So I just saw The Last Exorcism and I thought it was good; not the complete the bomb, but good.
I will give you my views in bullet point style (SPOILERS AHEAD):
- The film gave us a great intro to Rev. Cotton (the actor is really cute) and his views on preaching and exorcism.
- The slow burn of the movie worked really well.
- The actress who played Nell, was great.
- Nell's brother was creep as Hell.
- The book of Exorcism was a great piece in the movie. I wish there was more info about it and how Cotton's family got a hold the rare book.
- The reason why the "exorcism" was filmed could have fleshed out more.
- The filming of Cotton's work was similar to The Blair Witch Project.
- In fact, this film felt like The Blair Witch Project/Paranormal Activity/Rosemary's Baby.
- The "fright moments" felt natural and not forced.
- I'm not sure why Nell was "chosen" and what truly possessed her. And if she was carrying a demon, who impregnated her?
- The father was very convincing. I really felt sorry for him.
- Was she really possessed? She was pregnant with a demon, does that make her possessed too?
- The use of Nell's disfigurements were cool, but a little cliche.
- The ending felt rushed; there wasn't any rhyme to reason to it. Basically, it ended like The Blair Witch Project and that kind of killed it for me.
- The actors in the movie were great, very wise choices.
- The ending... I can't express how I wished for a better ending.
1 comment:
do you think this actress did a better job than Jennifer Carpenter or Linda blair?
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