Sunday, September 12, 2010

Question of the Day: True Blood Edition

What was your favorite scene in this season's True Blood?

To be honest, it was a lot this season, so it's hard for me to pin one down.


Ian said...

My favorite moment was when Lorena bit the big one for good. I hated that sadistic Vampress. I wonder how they're gonna make a big enough cliffhanger for tonight for next season?

SteveA said...

Too many for me too WM - but the one that I found the best was Russell's appearance on national TV - that was not expected and the speech he gave - wow - total decadence!

Bruno Laliberté said...

as much as i hated him and "prayed' for his demise, Russell, on tv, when he announced the weather with Tiffany...
sexiest moment: a toss up between the dream sequence at the motel between Sam and Bill; or the reconciliation scene between Hoyt and Jessica, and when he said "drink me". damn, that was hot!!

and i am now delirious as Eric rose from his concrete grave. i am relieved!!

Prince Todd said...

Eric and least until Eric staked him...
Hot. Sex. On. A. Platter.

Robert said...

My favorite was when Lorena got cracked over the head with that kerosine lamp by Bill. That was so unexpected but hilarious at the same time and she was looking so cute in her riding outfit that got burned to a crisp.

Robert said...

My favorite was when Lorena got cracked over the head with that kerosine lamp by Bill. That was so unexpected but hilarious at the same time and she was looking so cute in her riding outfit that got burned to a crisp.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.