Sunday, September 19, 2010

WATCH Former Senator Al D'Amato go the f**k off on Fox News

Former Senator Al D'Amato attacks GOP strategist Jack Burkman about his racist statements on Fox Business Network.



lelocolon said...

I saw this and I loved it. Too sad he is also a repug.

Vinny said...

As entertaining as D'Amato's profanity was, the most chilling thing was Burkman's final comment: "If you want to have the debate, the reality is that many in the American quote-unquote middle, like postal workers, are really unskilled labor who should have been pushed down for market reasons but because of union and government pressures, we import labor at the bottom and we keep these people here. That’s a very true statement." Anyone for "class warfare"?

WilsonW said...

Rant aside,which is indicative of why any reasonable argument gets thrown out with the person speaking it, what do you think could be done to make the post office for profit rather than not.

At this point I do visit the post office or my mail box daily. I have a PO Box(as well). I do mail publications and fliers through it.

Privatizing to me just ensures that my costs will go sky high. The post office may be losing money but as long as they offer a competitive base for Fed Ex or UPS they will keep prices for all three fairly reasonable. You remove the cheapest option and watch your prices rise accordingly. So what are our options?

Also, privatizing Homeland security just scares me.

Vinny said...

In effect, Federal Express and UPS have privatized the Post Office. Unfortunately they have only privatized the most profitable segment of the business leaving the Post Office unable to offset the cost of providing basic service. Conservatives love to tout private sector businesses that duplicate public services without mentioning the fact that they don't provide the same breadth of coverage.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.