Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Fast Food Past

Most of us worked in fast food some time in our lives. In my younger days, I was working in the hot worlds of McDonalds and Hardee's.

But to be honest, I wasn't very good at it. I had a lot of problems trying to get into the scene. However, I had a great time doing it.

So I will share some of my 'problems' I had in the fast food world.
  • I was good at frying baloney sandwiches, but trying grill 12 burgers almost killed me.
  • Chicken nuggets looked really weird before you fried them.
  • I think my appreciation for DWBs grew after working in fast food.
  • I wasn't good in taking orders, but I could give them really well.
  • The 1st day on drive-thru was also my last. Someone asked me if we had hot dogs. I said, "Do you see hot dogs on the screen?" My co-manager took me off drive-thru with the quickness.
  • My uniform faded fast because I washed it everyday. Not everybody did that, so I had to get new uniform every 3 months. Later, I just got them dry cleaned.
  • I got in trouble for taking time preparing burgers. I thought the burger should at least be cute.
  • I fell in lust with a guy named JimBob.
  • I made the mistake of saying why I was taking more hours. I mentioned that I needed to buy clothes and comic books. Later my hours were shorten.
  • I couldn't get my hightop fade under my hat, so I had to wear a hairnet.
Thank Hera those days are over.


Cubby said...

Sorry, but I just can't figure out what DWB stands for. I tried hard, spending over 10 minutes googling. Driving While Black? Doctors Without Borders? Those don't make sense.

Prince Todd said...

DWB = Dirty White boys...LOL.
Anyway, I did time in Fast Food at the tender age of 15...Sophomore year.
Oh my god I was not good at it, at all. I kept screwing up the orders. Onetime I gave someone a big mac with no meat.
They came back pissed.
I worked there for two months. My grades started to drop so my mother made me quit. Don't think they minded.

Allan S. said...

DWBs = Dirty White Boys
Cubby, I was enlightened a year ago by Victor.

af said...

Sounds like we had some very similar experiences in the fastfood industry.

"do you see hot dogs on the screen" sounds just like something i would have said!

when working in fast food people want you to roll out the red carpet for them even when they're just ordering a hamburger and fries.

I had to laugh right in this woman's face when she asked "how sweet is the sweet tea"? i wanted to say "idk, i dont eat/drink here and i dont have a sucro-meter so i'm honestly not sure

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Sing along with me...."Hurry on down to Hardee's, where the burgers are charcoal broiled!!!"

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.