we can agree that this kind of unloving and violent language does not reflect the politics of the Christ we profess?
We are urging the Coalition of African American ministers to return to the revolutionary politics of our religious roots. Historically, the Black church has fought for the livelihood of Black communities. Harriet Tubman and Nat Turner’s cries and religious protest during enslavement, Maria Stewart and Garfield T. Haywood’s preaching about the moral responsibility of the church to fight for racial justice during Reconstruction, Zora Neale Hurston’s prophetic ruminations on the problems that Black women faced during the Renaissance, and Ella Baker, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Howard Thurman and so many other preaching men and women’s unwillingness to sit and die while facing the beast of Jim Crow is a testament to the influence and power of the Black church to enact social change in our communities.
Further, if we take James Cone’s words, “The gospel is found wherever poor people struggle for justice, fighting for their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” we must ask if the ‘gospel’ will be present at your upcoming telecast with Donald Trump? Will you speak to the experiences of your congregants who often pay their offerings and tithes with what little money that they have? Will you rightfully divide the word of truth on the behalf of the Black children in your congregations who attend lackluster schools, or the Black women who struggle to find reasonable health care, or even the elders who live from social security paycheck to paycheck?
We are concerned that your choice to meet with Mr. Trump, particularly in such a visible way, will not only de-radicalize the Black prophetic political tradition, but will also give Trump the appearance of legitimacy among those who follow your leadership and respect your position as clergy. Mr.Trump will use that legitimacy to gain Black political support, while using that support to govern in a way that harms Black communities. Surely, Black people have been misused and abused by politicians long enough. Surely we can count on our clergypersons not to actively facilitate this kind of treatment of our people, many of whom are the “least of these.”
Beyond the immediate issue of your choice to meet with Mr. Trump, this movement moment is a moment of great reckoning for the church at large, and the Black church in particular. Will we be a church that centers the love of Christ and service to the least of these at the core of our mission? Or will the integrity of the Black church be ruined because it is primarily concerned with creating alliances with powerful people who care more about buying votes than they do securing material equity? Will we be a church that openly welcomes without shame, blame, and harm all Black lives, including the lives of queer and trans Black people, or will we be a Church that only cares about the Black lives of people who look, think, act and talk like us? Will we be a Church that thinks actively about the ways that unregulated capitalism brings great harm to the communities we serve, or will we pursue powerful alliances — under the guise of a “prosperity gospel” some prophets profit from — with capitalist chieftans like Trump? Or will we insure that the capitalism that hurts the most of us won’t hurt the least among us?
What kind of Church will we be? And whose servants are we?
This Movement Moment is about far more than the police-killings of Black people. It is also a charge and challenge to all of us who work actively on behalf of and in service of Black lives. This moment invites us to imagine new possibilities for how we can liberate our people. The movement for Black lives “goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes” as Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders of #BlackLivesMatter, has argued. “It centers those that have been marginalized within Black liberation movements. It is a tactic to (re)build the Black liberation movement.”
By siding with a presidential candidate whose rhetoric pathologizes Black people, what message are you sending to the world about the Black lives in and outside of your congregations? Which Black lives do you claim to be liberating?
To stand with Jesus is to have great skepticism about systems of power and a willingness to question the motives of the powerful. Or, as James Baldwin once penned to Angela Davis: “If we know, and do nothing, we are worse than the murderers hired in our name. If we know, then we must fight for your life as though it were our own—which it is—and render impassable with our bodies the corridor to the gas chamber. For, if they take you in the morning, they will be coming for us that night. Therefore: peace.”
Ted Cruz promotes Rumor of the Planned Parenthood Shooter is Trans
Ted Cruz is such an asshole!
After the Planned Parenthood shooting Ted had the nerve to push this rumor that the shooter was a transgender leftist.
Speaking to reporters after a stop here Sunday afternoon, Cruz rejected a potential connection between anti-abortion activism and the shooting, instead taking issue with "some vicious rhetoric on the left blaming those who are pro-life.” The shooting, which happened Friday in Colorado Springs, left a police officer and two civilians dead, and a suspect, Robert Dear, has been taken into custody.Lord...
"The media promptly wants to blame him on the pro-life movement when at this point there’s very little evidence to indicate that," Cruz said.
