Glenn Beck is having his Restoring Honor rally tomorrow at the Lincoln Memorial. For some reason, he believes that Honor is lost in America.
But he also believes this is the best time a place to do it:
Well, he lies. This is political. The Tea Party is involved, Moose Mess is involved... It is political.Beck himself says that it’s only a coincidence that his mass meeting will be held on the MLK anniversary. For months he has insisted that it was originally planned for Sept. 12 – the 9-12 Project is the name of a Beck-led values revival effort, after all. Then he realized that date was a Sunday this year, and he did not want to rally on Sunday. So he changed it.
Saturday, Aug. 28, was the best match for the schedule of other people involved in the rally, Beck has said.
And it is true that the coming weekend is a big one for “tea party”-related events in Washington. Many tea-party members probably would have been in town anyway, and this way they can add a Beck rally to their schedules.
FreedomWorks, a tea-party organizational group, is holding its own “Take America Back” convention on Friday evening at the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Constitution Hall. The conservative political advocacy group Americans for Prosperity, founded by billionaire David Koch, is holding a big “Defending the American Dream” summit on Friday and Saturday, as well.
Beck says that his rally is nonpolitical. Sarah Palin is speaking, but no elected GOP lawmakers are scheduled to appear. The tea-party group conventions, however, decidedly are political.
I hope to see this mess on TV. I want to hear the foolishness being pushed out there.
Plus, Rev. Al Sharpton is going to be there, and he's bringing a rally with him. So this Honor rally may be poppin'.
This charlatan and these racists want to “Take America Back” to the 18th century when slavery was legal and only the privileged few had rights in this country.
Let's count the number of Black people tomorrow among the Tea Klux Klan.
TKK - good one! I can't even think about all of this.
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