The fools are on tap about this Mosque issue.
Super Bigot, Pastor Bill Keller wants a Christian Center at Ground Zero.
This is what he had to say from his site:
How do you battle the darkness? With the LIGHT! I watched in disbelief aHis site is full mess and he is determined to push this forward. If you want, just take a look at his crap. He is disgusting.
few weeks ago as they announced the Muslims would be building a $110 million
mosque just a few blocks from where their Muslim brothers perpetrated the
greatest act of terror on US soil in history, deliberately flying planes
into the World Trade Center towers, knocking them down and killing 3,000
innocent souls in the process. The gall, the arrogance, the audacity of
this false relgion of violence, hate, and death to build their temple to
satan just blocks from that hallowed ground.
Islam is a 1400-year-old lie from hell, dreamed up by Mohammed after being
visited by angels of satan in his sleep. "Allah" is an imaginary god that is
actually a black rock and is NOT the God of the Bible! Islam has advanced
this false relgion for 1400 years through violence, hatred, and death. The
greatest difference between Christianity and Islam is that you are born into
Islam, or threatened with death to become a Muslim. You become a Christian
by making the free-will choice to accept Jesus Christ by faith!
After I got over being angry, I got on my knees in prayer. I knew God was
calling me to do something, but what? After many hours, I realized it would
not be another "big event," that just hours after it was over people would
be back to their lives and nothing would have been accomplished. We have
all been to and seen "big events," and nothing ever changes. No, this had
to be more than an event, but an ongoing mission to combat this new evil
being constructed near ground zero which would bring people the Truth of
God's Word and the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
I am excited to announce today the birth of the "9-11 Christian Center at
Ground Zero" on Sunday, September 5th. The mission is simple. Have a place
at ground zero where people can come to hear the real uncompromised Truth
right from God's Word, and find the only true hope there is, faith in Jesus
Christ!!! We will combat the lies of this world and Islam with the TRUTH.
We will combat the hatred of this world and Islam with LOVE. We will combat
the violence of this world and Islam with PEACE. Finally, we will combat
eternal death this world and Islam brings with LIFE EVERLASTING!!!
Why not focus all this hub bub around this mosque on the fact that ground zero is still a fucking hole in the ground after nearly 10 years!
Hate much, Pastor Keller?
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