When a reporter reminded Cruz it has been reported Dear made a comment about "baby parts" while being apprehended, Cruz retorted, "It’s also been reported that he was registered as an independent and a woman and a transgendered leftist activist. If that’s what he is, I don’t think it’s fair to blame on the rhetoric on the left. This is a murderer.”
Friday, November 27, 2015
After Thanksgiving
I hope you had a great day yesterday. It's always good to slow down, eat and be surrounded with people that you love, or people that enjoy your company.
But in all, I hope you had opportunity to know why you're grateful for life.
We only get one, so always try to make the best of it.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Interesting Quote: Marco Rubio
“We are clearly called, in the Bible, to adhere to our civil authorities, but that conflicts with also a requirement to adhere to God’s rules. When those two come in conflict, God’s rules always win. In essence, if we are ever ordered by a government authority to personally violate and sin, violate God’s law and sin, if we’re ordered to stop preaching the gospel, if we’re ordered to perform a same-sex marriage as someone presiding over it, we are called to ignore that. We cannot abide by that because government is compelling us to sin.”
Adele Makes History
We officially say Bye Bye Bye as @Adele says Hello to the World Record of Most Albums Sold In a Single Week. Congra…
— Lance Bass (@LanceBass) November 24, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The Media Finally Comes for Donald Trump
Donald Trump has been serving bullshit since forever.
His supporters has been keeping him in the limelight for way too long, but now it seems that the media is gearing for a take down. After his racist tweet over the weekend, Trump has been taken to task... Mostly by Fox News!.
Yes, Fox News. Check out this interview will Bill O'Reilly
The New York Times just publish a scathing piece on his lies and how the media has to hold him responsible. They state:
America has just lived through another presidential campaign week dominated by Donald Trump’s racist lies. Here’s a partial list of false statements: The United States is about to take in 250,000 Syrian refugees; African-Americans are responsible for most white homicides; and during the 9/11 attacks, “thousands and thousands” of people in an unnamed “Arab” community in New Jersey “were cheering as that building was coming down.”
In the Republican field, Mr. Trump has distinguished himself as fastest to dive to the bottom. If it’s a lie too vile to utter aloud, count on Mr. Trump to say it, often. It wins him airtime, and retweets through the roof.
This phenomenon is in fact nothing new. Politicians targeting minorities, foreigners or women have always existed in the culture. And every generation or so, at least one demagogue surfaces to fan those flames.Nate Silver also post the truth about Trump's lead, which is basically nothing to be worried about:
One problem with this is that it’s not enough for Trump to merely avoid fading. Right now, he has 25 to 30 percent of the vote in polls among the roughly 25 percent of Americans who identify as Republican. (That’s something like 6 to 8 percent of the electorate overall, or about the same share of people who think the Apollo moon landings were faked.) As the rest of the field consolidates around him, Trump will need to gain additional support to win the nomination. That might not be easy, since some Trump actions that appeal to a faction of the Republican electorate may alienate the rest of it. Trump’s favorability ratings are middling among Republicans (and awful among the broader electorate).While it's been interesting to watch, the Trump Train is falling apart. By the end of this mess, he will be a sad memory of how the GOP stooped so low.
Interesting Quote: Mayor Mike Rawlings
When Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings was asked about the Syrian refugees and the fear mongering from his GOP colleagues, he said:
“I am more fearful of large gatherings of white men that come into schools, theaters and shoot people up, but we don’t isolate young white men on this issue.”And he's from Texas.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Elisabeth Hasselbeck Steps Down from Fox & Friends
Well, the Princess of Phuckery is leaving Fox News. She announced today that she's stepping down to raise her kids.
She states:
“Oftentimes, the most difficult decisions are between two great things. Throughout my 14 years working in television, I have never experienced a more positive and thoughtful atmosphere than FOX News Channel, thanks to the strong leadership of (FOX News Chairman & CEO) Roger Ailes, who has created the best working environment a woman and mother could ask for. His understanding, compassion, and kindness was exemplified when I shared with him that I am entering into a season where I want to start my day with my children first, and he offered his blessing to do so. With a heart full of gratitude and the peace that God has given me, I am confident that this personal decision is the right one for our family, and we will be joining all of you watching Fox & Friends each morning as we get ready for school together.”
She will be spreading lies and hate until mid-December.
Interesting Quote: Marco Rubio
Rubio on Gay Marriage
“The debate is about how do you define an institution, the institution of marriage, which has been defined the same way for all of human history. That’s what the debate is about. It’s not about discriminating against anyone. The debate is about how do you define an institution.”Hmm, okay.
