Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Lesbian Couple's home Burned Down by Haters

Carol and Laura Stutte came home to find their house destroyed by fire. Then to add insult to injury, they saw the word "queers" spray painted on their garage.

Here's more from

The couple feels they're victims of a hate crime, and were targeted because they're gay. They've been together for more than 15 years.

Carol Stutte has an adult daughter from a previous relationship who also lived with them.

At the time of the fire, they were in Nashville celebrating their fifth anniversary in Tennessee.

"My daughter was supposed to be here. She was sick," Carol Stutte said. "I was grateful my baby girl didn't get killed in this fire. She would have been trapped in the basement." The couple moved to Vonore from Oklahoma.

Carol Stutte says her partner is too afraid to come back to the property since the fire. She says they've been harassed all five years they've lived there by one neighbor.

This is another example of foolishness in my home state.

For more on the story, go to Lez Get Real


Unknown said...

It is just so upsetting that people can be so vile, so hateful.

behrmark said...

WTF is wrong with people? I hope there is an investigation and that whoever is responsible is caught.

Judy C. Adanna said...

The GBLTs are brave to live openly outside the biggest cities around here.
More fine examples of the ambassadors from Tennessee

Joy said...

That part of the state (East TN) was Klan country. Unfortunately, it still is, I guess. This makes me so ashamed to live here.

Daij said...

I am so glad their daughter wasn't in the basement. This story makes me physically upset.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.