Thursday, March 8, 2012

First Look: The Lone Ranger and Tonto

The Lone Ranger film is coming some and here's the first look of Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp as LR and Tonto.

It's an interesting look for both characters. I'm feeling Johnny's look, but can he pull it off? Armie thinks so



Beau said...

Very interesting casting choices - the kind that make you want to go just to see how they do it

WilsonW said...

Vik, is this going to be a comedy? If not why are they white washing Tonto? I mean Johnny Depp is great and all, but aren't we long past painting white actors up to play "Injuns" in movies?? (What am I thinking??)

Anonymous said...

Johnny doesn't do Barnabas Collins justice. He looks like a freak.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.