Donald Trump tweets Racist Data that is Completely Fake
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2015
Typical Donald Trump.
If he was smart he would've realized that these numbers are wrong AF, there is no Crime Statistics Bureau, and the data is completely farce. The Daily Beast reports:
The image alleges that 97 percent of African-Americans were killed by African Americans, while only 1 percent of murdered African-Americans were killed by police. These two statistics are demarcated from the rest in blue and red ink respectively. It also claims 81 percent of whites who are killed are killed by blacks, which is pure race-baiting at its most ignorant. The numbers in this erroneous image are attributed to the “Crime Statistics Bureau - San Francisco,” and reflect 2015 data.Again, Trump tweets a bunch of lies, but his stupid followers will believe it.
For one thing, a “Crime Statistics Bureau” does not exist. The FBI is responsible for this data and they have yet to release a report on 2015, because, well 2015 is not over yet.
Secondly, whoever made that image did so with the intent of lying about the percentage of white Americans killed by black Americans. In 2014, that number was 14 percent, not 81 percent.
Additionally, in Trump’s graphic, only 16 percent of whites are killed by other whites. In the same FBI report, it clearly states that 82.3 percent of whites are in fact killed by other whites, which is very similar to the number of blacks killed by blacks (89.9 percent).
Gay Men & Racial Preference - VIDEO
Actor and activist Wilson Cruz and psychotherapist Matthew Dempsey talk about the role race plays in dating and how the phrase "it's a preference" isn't the best thing to say or believe.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR)
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) honors the lives lost to anti-transgender hate and violence. Today, we will raise awareness around the issues trans people face every day.
Please take the time to know about the trans lives we've lost and the work we must do
FIRST LOOK: Wonder Woman from George Miller’s Justice League movie
If Director George Miller got to make his version of the Justice League, this would've been his Wonder Woman. Actress Megan Gale was cast as the Amazing Amazon and this would've been her costume.
I like it, I mean, it's not battle-ish, but it's cute. Megan, however, looks stunning as Diana. I mean STUNNING. She has that LOOK of Diana for me, more that Gal Gadot.
Adele 25
Have you listened to Adele's new CD?
I think it's great! It's hopeful, sad and inspiring. I'm glad she went back in the studio to do this right. Tell me what you think?
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Today is the 25th Anniversary of the TV Version of Stephen King's IT
I remember rushing home to watch this movie. My sisters were way too young, but we didn't care. We had to watch IT.
The minute we saw the first scene, we were HOOKED! Stephen King's (TV) IT took us there and I think it changed the game for TV horror.
So if you have the time, check out the movie for old time's sake. Or read the book, there's so much in the pages that isn't in the film.
The minute we saw the first scene, we were HOOKED! Stephen King's (TV) IT took us there and I think it changed the game for TV horror.
So if you have the time, check out the movie for old time's sake. Or read the book, there's so much in the pages that isn't in the film.
CEO Martin Shkreli loses $14.6 million on His Overpriced AIDS Drug
Remember CEO Martin Shkreli? He's the evil genus who bought the rights to AIDS drug Daraprim and raised the price by over 5,000 percent, making each pill go from $13.50 to $750. Well, karma just paid him a visit.
Turing Pharmaceuticals has reported a $14.6 million net loss in their third-quarter.
Here's more:
In mid-August, the pharmaceutical company purchased the rights of Daraprim and raised the price by over 5,000 percent, making the cost of the pill rocket from $13.50 (£8.70) a tablet to $750 (£485). The drug is used by patients with AIDS or cancer to fight the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. More than 60 million Americans carry the parasite without coming to harm, but it can lead to seizures, blindness or neurological damage to those with a compromised immune system. Medical groups, politicians and the public were understandably outraged at the move, while CEO Martin Shkreli became an online piñata.I love it. Serves Martin right for being a major asshole.
Interesting Quote: President Obama
These are the same folks often times who've suggested that they're so tough that, uh, just talking to Putin or staring down ISIL or using some additional rhetoric somehow's gonna solve the problems out there. But apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion. First they were worried about the press being too tough on 'em during debates; now they're worried about three-year-old orphans. That doesn't sound very tough to me.The president clowning on the GOP's foolish actions
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Danica Dillon sues Josh Duggar
Josh Duggar is getting sued.
