The real winner of the Emmys was Temple Grandin.
Her story is purely wonderful and the movie was superb. Seeing this film and the actors get their Emmys was really refreshing.
Claire did such a great job as Temple; and it was good to see the real Temple at the Emmys.
After last night I really want to see this movie. I hadn't heard much about it before.
I'm glad you posted this interview with her. I've read most of her books and watched the movie. I first heard Temple Grandin on NPR talking about the humane methods she devised for cattle in slaughterhouses.
She gives hope to parents of and those with autism and has done so much. She's been on The View and Oprah, I think. She always wears her uniform of a Western shirt and jeans. Those look like her dress outfit!
Claire did a great job in the movie.
What a great story and movie. Temple is truly and inspiration to us all.
I was thrilled it won all those Emmys.
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