Monday, August 9, 2010

Question of the Day: True Blood Edition

WTF? What did you think of last night episode?

Damn, Eric... Whew!


SteveA said...

I can't believe I fell asleep and missed that part. My friend told me about it!

Mr. Hellfire said...

As much as it sucks that Talbot's gone now, at least he went out sexing it up with Eric Northman. Don’t pity him, envy him.

On side note WHAT AN AMAZING EPISODE. I loved every scene with Jessica.

Prince Todd said...

Ooh I DVRed it. Gotta watch later! I hope that "whoo" was we got a chance to see some more naked Eric...

Stan said...

The last 15 mins or so was really, really intense! Sookie and Debbie's cat fight was really good. I've been waiting for Eric to make his move and strike revenge against Russel (That body of Eric's is awesome).
I really hope the Alcide character is not gone completely from the show. That guy is smokin' hot and I really like his character as the goodguy werewolf.
Also I'm glad Jesus and Lafayette hooked up too.
It's so refreshing to see all the male to male contact and kissing on a television program like that.

Ron Buckmire said...

Agreed. This was the most exciting and best episode of the season to date.

I thought Jessica was great--I thughtit was interesting how they have her linked to Hoyt constantly!

Sam's brother is clearly going to be trouble.

"Give it to me, daddy!" those were Talbot's last words LOL

I thought the catfight was a bit silly actually. why didn't sookie just shoot the b*tch?

I like me some Alcide though...

And I hope we see MUCH more of Jesus and Lafayette. I wanna learn more about his powers.

Oh, and I'm very glad Tara's tormentor is gone.

Wonder Man said...

It was said at Comic Con that Alcide will be a series regular. And for some reason... I think Russell is cute

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.