Danica Dillon says Josh Duggar assaulted her multiple times. It all began in March, where Josh met her at a Philly strip club. Josh paid Danica $600 for several lap dances and later, $1500 for sex.
Danica claims that Josh was rough with her during their session. TMZ reports:
In the suit, Danica says Josh "manhandled" and physically assaulted her so badly she felt like she was being raped. She says Josh found her at a strip club a month later to apologize, but when they were alone he assaulted her again ... according to the suit. Dillon says she suffered emotionally and physically, and is getting treated by a psychiatrist. She wants more than $500k in damages.Maybe she should press charges. Read the complaint
Gay Muslim experiences Racist Mess on Grindr
After the attacks on Paris, we've seen some racist crap coming from all over. And if you're Muslim, it's not good. Now, imagine if you're gay, Muslim and on Grindr.
22-year-old Anthony Magallanaz posted ‘I loved you in the winter’ in Arabic. Once silly fools saw this, ignorance took over.
See here:
So stupid.
22-year-old Anthony Magallanaz posted ‘I loved you in the winter’ in Arabic. Once silly fools saw this, ignorance took over.
See here:
So stupid.
Don Lemon: I’d probably be a writer like James Baldwin
In an article in Jezebel, Don Lemon shared some things. However, when asked: Do you have any idea what you would be doing if you weren’t a journalist?
He said:
I’d probably be a writer like James Baldwin. Or I would probably be an activist. But not like Dr. King, even though I admire him. I’d probably be more of a Malcolm X. I believe the best way to improve yourself is to improve yourself.Girl, no.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
First Look at the cast for The Wiz Live
About the Syrian Refugees...
It is shameful that 27 governors are being so disrespectful and un-american about the refugees. To go on record and say you won't let the refugees in is not what America's all about. By law, it's not the governors' call to make, however they can still make things difficult for their arrival.
And to think they consider themselves Christians.
Liberty Counsel's Crazyass Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign - VIDEO
From their website
Today, Liberty Counsel is launching its thirteenth annual Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign, to make sure Christmas is not censored in public places.
Retailers. As part of the campaign, Liberty Counsel publishes a “Naughty or Nice” list which applauds retailers who acknowledge the reason for the season, and exposes those who do not.
“Over the last thirteen years, we have seen the tremendous growth of the ‘Nice List,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “While the culture has grown increasingly secular, I am happy to report that retailers are returning to the Spirit of Christmas,” he said.
The first post on Liberty Counsel’s 2015 Retailer’s Naughty Nice List is an example: “Good news! AC Moore went from just 64 mentions of Christmas on its website last year, to over 290 this year! The craft store’s use of the generic term ‘holiday’ decreased by a third. Last year’s ‘Merry Mason Jars’ are this year’s ‘Christmas Mason Jars.’ The alliteration might not be as sweet, but the sentiment is sweeter!”
Government organizations. “While retailers are responding to customers and keeping with Christmas, public officials in schools and county offices are often cowering to grinch-like atheist organizations threatening lawsuits,” Staver pointed out. Again this year, Liberty Counsel is defending Christmas carols sung in public schools and nativity scenes displayed on public property.
“Celebrating Christmas is still legal in schools, public places, and private businesses. If your town or organization receives a letter demanding that Christmas be censored, call Liberty Counsel,” Staver cautioned. “Liberty Counsel has successfully educated and litigated many of these cases,” Staver concluded.
Charlie Sheen: ‘I’m HIV Positive’
TODAY reports
In an exclusive interview with TODAY’s Matt Lauer, actor Charlie Sheen says, “I’m here to admit that I am in fact HIV positive.” He says that reports that he has threatened the health of others “couldn’t be farther than the truth.” He says he first found out about his status “about four years ago” and initially thought he had a brain tumor. He says that he has paid people who threatened to reveal his HIV status, “They were deep in my inner circle,” he says, and adds, “we’re talking about shakedowns.” In terms of paying people now, he says, “I think I release myself from this prison today.” He admits that he has had unprotected sex since his diagnosis, but that the two people involved were forewarned, and that he has told all his sexual partners about his status.
Interesting Quote: President Obama
”If folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan. If they think somehow their advisers are better than the Chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them. And we can have that debate. But what I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people and to protect the people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like France. I’m too busy for that.”
Monday, November 16, 2015
First Look: Character Posters for "The Huntsman"
The sequel/prequel to Snow White and the Huntsman, is coming out soon. Here are the posters for the film.
TMZ: Charlie Sheen will reveal he's HIV positive
Well... wow
TMZ reports:
Charlie Sheen will reveal to the world that he's HIV positive.
Sources connected to NBC's "Today" tell TMZ ... Sheen will sit down with Matt Lauer on Tuesday morning to make the announcement. NBC touted the interview in a press release as Sheen making a "revealing personal announcement." A tabloid report came out Monday claiming Sheen's been keeping the diagnosis secret for years. You've gotta imagine he'll address that report tomorrow morning on "Today."
Finally! A Fierce Ad features a boy praising Barbie!
Oh my God! Have y'all seen this new Moschino Barbie commercial? It's for a limited edition Barbie doll that is made by Moschino. It's a typical Barbie commercial, but somewhat different. There's a young boy talking about how fierce Barbie is.
Now how many of us wished we could've been that boy so many years ago?
Seeing this commercial just remind me how excited I used to be every time I saw Barbie commercial. (My fave)
I do believe many of us were ecstatic to see these commercials as kids. Lord knows I wanted to play with the Barbie dream house, the Corvette and Ken. Anywho, I hope little boys who see this video won't feel ashamed for liking Barbie, and hopefully get to play, design and plan out their fabulous lives with the plastic icon.
A Movie about Bisexual Boxer Emile Griffith coming Soon
In interesting Hollywood news, we may see a film about the bisexual boxer Emile Griffith. Griffith won world titles in two weight classes, but what he's known for is death of Benny “The Kid” Paret in the boxing ring during a live TV.
Director Lenny Abrahamson and producer Ed Guiney will explore the issues besetting Griffith's sexuality and boxing in this upcoming film, Deadline reports:
Abrahamson and Guiney’s Element Pictures have teamed with Film4 to option the Donald McRae book A Man’s World: The Double Life Of Emile Griffith. Numerous filmmakers chased the book, and while he has other projects percolating, Abrahamson intends to adapt it with a co-writer and direct the film as soon as possible. The book was published in the UK by Simon & Schuster. Abrahamson is in Los Angeles this week promoting Room, the dark drama that has gotten reviews as good as any awards-season film this fall and which A24 opens November 16 limited, and wide on November 25.
“It is so rich that it’s hard to know where to start,” Abrahamson told Deadline in confirming the deal. “As a character study, Griffith is incredibly compelling. There was a gentleness and innocence about him, and he never seemed conflicted about his sexuality; indeed he found joy in it. He inhabited two worlds — the underground gay scene in New York in the ’60s and the macho world of boxing. The societal stigma at that time was dreadful and created a crushing pressure on him.”
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Starbucks Turns Locations into Safe Spaces for the LGBT community
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Seattle police officer Jim Ritter |
Starbucks in Seattle are teaming with their Police Department to provide safe spaces in 97 stores in the area. The company will work with SPD's Safe Place program that will train 2,000 Starbucks employees to respond and acknowledge hate crimes and discrimination towards LGBT people.
Openly gay Seattle police officer Jim Ritter stated:
"We don’t have roving bands of people assaulting LBGTQ people as we did in the '80s. But the crimes are predatory, they’re picking somebody out of the herd. They’re cowards for the most part… They’re opportunistic, they do their damage and leave. They like operating in the shadows and Safe Place eliminates a lot of those shadows.”
Sounds like a good plan. Good luck to them.
Interesting Quote: Nick Jonas
In an interview, Nick was asked if he experimented sexually with another man:
"I can't say if I have or haven't, but if you watch the show you'll see more of that."Is he teasing?
He loves getting his gay fans hot under the collar.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Kirk Franklin on ‘Homophobia’ in the Black Church
The mega gospel star had this to say about homophobia in the Black church
“I want to apologize for all of the hurtful and painful things that have been said about people in the church that have been talented and gifted and musical, that we’ve used and we’ve embarrassed… and all this other horrible crap that we’ve done. We have not treated them like people. We’re talking about human beings, men and women that God has created. The Bible is not a book that’s an attack on gay people. It’s not a book written to attack gay people. It is horrible that we have made it where the Bible is a homophobic manual. That’s not what the Bible is. I mean you want to talk about things that God gets at… pride and jealousy and envy and arrogance. But what we also see is God sending his son to save us all, because we were all… straight, gay or whatever, lost and in need of a savior, and there’s room at the cross for all of us.”source
Former Knicks Draft Pick Michael Wright Murdered, possibly from a Grindr Hook-Up!
Good Lord...
I just learned that former Arizona Wildcat/ Knicks draft pick, Michael Wright was murdered in the back of his Lexus SUV. Police believes he was killed by a man he met on Grindr.
Here's more:
Wright was found dead from a head wound inside his Lexus SUV on E. 16th St. in Midwood about 11 a.m. Tuesday, officials said. His body was covered in black garbage bags.Hopefully, the killer will be found. Be careful with those apps.
Autopsy results had not been released Wednesday evening, but police are investigating his death as a homicide, law enforcement sources said.
Michael Wright, a former Arizona Wildcat who had been drafted by the Knicks and recently was playing overseas, was found dead Tuesday in his SUV in Brooklyn.
Wright’s grieving family was left bewildered.
“We are in disbelief,” Wright’s cousin Randolph Berry, 40, of Chicago told the News. “They’re telling us it’s foul play. His mom is on her way to New York now.”
Berry said he didn’t know why someone would hurt his cousin, who on the court was an imposing 6-foot-8 power forward.
“He’s a gentle giant,” Berry said. “He was a good person.”
Batboy for the Washington Nationals comes out and Shares his Story
Spenser Clark is living the dream. Not only is he the Batboy for the Washington Nationals, he's also openly gay man.
Spenser never thought he could be both, but he is, and he's better for it.
Shortly afterward I came out to my best friend in a text message. Her reaction gave me the strength and courage to come out to more and more people.Live in your truth, Spenser.
After initially coming out, there was still a process. It is not a one-time thing and you're done. It's a continual process. There were days when I wondered if I made the right decision. I finally came out to everyone in my life, including my friends and family, late last year during my junior year of college.
It takes time to become comfortable with who you are, and I was no different. It was reading the stories of people I look up to, such as Billy Bean, Robbie Rogers, Jason Collins, Conner Mertens, Chandler Whitney and others, that made me realize living on the other side is okay.
I realized that you could come out and still live the same life. An even better life.
Coming out to my Nationals coworkers was a completely different experience than any of the others. At work I was tired of trying to fit into conversations about women and having nothing to say. I couldn't express myself the way I wanted. I didn't want to hide anymore. I was unsure about how "sports people" would feel about having a gay co-worker. I was worried about getting fired or ostracized, all because of who I am.
Read the rest of his story here.
VIDEO: Watch THE WIZ LIVE's Shanice Williams & Stephanie Mills Perform 'Home'
I'm so excited about this
Interesting Quote: Brian Brown
“Gay activists who heavily influence media coverage do not want any honest debate about the what Americans actually believe — as evidenced by the election results in Kentucky and Houston — and instead want people to simply be told they must accept the rogue decisions of judges who have imposed a radical view of marriage and human sexuality on the nation.
“It thus falls to NOM to help Americans sort through the facts from the fantasy manufactured by LGBT activists and the media that fawns over them. It’s why we spend so much time communicating with you, our supporters, so that you are armed with the information you need to help push back on the narrative that redefining marriage is “a done deal” and must be accepted.
“We’ve had some tremendous successes in recent months, and the victories in Houston and Kentucky add to our track record. But they and future victories are only possible if we enjoy your continued support. Please give generously so that we can replenish our coffers and prepare for future opportunities to advance the cause of marriage and religious liberty.”
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Obama Endorses Federal Equality Act
President Obama endorsed the Equality Act.
Once active, the bill will clear federal nondiscrimination protections in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, public funding, credit access and jury service to LGBTQ peeps.
Here's more from the announcement:
“We are thrilled to hear that the President has formally endorsed the Equality Act. Americans firmly believe that discrimination is wrong. The passage of this legislation would propel the work for full freedom, justice and equality forward. And while as a nation, we’ve made significant gains to close the gap on discrimination against LGBTQ people, we still have our work cut out for us. It is mind boggling that in many states like Mississippi, a lesbian couple in a loving relationship can get married but run the risk of being fired or denied the right to adopt because of senseless discrimination," said National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund Executive Director Rea Carey. "It is now up to Congress to act on this comprehensive LGBTQ civil rights legislation and ensure that LGBTQ people are treated fairly under the law across the country."
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.